Action Starts With You

Whether fighting to protect consumers from unfair financial practices to demanding stronger privacy protections, we have real power when we act together. Join us!

FDA: Get dangerous lead out of kids’ food!

Our tests of some kids’ puff snacks made with cassava flour – marketed as a healthier gluten- and grain-free option – found the highest lead levels of all the baby foods we’ve ever tested, reigniting our call for the FDA to crack down on heavy metals in kids’ food.

Lead is a neurotoxin, and there is no safe level to ingest, especially since high lead levels can affect children’s cognitive and physical development, and result in speech/language delays and behavioral problems. The FDA has only set arsenic limits for infant rice cereals and apple juice – but not other heavy metals like lead. Tell the FDA to set lead limits NOW on kids’ food and beverages.

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Toxic chemicals in car interiors

Cancer-causing flame retardants must be banned!

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Let’s end hidden hotel, concert fees!

Tell your Senators to vote YES on these pro-consumer bills

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