TV Magnify

Reach households on their TVs and subsequently magnify the same TV ads on their personal device screens.
example of ad creative on a tv screen
example of ad creative on a laptop screen
example of ad creative on a phone screen

Magic of TV, Magnified

Serve the same TV video ad to all household members' personal digital screens to tip outcomes in your favor.

Reach Your Relevant Target Audience

Magnify your TV ads to your brand's most relevant prospects.

Attention Science, Magnified

Maximize brand impact by leveraging creative ad experiences that are designed to draw in consumer attention and optimized to be in-view.

play video icon
Play video


Increase brand impact by dynamically customizing your TV/video messaging to be more relevant to each consumer or household. Consumers pay more attention and build stronger connections with a brand when they feel the messaging is relevant to them and speaks to their situation.

An example of relevancy is an ad that mentions their city or the closest store in their city.

ad-creative on a tv screen
example of ad creative on a laptop screen
ad-creative on a laptop screen
example of ad creative on a phone screen
ad-creative on a mobile screen


  • For the first time, consumers can directly interact with your TV ads, either via a QR code or via additional impressions served to the same household.
  • For each CTV impression, we see a 1% engagement rate or higher.
  • Lean-forward interaction (1%+ engagement rate) helps build deeper connections with your brand
  • Augment your broadcast TV with mid-funnel interactions.
illustration of the use of QR codes


  • Serve to all members of the household on the TV and their personal digital devices.
  • Increased frequency on all of the household's digital devices increases brand impact to tip outcomes in your favor.

TV Magnify Billable Model

  • The CPV (cost-per-view) billable model accounts for the CTV impression and multiple video display/mobile impressions that are served subsequently (directly after the CTV ad serves, and within the same day).
  • CTV impressions are served only on the TV (big-screen).

Optimized for Brand Impact


Optimized to the households that are your brand’s most likely prospects.

Premium Environments

Automatically optimized toward premium TV content and desktop/mobile environments.


Automatically optimized toward the viewable environments and larger, more impactful ad sizes.

Difference between Video Magnify and TV Magnify

TV Magnify

TV Magnify connects the big-screen TV with the household’s digital devices.

Video Magnify

Video Magnify serves to all consumers wherever they may be–in the home or on the go. It does not include the big-screen TV.
Learn more about Video Magnify
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