
We are not Amazon

Not being Amazon isn’t exactly a hot endorsement. In just twenty years the Bezos behemoth has revolutionised consumer economics, and people all over the world are beneficiaries of its laser-like focus on customer satisfaction. And Amazon’s shareholders have been richly rewarded.

But at, we believe the interests of other stakeholders — not just shareholders and consumers — should be taken into account when formulating and executing our plans. Our staff, for example, and our grandchildren.

Our commitment to acting ethically informs everything we do. Our staff benefit from high levels of autonomy and flexibility. We trust them, and they trust us. Everyone on our payroll is a shareholder or option-holder, and will share in the company’s success. We’re determined to have the lightest viable environmental footprint, and to act honestly and decently in all our business dealings.

We don’t work with dubious or nasty people.

“Not being Amazon” is hardly sufficient reason for you to shop at But, if you want to support a company that looks a bit further afield, and a bit further ahead than just the bottom line, it might comfort you to know that we’re like minded.

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The Guardian: How to Avoid Amazon serves customers around the world and has titles starting at 99p in the UK.