About the DAAC

The Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC) is an independent not-for-profit organization led by the leading national advertising and marketing associations in Canada whose members are committed to delivering a robust and credible self-regulatory program for responsible online interest-based advertising (IBA).


The Canadian AdChoices program, developed by the DAAC, was designed to educate consumers about IBA and to provide notices for consumers to know when IBA is occurring. 

Through our collaborative efforts, consumers should have the ability to control whether or not to permit the collection and use of their browsing & app data for IBA purposes. Guidelines for our program can be found on our Principles page.

The DAAC is responsible for the operations of the program in Canada, coordinating often with other global DAA-organizations running similar self-regulatory programs in the US and across Europe.


DAAC Vision

Everyone in the digital advertising ecosystem uses an effective industry-wide principles-based system.

DAAC Mission

  1. To provide consumers with enhanced transparency and control.

  2. To establish and enforce responsible privacy practices across the industry for relevant digital advertising.

  3. To build trust of consumers and other stakeholders in the marketing and advertising industry.

DAAC Board of Directors

Caroline Moul
Julie Courtemanche
Jill Briggs Sara Clodman
  Judy Davey Scott Knox Thierry Lessard

DAAC Founding Members

Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) Association of Creative Communications Agencies (A2C) Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Canadian Media Directors' Council (CMDC) Julie Courtemanche Institute of Canadian Agencies (ICA)
Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada (IAB Canada) Adam Kardash  

DAAC Staff

Julie Ford
Executive Director
Randy Sageman
Engagement Manager
Trent Bemis
Account Manager

DAAC Associations

The Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC) is a consortium of the leading national advertising and marketing trade associations in Canada, consisting of:


About the AdChoices Program

The Canadian self-regulatory program for online interest-based advertising, called AdChoices, is an effort to give consumers more information and choices about the advertising they receive online.

The self-regulatory program requires companies to clearly inform consumers about their data collection and use practices and allow consumers to exercise greater control over the types of ads they see.

The DAAC is responsible for the operations of the AdChoices self-regulatory program in Canada, coordinating where possible with other global DAA-organizations running similar self-regulatory programs.


Accountability Partner


Ad Standards, an independent national advertising self-regulatory body, is responsible for the accountability component of the AdChoices program in Canada.

As part of this responsibility, Ad Standards accepts and investigates complaints about online interest-based advertising practices that may violate the DAAC's self-regulatory principles for online behavioural advertising.

When a violation is confirmed, Ad Standards works with companies involved to achieve compliance. Ad Standards also publishes compliance reports.

Learn More


DAA’s Worldwide

The Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC) works closely with other self-regulatory programs worldwide to make the AdChoices program a global endeavour.