About Business Development Platform (BDP)

About Business Development Platform (BDP)

  • Introducing the Business Development Platform (BDP)

    A holistic ecosystem that transcends traditional business services. It is a digitally transformative solution tailored to your unique needs. Through a practical subscription model, combined with cutting-edge Huawei Cloud services and partner solutions, your organization can achieve meaningful growth while maintaining cost-effectiveness.

    With the BDP, you are in command of the enhancements that matter most to your business. Whether it is versatile office collaboration, modern enterprise management, data security, or digitalization strategies, the BDP offers a seamless advisory and all-in-one toolset. Embark on your journey to a more empowered business. Explore the BDP today.

Enterprise Application Solution Packages

Enterprise Application Solution Packages

Discover a transformative journey that takes your enterprise to new heights. Our comprehensive strategy, from customer profiling to AI-powered support, is designed for your ultimate success.

Get ready to elevate your business with our end-to-end customer success today!

Discover a transformative journey that takes your enterprise to new heights. Our comprehensive strategy, from customer profiling to AI-powered support, is designed for your ultimate success.

Get ready to elevate your business with our end-to-end customer success today!

  • AroundDeal — Prospect Finder
  • SocialEpoch — Social CRM
  • EventX — Marketing Automation
  • Neocrm — Relationship Management (CRM/PRM)
  • Sobot — AI Customer Service
  • Techsun — Customer Development Platform

Digital Workspace Solution Packages

Digital Workspace Solution Packages

Keeping up with all the latest technology and tools can feel impossible at times.

That's why we're excited to offer the Digital Workspace package, in collaboration with our partners, to help you maximize productivity, achieve ease of use, and optimize costs. Don't let the complexity of digital workspaces hold you back.

Keeping up with all the latest technology and tools can feel impossible at times.

That's why we're excited to offer the Digital Workspace package, in collaboration with our partners, to help you maximize productivity, achieve ease of use, and optimize costs. Don't let the complexity of digital workspaces hold you back.

  • IceWarp — Office Integration
  • Kaspersky — Security
  • SCcomms — UCaaS
  • Weaver — Office Automation

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Free Trial Packages

Free Trial Packages

New customers can get more cloud services after completing real-name authentication

New customers can get more cloud services after completing real-name authentication

  • Shared Data Package
  • Optical Character Recognition
  • General Computing-plus C6
  • Content Delivery Network

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Terms & Conditions


活动时间: 2020年8月12日-2020年9月11日




活动时间: 2020年8月12日-2020年9月11日




活动时间: 2020年8月12日-2020年9月11日



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