Gitea Cloud: Comprehensive Platform for Hassle-free Git hosting

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Gitea Cloud, your comprehensive platform for hassle-free Git hosting and collaborative software development. With Gitea Cloud, we're taking the complexity out of managing your DevOps infrastructure and providing a seamless environment for your team to work together efficiently.

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What is Gitea Cloud?

Gitea Cloud is a fully managed Git hosting service powered by the lightweight and highly extensible Gitea platform. It is designed to streamline your development workflow, enabling you to focus on your code and innovation rather than worrying about server maintenance, backups, or scaling infrastructure. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, Gitea Cloud has something to offer everyone.

Why Avoid Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution?

In today's interconnected world, maintaining the privacy, security, and control over your software development projects is paramount. Multi-tenant Software as a Service solutions don't always provide this level of assurance. These platforms carry inherent risks as they house the data of multiple organizations in a shared environment, making them more susceptible to data breaches and cross-contamination. Also, they offer limited customization capabilities and less flexibility while adhering to predefined policies and update schedules. Thus, it becomes challenging to tailor these platforms to fit your unique business needs or keep pace with your organization's growth. In contrast, Gitea Cloud, a dedicated cloud-based Gitea hosting service, addresses these pain points by providing a dedicated, privately secured, flexible, and cost-effective environment.

Balance Compliance, Efficiency, and Speed with Single-Tenant SaaS

Key Features: Managed and hosted by Gitea Cloud

Gitea Cloud is not only single-tenant, region-based, and privately connected, but it’s also managed and hosted by the company back of Gitea and deployed in the customer’s cloud region of choice. Organizations can quickly realize the value of a DevOps platform without requiring staff to build out and manage infrastructure. Organizations get all of the benefits of Gitea — shorter cycle times, lower costs, stronger security and more productive developers — with lower total cost of ownership and quicker time to value than hosting themselves.

Start a free trial

We're truly excited to announce the availability of Gitea Cloud , which will bring more flexibility and greater choice to startups, enterprise customers and organizations in highly regulated industries that have complex compliance and data residency requirements. The offering provides the efficiencies of the cloud, but with infrastructure-level isolation and data residency controls.

  • 1. All Gitea features including
  • Enhance collaboration among team members with features like issue tracking, pull requests, packaging, code reviews and etc. Keep everyone on the same page and streamline communication.

  • 2. Hassle-free Maintaince

    Gitea Cloud makes it effortless to install, manage, create runners, upgrade, backup and scale up/down Gitea instances automatically and keep it security with a user-friendly interface and robust access controls.

  • 3. Private Isolated Environment

    Gitea Cloud ensures private isolated environments for each Gitea instance, giving you unique Gitea instances without shared data, unless permitted by you.

  • 4. Built-in CI/CD Integration

    Gitea actions is enabled automatically and you don't need to maintain your runners. Runners will be started when there is a CI/CD tasks created, ensuring your code is always in a deployable state.

  • 5. Security & Compliance

    Store the code where you want it, with access controls, to protect your code and ensure compliance with industry standards.

  • 6. Scalable and Reliable

    Gitea Cloud takes care of the infrastructure, ensuring that your repositories are accessible and reliable 24/7. No need to worry about downtime or performance issues.

  • 7. Easy Migration In/Out

    If you're already using Git, migrating to Gitea Cloud is a breeze. Our platform supports easy import of repositories from other Git services. You can also easy to convert to a support tier when you want to host Gitea yourself.


Gitea Cloud offers flexible pricing plans to suit your organization's needs, including discount for startups and small teams. Check out our pricing page for more details.

Getting Started

Getting started with Gitea Cloud is easy. Simply sign up for an account, start the 30 days trial, and invite your team members. The intuitive interface and helpful documentation will guide you through the process.

Learn More

To explore all the features and benefits of Gitea Cloud, visit our official website at

With Gitea Cloud, you can supercharge your software development projects, from small open-source initiatives to large enterprise applications. Say goodbye to infrastructure headaches and hello to efficient, collaborative coding. Try Gitea Cloud today!