TEALS Program Implementation Guide

2024-25 School Year

Partnering with the Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS (Technology Education and Learning Support) Program has a clear goal: to build and grow a sustainable, diverse, and equitable CS program at your high school.

This document contains program requirements and best practices for a successful implementation of TEALS at partner schools. These guidelines will help schools understand what they are agreeing to, get the most out of the relationship, and ensure the success of the partnership.

Table of Contents

Part One – Overview

TEALS Program Description
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Cost Considerations
Partnership Requirements
TEALS Support Models
Alumni Pathway Program

Part Two – Curriculum

Course Pathways and Supported Curricula
Course Pathways Overview
AP Computer Science A vs. AP Computer Science Principles

Part Three – Classroom Teacher

Classroom Teacher Recruitment
Classroom Teacher Responsibilities

Part Four – Volunteers

Volunteer Recruitment Process
Required Volunteer Recruitment Actions
Additional Volunteer Recruitment Actions
Potential Volunteer-related Costs
Logistics – Before School Begins
Logistics – During the School Year

Part Five – Classroom Preparation

Scheduling the Class and Enrolling Students
Equipment and IDEs
Remote Instruction
Installation and Testing

Part Six – Appendix

Appendix A: Classroom Teacher Professional Development (PD) Stages
Appendix B: Sample Communications for Recruiting Volunteers
Appendix C: Volunteer Costs FAQ for Schools
Appendix D: Remote Instruction Software and Hardware

Part Seven – Supported Curriculum Details

Introduction to Computer Science
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A
Data Science/Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
TEALS Legacy Curricula

Part One – Overview

TEALS Program Description

Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS program (Microsoft.com/TEALS) helps high schools build and grow sustainable, diverse, and equitable CS programs by pairing trained CS industry professionals with classroom teachers to team-teach CS throughout the year. TEALS offers two levels of support for teachers: Co-Teach and Lab Support. Please see TEALS Support Models for details.

In alignment with Microsoft’s focus on inclusive CS education, TEALS works with schools to create diverse, equitable, and inclusive CS classrooms. TEALS helps schools take action in the following areas: Diversity in Enrollment, Inclusive Learning Space, and Inclusive Instruction. Please see Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for more details.

TEALS provides support for schools alongside our trusted partners, including our curricula partners and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA). All TEALS partner teachers receive free access to a CSTA+ membership.

The TEALS Program recognizes schools and teachers for their work with our program through the Alumni Pathway Program.

TEALS is not an accredited institution or program and does not have the authority to issue course credits. Therefore, TEALS expects schools to work within district and state frameworks to appropriately recognize the teacher’s achievement (for example, equivalency of professional development (PD) credit hours or industry experience).

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core tenets of the TEALS Program. While any high school can partner with TEALS, the program focuses primarily on serving students that have been historically excluded from learning CS because of race, gender, or geography. As part of Microsoft’s greater commitment to address racial injustice and take action to strengthen Black and African American communities, TEALS makes great efforts to bring CS to schools in those communities in particular.

The TEALS Program works in partnership with schools to ensure that their CS classrooms are diverse and inclusive. To do so, TEALS provides resources, training, and support from application to graduation. For their part, TEALS asks schools to commit to taking action in three categories:

  • Diversity in Enrollment: TEALS believes that every CS classroom should reflect the demographics of the larger school or community population, particularly in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and disability status
  • Inclusive Learning Space: Schools should create learning environments that are accessible and welcoming of students’ identities, backgrounds, differences, and perspectives without barriers or judgment
  • Inclusive Instruction: Teaching teams should practice instructional techniques and create learning experiences that actively consider the context of youth in terms of interests, identities, cultural and linguistic practices, and histories

As part of the application and interview process, schools will be asked to reflect on diversity, equity, and inclusion actions and engage in ongoing conversations with their Regional Manager beginning with their school interview. TEALS supports schools to create an action plan, identify resources, and make progress towards achieving commitments in the categories above.

See Scheduling the Class and Enrolling Students for general resources and tactics to enroll diverse students.

Explore the Inclusive Guide to Computer Science Education for strategies to ensure equitable and inclusive CS education practices.

Cost Considerations

The TEALS Program does not collect fees from partner schools. However, partner schools are required to cover costs related to volunteers being on-site. This includes school-mandated background checks, medical requirements (vaccines, TB tests, etc.), fingerprinting, and costs associated with parking on school grounds where applicable. Volunteers must be onboarded into the school system in advance of class starting.

Costs associated with offering the course include purchasing required curriculum materials and resources (varies by course), purchasing and maintaining computers for use in the classroom, and compensating your classroom teacher for required summer professional development (if applicable).

Classrooms being supported by remote volunteers will also need additional conferencing equipment as outlined in the Remote Instruction section.

In summary, schools work with their TEALS Regional Manager to identify potential costs from the following list:

Partnership Requirements


TEALS volunteers typically work full-time jobs and are available to participate in the morning before they start their workday. Schools seeking in person volunteer support should offer their volunteer supported CS class at the beginning of the day.

Logistical Support

Schools must provide TEALS with main points of contact for both the school and district to ensure any questions or issues are addressed in a timely manner. At the school level, this person cannot be the classroom teacher.

Volunteer Recruitment

Partner schools are required to actively work to recruit volunteers to support their CS class. This includes sharing the opportunity with parent networks, alumni, and local community organizations. See Recruiting Volunteers.

Cover Costs for Volunteers

A school’s administration agrees to cover costs for volunteers related to school-mandated background checks, school-mandated medical requirements (vaccines, TB tests, etc.) not covered by insurance, and costs associated with parking on school grounds, where applicable.


To ensure that the program continues to maintain excellence, understand our impact, and support our program goals and partner schools, teachers are required to distribute TEALS anonymous program surveys to students at the beginning and end of each school year (or the end of each semester for semester-long classes). Teachers are also required to complete TEALS teacher surveys at the beginning and end of the school year.

Data collection for the TEALS Program may be conducted by approved national partners.

Remote Instruction

Remote instruction classes must satisfy the regular TEALS program requirements, as well as additional equipment, technical, and logistical requirements. All requirements are designed to create a high-contact and high-quality connection between your students and the TEALS volunteers. See Remote Instruction.

TEALS Support Models

TEALS classroom teachers enter and move through the following models as they build their knowledge of CS content.

A TEALS Regional Manager will determine a school’s level of support during the school interview with school leadership and the classroom teacher.

Co-Teach Lab Support
Class Meeting Time At the beginning of the day At the beginning of the day
Classroom Teacher Requirements
  • Is new to CS (two years or less)
  • Has 2+ years teaching experience
  • Has strong classroom management
  • Willingness to learn CS
  • Has 2+ years of CS experience or has mastery of the majority of CS course content
  • Has 2+ years teaching experience
  • Has strong classroom management
  • Willingness to learn CS
Classroom Teacher Role
  • Classroom and teaching team management
  • Learning computer science
  • Completing all assignments
  • Leading lessons at capacity
  • Classroom and teaching team management
  • Leading 80%+ of lessons
  • Continue refining CS understanding
TEALS Volunteer Role
  • CS classroom instruction
  • Support Classroom teacher’s CS learning
  • Assist with labs and assignment grading
  • Industry relevance
  • Some CS classroom instruction
  • Support teacher’s CS learning
  • Assist with labs and assignment grading
  • Industry relevance
# of Volunteers 2-4 total volunteers 1-2 total volunteers
Volunteers per class period 1-2 volunteers per class period 1 volunteer per class period
Volunteer classroom coverage 80-100% of class periods 40-60% of class periods

Alumni Pathway Program

The TEALS Program recognizes teachers who teach CS independently and schools that offer a CS program independently following their graduation from the program.

Teacher Recognition and Benefits

The TEALS Program is here to support, celebrate and recognize teachers when they have graduated to teaching TEALS-supported CS classes independently. Graduating teachers will be recognized for their achievement and have access to a CS community and specialized resources for their CS classrooms.

Alumni Pathway Program – Teacher Celebration and Benefits

Recognition of your work Connection to a community Resources for your CS classroom
  • Recognize growth of CS teacher’s expertise level and/or growth of CS curricula at school with physical certificates of achievement and digital badges recognized by Microsoft and other organizations
  • Opportunity to network, share resources, and dive deeper into CS topics
  • Opportunity to be a leader in the CS educator community and collaborate with other CS educators
  • Continue to grow as an inclusive educator and enhance your CS classroom experience with specialized resources

Alumni School

Once the school has a CS program independent of TEALS support, the school will be recognized as a TEALS Alumni school. Schools will be recognized for the impact they’ve had on students, the growth of their CS program, and the support they’ve provided to teachers along the way.

Part Two – Curriculum

Course Pathways and Supported Curricula

TEALS supports curricula for the following computer science courses:

  • Introduction to Computer Science: A semester or full-year course that explores a variety of basic computational thinking and programming concepts through a project-based learning environment.
  • AP Computer Science Principles: A full-year course covering the fundamentals of computing including creativity, programming, and global impact. The College Board’s AP CS Principles is a complement to AP CS A. While students can take the courses in any order, TEALS advises students to take AP CS Principles (AP CS P) first, if available.
  • AP Computer Science A: A full-year course focused on object-oriented programming and problem solving in the Java programming language. Equivalent to a first-semester, college level course in computer science.
  • Cybersecurity: A full-year course that explores the fundamental concepts or applied skills of cybersecurity and may involve project-based labs in a secure environment or virtual range.
  • Data Science/Machine Learning(ML)/Artificial Intelligence (AI): A full-year course that explores the fundamental concepts or applied skills of data science, Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence.

Course Pathways Overview

Introduction to Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science A Cybersecurity Data Science / ML / AI
Foundational Knowledge Required Algebra Readiness First year Algebra First year Algebra Foundational CS concepts
Curriculum Providers
Models Supported Co-Teach
Lab Support
Lab Support Co-Teach
Lab Support
Lab Support
Lab Support
AP Exam Format Not applicable A performance project that students complete in class and multiple-choice assessment (written exam) Multiple-choice and free-response questions (written exam) Not applicable Not applicable

* This curriculum is currently in pilot for TEALS support. A curriculum pilot is a fully mature curriculum from a reputable provider that has been vetted by TEALS. However, TEALS has not had enough teaching teams use and evaluate the option to fully understand how teachers, volunteers, and students interact successfully in the classroom environment with that specific curriculum. All schools adopting a pilot curriculum will be asked to provide additional feedback to the TEALS team to help evaluate the option for future years. Please speak to your Regional Manager if you are interested in adopting this curriculum.

† TEALS offers Code.org CS Discoveries in Lab Support only.

For more information and details on each supported curriculum, see Appendix E: Supported Curriculum Details.

Looking for legacy TEALS courses? Learn more here.

AP Computer Science A vs. AP Computer Science Principles

The two AP CS courses are complementary, and schools are encouraged to offer both. Students can take the courses in any order, though TEALS advises students to take AP CS Principles (AP CSP) first, if available. In short, AP CS A is the more traditional college-level CS course aimed at CS majors, while AP CSP is the course that is closer to a collegiate survey CS course.

Unlike Calculus AB and BC, for example, AP CSP is not a subset of AP CS A. Teacher preparation is intensive for both courses. AP CSP requires broader knowledge in six CS disciplines, whereas AP CS A requires a more in-depth understanding of Java and object-oriented programming concepts.

Part Three – Classroom Teacher

Classroom Teacher Recruitment

TEALS helps teachers build their content knowledge in CS. TEALS works with teachers who are passionate about bringing access to CS to more students.

Schools must select an experienced classroom teacher who:

  • Has 2+ years classroom experience
  • Is enthusiastic about learning CS content and pedagogy
  • Commits to be a CS champion in the school
  • Actively participates in the TEALS model of professional development
  • Is fully committed to managing and leading the volunteer team, including communicating with the team over the summer to help plan and prepare the course
  • Will participate in appropriate summer and ongoing professional development sessions

Teacher Background and Experience

TEALS classroom teachers come from a variety of backgrounds. Math, science, and business/CTE teachers are the most common TEALS teachers, but TEALS has also successfully partnered with teachers from other subjects such as the humanities, art, PE, fashion design, and foreign languages. Teachers who have prior familiarity with programming have a head start in the process, but it is not a requirement.

The TEALS Program requires that the TEALS classroom teacher have at least 2 years of classroom experience. The TEALS classroom teacher will have an increased time commitment due to learning a new subject area, as well as managing a team of volunteers without classroom teaching experience.

TEALS classroom teachers with experience teaching AP-level math or science courses transition most easily to teaching AP CS.

Teacher’s Class Schedule

TEALS partner schools must schedule the classroom teacher for the beginning of the day (the time the TEALS volunteer supported class will meet).

As with any new course you offer, your teacher will need plenty of time to prep for this class, including time spent communicating and collaborating with the TEALS volunteers about the teaching schedule, lesson plans, and class materials. TEALS recommends scheduling the classroom teacher’s prep period to be right after the TEALS class so that they can debrief with the teaching team and prep for the next class.

Classroom Teacher Responsibilities

Teaching Team Leadership

TEALS expects the classroom teacher to lead the teaching team throughout the entire length of the TEALS partnership — from the moment volunteers are introduced to your school over the summer and throughout the school year. The most successful teaching teams are led by a teacher who is proactive about building strong communication systems, articulating their needs as a learner of computer science, and linking volunteers with students/school community.

Summer Planning and Communication

All classroom teachers will be asked to meet and communicate regularly with the TEALS volunteers assigned to their classroom over the summer. These meetings will help the team to coordinate a plan and prepare to teach the course. The teaching team (classroom teachers and volunteers) will be asked to schedule a team planning meeting with their Regional Manager. Details and a schedule will be provided by the Regional Manager during and following the school interview. Classroom teachers new to TEALS will also be asked to participate in self-paced online training and live training focused on CS pedagogy.

Classroom Plan

Teaching teams (classroom teacher and volunteers) will work together to develop a classroom plan over the summer. It is very important that teaching teams meet over the summer to discuss how they will communicate and prepare for the school year. A classroom plan template will be provided to teaching teams via the TEALS Dashboard.

Remote Instruction

Additional training and setup is required for teachers and administrators in schools that are being supported remotely. Please refer to the Remote Instruction section for details.

Summer Professional Development

All teachers are required to attend TEALS Program specific PD.

Teachers must also participate in an appropriate curriculum PD program through their selected curriculum provider over the summer before their first year with TEALS and before every year they implement a new course.

TEALS has designed a training model that outlines the steps teachers should take throughout their partnership:

  • CS pedagogy and curriculum training through trusted training partners (See Appendix A – Phase 0)
  • TEALS teaching team training and planning meetings
  • Volunteer communication throughout the school year via team syncs and email communication

See Appendix A: Classroom Teacher PD Stages of this document for the professional development model.

Teacher Support and Participation in the TEALS Community

Throughout the year, all classroom teachers will be required to sign into the TEALS Dashboard to complete information requests. Teachers are also required to complete a beginning and end of course survey to help the TEALS Program track their progress towards course handoff. Surveys are distributed through a third party partner organization.

TEALS is a growing community of educators and volunteers. Teachers are encouraged to attend community events from our partner, the CSTA, for additional PD, to network with members of the CS education community, and share best practices.

Commitment to Growth and Longevity

The classroom teacher must make clear progress towards learning the course’s content and pedagogy each semester. TEALS expects teachers to demonstrate increased proficiency in CS each year they are in the program. Progress is a major consideration when partner schools reapply to TEALS.

Part Four – Volunteers

Volunteer Recruitment Process

Volunteer recruiting is a collaborative effort. The TEALS Program is limited by the number of talented tech professionals who are willing to volunteer in schools. Partner schools are required to actively work to recruit volunteers to support their class. Volunteers already connected to the school community are especially dedicated to the success of the program. Volunteers can support remotely or in-person. It is recommended that all schools prepare for the possibility of remote volunteers.

Schools should be prepared to discuss their volunteer recruitment plan during the school interview.

Once candidates are identified by the school and by TEALS, they will need to fill out the volunteer application which can be found on the TEALS website. TEALS will then organize volunteer applicant interviews to determine the final volunteer team.

Required Volunteer Recruitment Actions:

1 – Communicate the volunteer opportunity to the school community

TEALS partner schools are required to communicate with their school community about the opportunity to volunteer in the classroom and teach CS. Your TEALS Regional Manager can provide sample emails for you to customize and send to the various community groups listed below. A copy of these communications should be shared with the TEALS Regional Manager.

This can include the following:

  • Send a standalone email (Appendix B). Send the letter from the principal at the school-level or from the superintendent at the district-level to families and potential parent volunteers. TEALS recommends sending one upon acceptance into the program and one in late spring.
  • Post about the course and the need for volunteers in your school-parent communication tool (ClassDojo, school LMS, etc.). Posting once a month yields the best results.
  • Present in person at school events where parents are gathered. TEALS recommends schools invite their Regional Manager to help support the presentation.
  • A social media post.

2 – Connect with Local Partners

TEALS partner schools should work with their partnership coordinator, CTE director, and/or business liaison (school or district level) to identify potential partner organizations. Schools should send a letter to local partners (Appendix B) to share the opportunity. TEALS Regional Managers can share volunteer recruitment materials.

Partner organizations can include:

  • Corporations with local software development offices
  • Local businesses that employ software engineers
  • Universities or colleges with CS students or alumni

If a School Cannot Find Local Volunteers

If a school cannot find local volunteers to support a TEALS class in-person, then schools can work with remote volunteers using video-conferencing technology. This set-up is described in the Remote Instruction section.

Additional Volunteer Recruitment Actions

Spread the Word through Local Leaders and Interest Groups

TEALS has had success reaching out to the following groups to spread the word and identify potential volunteers. Send a letter to local leaders and interest groups (Appendix B)

  • Diversity in tech/CS groups (NCWIT, NSBE, SHIPE, SWE, etc.)
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Economic development council
  • Meetups
  • Technology business groups

Share Social Media Content

TEALS has sample social media content that can be shared across your school’s social media channels to help recruit volunteers. See Appendix B.

Alumni Students

Using LinkedIn InMails is a great way for schools to reach alumni who could participate, especially for Remote Instruction. Sending InMails to graduated students is a great way to find potential volunteers with a tie to the community.

Potential Volunteer-Related Costs

A school’s administration agrees to cover costs related to school-mandated background checks, school-mandated medical requirements (vaccines, TB tests, etc.) not covered by insurance, and costs associated with parking on school grounds, where applicable. Schools shall ensure that payments are made in a timely manner, working with partners/districts as needed to ensure this happens.

Covering these costs serves two key purposes:

  1. The school is committed to investing in and building a sustainable CS program
  2. The volunteer is committed to the school for the year

The school or district is responsible for clearing the volunteers for working with children in compliance with school and district policy (for example, through background checks and/or fingerprinting). Schools must cover costs incurred to comply with your policies.

Sometimes the companies that employ TEALS volunteers offer volunteer time-matching donations. You should reach out to your volunteers to determine whether their companies have matching programs, and if so, to encourage the volunteers to report their volunteer hours. These funds should be earmarked and used towards growing the CS program at the school.

Logistics – Before School Begins

Volunteers put in an incredible amount of effort into TEALS classes over the course of the year. In addition to the ~2-3 hours per week that each TEALS volunteer spends in the classroom, many add hours to their weekly commute, spend time planning for class and grading work, and commit to summer training and planning. Schools need to do everything possible to make volunteers feel that they are a vital part of the school community, their extraordinary effort and time commitment is appreciated, and the school is moving towards CS sustainability.

The program elements described in this “Logistics-Before School Begins” section and the following “Logistics – During the School Year” section will help you create a welcoming and supportive environment so that your TEALS volunteers feel valued and return to your school for another year.

Volunteer Requirements

Each locality has distinct requirements around background checks and medical requirements like vaccinations and TB tests. You are responsible for defining and communicating the requirements for the volunteers at your school, and for taking them through the process as your school/district would for any other volunteers. Please make it as simple as possible for them.

Building Entry Procedures and Parking

Help expedite the volunteers’ building entry process by issuing them ID cards, introducing them to the school security guard and main office support staff, and (if applicable) reserving a convenient parking space near the appropriate building entrance.

Computer/Network Access

Volunteers will need to use the computers at your school and your school’s internet connection. Issue them network accounts or give them the login information they need. If your school uses a Learning Management System for posting and collecting student assignments, create teacher accounts for the volunteers.

Teacher/Volunteer Collaboration

TEALS is probably everybody’s first time participating in a team-teaching setting. The school’s administrative team should set clear expectations around the teacher’s role as a team leader. Nothing contributes more to volunteer retention than the participation and strong leadership of the classroom teacher. Help the teacher and volunteers find ways to work together from day one, including allowing the classroom teacher extra time to communicate and collaborate with the volunteers.

Appendix A: Classroom Teacher PD Stages of this document provides more detail into the expected participation of classroom teachers in the Co-Teach model for Intro CS, AP CS A, Cybersecurity, and Data Science/ML/AI.

Provide a Dedicated TEALS Partnership Coordinator

Choose an appropriate administrator (not the classroom teacher) to serve as the point of contact for the volunteers. This person should get to know the volunteers personally and check in with them periodically. Be sure to give the volunteers this person’s contact info!

Meet Prior to the Start of School

The Partnership Coordinator must check-in with the teaching team (teacher and volunteers) at least two weeks prior to the start of classes to check on team progress and provide support and guidance regarding school and classroom logistics.

Schools can invite the volunteers to attend your back-to-school faculty day before school starts and hold a meeting to officially welcome them into the school. This meeting is the time to explain all the other items in this section and answer outstanding questions.

Logistics – During the School Year

Classroom Visits

A TEALS Regional Manager will join each TEALS class virtually or in-person to perform one or more classroom visit(s) during the school year. This is an opportunity for the TEALS team to see how the teaching team is doing and to identify any areas where support may be needed or helpful.

Showing Appreciation

Your volunteers, teacher and students feel their work validated when you can find places to highlight it publicly.

Tokens of Appreciation

Brainstorm at least one meaningful token of appreciation for the volunteers: for instance, a letter from the students in their class, or a framed class photo. You can give these small gifts to the volunteers at the end of the year or during the winter holiday season.


Past partners have published stories on the school district blog, in local or national media, and in school communications to parents and the community. When you pursue publicity opportunities, work with your TEALS Regional Manager to ensure that the finished product represents the TEALS partnership properly.

Part Five – Classroom Preparation

Scheduling the Class and Enrolling Students

Class Schedule

TEALS partner schools must schedule their TEALS-supported computer science classes at the beginning of the day.

Student Recruitment Techniques

To ensure CS classes represent your school’s student population, conduct targeted recruitment. Look at your existing CS classes or advanced STEM courses for learning opportunities. Chances are unless your CS courses are core requirements, they are leaving some populations out.

  • Include counselors in recruitment efforts. School counselors can be excellent champions for CS courses. But they can also unknowingly filter out students before they have a chance to try CS. Schools should work with their counselors to help them understand what CS is about and who’s a good fit for the courses (hint: everyone!).
  • Enlist students to promote CS. Schools can ask current CS students to promote CS education and share with prospective students what they might learn and create. Be sure to focus their “peer presentation” energy around course enrollment time, and coach them to be inclusive and sensitive to all kinds of students when reaching out.
  • Introduce students to diverse role models in CS. Role models matter for CS inclusion. Think about inviting a diverse group of educators, guest speakers and other role models who can connect with students in different ways. Teachers and other adults sharing their backgrounds and personal stories can be very valuable in helping students make links with computing.
  • Create awareness of CS across the school. Enlist the support of your school ecosystem — administrators, teachers, guidance counselors, families, and students — to enhance communication and understanding around CS opportunities.

Additional Recruitment Resources:

Equipment and IDEs

As with any class, students in computer science need a classroom environment that supports their learning. Since our computer science classes include computer programming from day one, schools must make sure the classroom equipment is prepared, tested, and ready to go before the first day of school.

A desktop or laptop computer must be made available to each student for use during class. Classrooms need to have at least one computer per student. Schools should follow the guidelines provided by their chosen curriculum partner to determine what devices they purchase for the classroom.

Remote Instruction

In many regions, finding volunteer candidates who live or work near the schools can prove challenging. This includes schools in rural areas but also schools in parts of large cities. In these cases, we have volunteers participate in class remotely using a school/district approved synchronous virtual classroom, that uses video conferencing and other interactive features.

Remote instruction classes must satisfy the standard TEALS Program requirements, as well as additional equipment, technical, and logistical requirements. All requirements are designed to create a high-contact and high-quality connection between your students and the TEALS volunteers.

See Appendix D: Remote Instruction Software and Hardware

Equipment, Software, and Technical Requirements

The equipment, software and technical requirements are designed to support the communication needs between the volunteers and your students.

Whole Class Instruction

To support … Your classroom must be equipped with …
Volunteer communication to the entire class Conference camera for the classroom with a computer connected to school/district approved synchronous virtual classroom software
Student communication to the volunteers as part of class participation Integrated classroom speaker and microphone for the students connected to the chosen virtual classroom
Private communication between the classroom teacher and volunteer to facilitate strong classroom interaction Dedicated computer or mobile device and messaging software for communications between the teacher and volunteers

Lab Instruction

To support … Your classroom must be equipped with …
One-to-one student to volunteer communication for assistance with in-class assignments
Virtual classroom software with breakout rooms
Internet bandwidth to ensure reliable and high-quality teleconferencing
Microphone-equipped headsets/earbuds for each student
Webcam for each student
(required in some classroom layouts, strongly recommended for others)
Second monitor for the student (recommended)

For more detailed software and equipment recommendations with costs, please review Appendix D: Remote Instruction Software and Hardware.

Logistical Requirements

  • Maximum Class Size: Due to differences in remote instruction and pedagogy as well as additional bandwidth requirements, we strongly recommend a maximum class size of 20 students.
  • Classroom Setup and System Testing: Prior to the beginning of the school year and after the classroom is fully setup with additional equipment, the classroom teacher and IT Liaison must test the classroom system with the assigned volunteers.
  • Remote Resources and System Testing: TEALS will provide resources and remote-specific support resources for remote teaching teams. Prior to beginning work with students, the classroom teacher and teaching team should complete a complete remote system test. This includes testing and troubleshooting the classroom equipment with the virtual classroom as well as teaching a sample lesson with the volunteers in the virtual classroom.
  • Virtual Classroom Management: The classroom teacher is responsible for managing the users of the virtual classroom. This work primarily happens when volunteers begin and end their time working with the teaching team.

Installation and Testing

TEALS partner schools must install required software on the classroom computers prior to the start of school if using a Desktop IDE. Web-based IDE options are included below for “quick start” classroom readiness.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Many curriculum providers provide their own Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for students to code within. Others will require your school to choose an IDE to use for the programming language the curriculum is taught in. There are many desktop and web-based IDEs available for any given language, and the right choice for a school will be determined by a school’s priorities and device limitations. We recommend walking through the setup of any IDE you are considering before committing to it for the school year.

Microsoft has both desktop and web-based IDE options available:

  • Visual Studio Code: This is the leading IDE used by professional developers and it is free!
  • Visual Studio Code for Education: VSCode for Education is a new, free, web-based IDE optimized for education. It takes the Visual Studio Code interface and aligns it for teachers and students. Even better, there’s zero setup or configuration needed. After logging in, with a focus on accessibility-first, all students are ready to begin working.
  • Desktop vs Web-based IDEs

    Desktop IDE Web-based IDE
    Device requirements PC, Mac, or other computer running Windows, MacOS, or Linux; Chromebooks and iPads generally not supported Available to any device with a browser and an internet connection
    Data and privacy Can generally download and install without student information Usually requires a student and teacher log-in to utilize
    Saving student work Work is saved onto computer locally and can be pushed to a code repository when internet is available Work is automatically saved to the cloud; work can sometimes be lost if internet is spotty or web application has a glitch
    Sharing student work Work can either be shared manually as files or set up to be shared via a code repository Work can be shared manually via a link or set up to be shared automatically through a built-in classroom feature
    Costs Many free options available Some free options available; classroom features are generally fee-based

    Website Safelist

    Teachers must ensure that the websites required are added to the school’s network filter to allow access, and test that they work from the classroom. When school firewalls block access to websites this can disrupt student learning and success. Please check your curriculum provider for a full list of websites used during the course.

    Remote Instruction Classes

    Prior to the beginning of the school year and after the classroom is fully set up with additional equipment, the classroom teacher and IT Liaison must test the classroom system with the assigned volunteers. See Remote Instruction Logistical Requirements for more details.

    Cyber Range for Cybersecurity Classes

    Cybersecurity classes often require access to a cyber range on which students can safely complete lab projects. Please check with your curriculum provider to determine if a cyber range is needed and any related requirements for equipment.

    Part Six – Appendix

    Appendix A: Classroom Teacher Professional Development (PD) Stages

    Classroom teachers are required to put aside time, outside of the class period, to prepare for the TEALS CS course.The teacher begins their TEALS partnership in a support model determined by their CS teaching experience. The expectation is that a classroom teacher will progress through this model and build their capacity to teach CS over several years. Discuss with your Regional Manager and determine the appropriate phase and time frame.

    Phase 0: Professional Development

    Classroom teachers implementing a new course must attend course-specific professional development through their curriculum provider. We recommend this requirement be completed during the summer. This is true for both teachers in the Co-Teach and Lab Support models the first year they are implementing a new course.

    The classroom teacher is expected to attain an understanding of the programming fundamentals and basics of CS taught in the course so that they can contribute in class.

    Phase 1: Building Curriculum and Content Knowledge

    During this phase, the TEALS volunteers primarily lead classroom instruction. The classroom teacher keeps pace with material covered in class, follows along with lectures, completes assignments, projects and assessments, and asks questions of the volunteers when required. The volunteers may point the teacher to additional resources to fill in gaps in knowledge and will provide opportunities for the classroom teacher to assist with classroom demonstrations. The classroom teacher takes a lead role in classroom management, provides feedback to the volunteers regarding pedagogy, and helps volunteers explain concepts.

    Suggested uses of prep time:

    • Complete assignments, projects, and assessments
    • Review additional resources (obtained from volunteers) to fill in gaps in content knowledge

    Move to the next phase when:

    • Classroom teacher has self-reported on successful completion of all major assignments, projects, and assessments
    • Classroom teacher is leading in-class demos or review sessions at least once per week
    • Volunteers agree that classroom teacher has proficiency in content and curriculum

    Phase 2: Transitioning to Instruction

    During this phase, the classroom teacher transitions from a teaching assistant into an instructional role. At first, the classroom teacher shadows the volunteers during lab and observes their interactions with students. The classroom teacher then begins to assist students independently. The classroom teacher serves as an independent TA during all lab sessions. The volunteers will occasionally shadow the classroom teacher and/or provide technical support, as necessary. The classroom teacher then begins to independently grade assignments and compare/discuss the results with the volunteers. As the teacher becomes more confident in the material, they move into the instructional rotation. The classroom teacher might teach parts of lessons a few times per week. By the end of this phase, the classroom teacher is running entire class periods multiple days a week.

    Suggested uses of prep time:

    • Grade assignments
    • Review upcoming assignments to prepare to support students
    • Plan lessons
    • Grade assignments

    Move to the next phase when:

    • Classroom teacher is leading formal instruction during at least half of all lessons and is serving as lab TA on other days
    • Classroom teacher is preparing lesson plans for their instructional days
    • Volunteers agree that classroom teacher has proficiency in subject area
    • Classroom teacher grading assignments independently
    • Volunteers agree that the classroom teacher can begin to fill a lead instructional role
    • Classroom teacher is prepared to lead 80% of the classroom instruction

    Phase 3: Leading Instruction

    During this phase, the classroom teacher takes on responsibilities for formal instruction in the classroom and the volunteers are teaching assistant support only. The classroom teacher is handling all aspects of leading the class independently with the support of industry volunteers to continue to fill in gaps in content, bringing industry relevance to the classroom and continuing to support the capacity of the classroom teacher.

    Move to the next phase when:

    • Teacher is ready to teach independently

    Phase 4: Alumni Pathway Program

    See: Alumni Pathway Program

    Appendix B: Sample Communications for Recruiting Volunteers

    Letter to parents or guardians

    SUBJECT: Building equitable, inclusive computer science programs in [School] – Volunteers Needed

    Dear Parents or Guardians,

    [School] has an exciting opportunity to offer computer science next year. We are investing in our students by partnering with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS Program to offer [CS Course].

    As a TEALS partner school, [school name] needs technical volunteers to team-teach this course with our teacher. [School name] will hold the course at the beginning of the day, making it possible for volunteers to go to work after volunteering. If you work in tech and would be interested in making a difference in our students’ future success, please contact [school contact info] or apply at Microsoft.com/TEALS.

    Please forward this to technical industry professionals in your network. You can read more about the TEALS Program on their website at Microsoft.com/TEALS.

    Thank you,

    Letter to local companies

    SUBJECT: Building equitable, inclusive computer science programs in [School] – Partnering with [Company]

    Dear [company name or contact],

    My name is [name] and I am the [position] at [school name]. I am writing to ask for your help to bring computer science education to our school.

    [School name] is partnering with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS Program to bring [CS course] to our students. TEALS pairs up passionate industry professionals with CS expertise (like your employees) with high school teachers to team-teach computer science.

    Volunteers from [company] will impact the future of our students. Learn more at Microsoft.com/TEALS.

    As a local pillar of our community, your technical employees volunteering their time in our school can help bring computer science to a broader and more diverse pool of students. [Company name] can make an immediate impact by allowing us to offer computer science to our students next year.

    I am very excited about this opportunity and would love to discuss it with you. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you in the future.

    Thank you,

    Letter to local leaders and interest groups

    SUBJECT: Building equitable, inclusive computer science programs in [School] – Partnering with [Organization]

    Dear [contact name],

    My name is [name] and I am the [position] at [school name] where we want to ensure all our students are prepared for their future. [School Name] is partnering with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS Program to bring [CS COURSE] to our high school. TEALS pairs up passionate volunteers from the technology industry with our teachers to team-teach computer science.

    As a TEALS partner school, [school name] needs technical volunteers to team-teach this course with our teacher. We will hold the course first period, allowing volunteers to go to work after volunteering. Please share this opportunity with technical industry professionals in your network who would be interested in making a difference in our students’ future success

    Thank you for your time. If you have any questions or wish to discuss opportunities to promote, please contact me or TEALS directly at Microsoft.com/TEALS.

    Thank you,

    Sample Social Posts for Schools

    When posting about the TEALS Program using your school’s or district’s social accounts, please tag or use @TEALSProgram.
    TEALS Program Photos are available here for use in social posts. Here are some possible posts:

    • Empower today’s youth to become tomorrow’s leaders with computer science skills. [school name] helps equip them with the CS skills they need now. Volunteer, and together we can close the computer science gap. Register for an info session now.
    • [school name] helps empower the next generation of tech leaders. Volunteer with @TEALSProgram, and together we can close the computer science gap. Apply to volunteer today!

    Appendix C: Volunteer Costs FAQ for Schools

    What are the costs for the school?

    School’s administration shall agree to cover costs related to school-mandated background checks and fingerprinting, school-mandated vaccines not covered by insurance, and costs associated with parking on school grounds where applicable. Schools shall ensure that it is done in a timely manner, working with partners/districts as needed.

    Where can our school find funds?

    Most schools find funds through a professional development allocation or from state and federal grants. Others are supported by their school foundations, private grants, or PTAs.

    What method(s) can be used to pay?

    The school has discretion to select the payment method and is responsible to communicate the payment process to volunteers. The school should provide volunteers with necessary paperwork prior to the start of the school year. TEALS recognizes that each school or district will have a distinct policy on how these costs are covered or paid.

    Our school or district requires an invoice or other documentation. How do I request that?

    You should notify your volunteers at the beginning of the partnership of any paperwork or document requirements to ensure the ability to process the reimbursement payment in a timely fashion.

    Can our school just pay TEALS and ask that they distribute the reimbursement?

    For legal compliance and tax reasons, Microsoft is unable to collect or distribute reimbursements. Schools or districts must manage the reimbursements directly with the volunteers.

    What if a volunteer works for a company that offers matching funds?

    Some companies that employ TEALS volunteers offer volunteer time-matching donations. You should reach out to your volunteers to determine whether their companies have matching programs, and if so, encourage the volunteers to log their volunteer hours.

    Appendix D: Remote Instruction Software and Hardware

    All TEALS courses, including the Lab Support model, must support whole class instruction and lab work. Schools should use the table below to evaluate what additional resources will be needed for their remote instruction course.

    To Support … Your Classroom Must Be
    Equipped With …
    Approximate Cost or Other Requirements Quantity
    On Hand
    To Order
    Whole Class Instruction
    • Synchronous virtual classroom with video, breakout rooms, chat, and interactive whiteboard
    $500-1300, cost dependent on classroom size and configuration
    • Conference computer connected to a projector or large display with a modern web browser
    Suggestions available upon request
    Lab Instruction
    • Internet bandwidth to ensure reliable and high-fidelity teleconferencing
    2 Mbps upload, 2 Mbps download/student
    $1.25-10/pair of earbuds
    • Webcam for each student (required in some classroom configurations, strongly recommended for others)

    NOTE: Links to equipment are suggestions only. You may use any available equipment that meets the technical specifications. You are also welcome to source different equipment that meets your budget considerations.

    Part Seven – Supported Curriculum Details

    Introduction to Computer Science

    Curriculum provider and course name Concepts Covered Minimum Skills Needed Supported Pathway Options from Provider Technical Requirements Costs to Run
    Carnegie Mellon University
    CS Academy CS1: Introduction to Programming
    • Functions, Conditionals, Key Events, and Methods
    • Groups, Step Events, and Motion
    • Shapes, Local Variables, and For Loops
    • Math Functions, Random Values, and Nested Loops
    • Lists and Return Values
    • 2D Lists and Board Games
    Algebra Readiness Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)
    Chrome and Firefox browsers recommended
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Interdisciplinary Programming
    • Programming Essentials and Review
    • Visual Arts
    • Data Visualization
    • Object Oriented Programming
    • Game Development
    • Music
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Computational Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry)
    Students should have taken the CS Academy CS1: Introduction to Programming course or equivalent Python programming course Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)
    Chrome and Firefox browsers recommended
    CS Discoveries
    • Problem Solving and Computing
    • Web Development
    • Interactive Animations and Games
    • The Design Process
    • Data and Society
    • Physical Computing
    Grade 6 Readiness AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development (Region Specific)

    Contact Code.org

    Java Fundamentals
    • Foundations of Java
    • Computational Thinking
    • Algorithmic Thinking
    • Intro to Object Oriented Programming
    • Foundational Computer Science concepts including classes, objects, methods, data types, arrays, and debugging
    Algebra readiness Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Chrome browser recommended

    Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    Contact Hello World CS

    Virtual Reality
    • Computational Thinking
    • Algorithmic Thinking
    • Block-Based Coding
    • Virtual Reality
    • Intro to Object Oriented Programming
    • Foundational Computer Science concepts including classes, objects, methods, data types, arrays, and debugging
    • Digital Citizenship
    • Cybersecurity Fundamentals
    • Networking Fundamentals
    Algebra readiness Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Chrome browser recommended

    VR headsets recommended but not required (curriculum fee includes 1 VR headset for classroom use)

    Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    Contact Hello World CS

    Microsoft MakeCode
    • Game development concepts
    • Events
    • Variables
    • Functions and Abstraction
    • Arrays/Lists
    • Datatypes
    • Conditionals
    • Loops and nested loops
    • OOP
    Algebra Readiness Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) None
    Visual Studio Code for Education Introduction to Python
    • Programming Languages
    • User Interaction
    • Function
    • Conditionals
    • Structures
    • Data types
    • Lists
    • File system
    • Nesting
    • Sorting and Searching
    None None Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) None
    Prodigy Learning
    Coding in Minecraft
    • Digital Citizenship
    • Algorithms
    • Block-Based Coding with Makecode
    • Text-Based Coding with Python or JavaScript
    • Variables, datatypes and operators
    • Collections
    • Logic/selection
    • Conditionals
    • Loops/iteration
    • Error Handling
    • Modularity
    • Functions
    • Structuring and documenting code
    None None Minecraft Education licenses

    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Minecraft Education license cost.

    Additional cost for ‘Coding in Minecraft’ by Prodigy Learning credential and curriculum license.

    Contact Prodigy Learning

    • Types and variables
    • Control structures
    • Actions
    • Classes
    Algebra Readiness AP CSP Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Click here for more information
    Intro to Computer Science in Python
    • Printing
    • Variables
    • Types
    • User Input
    • Converting Input Types
    • Arithmetic Expressions
    • String Operators
    • Comments
    • Graphics in Python
    None AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    More information on costs

    AP Computer Science Principles

    All providers cover the entire College Board Computer Science Principles framework. They are all aligned to 5 big ideas: Creative Development, Data, Algorithms and Programming, Computer Systems and Networks, and the Impact of Computing. The recommended prerequisite is a high school algebra course. AP Computer Science Principles is equivalent to a first-semester introductory college course in computing.

    Curriculum Provider Supported Pathway Options from Provider Technical Requirements Related Cost
    Code.org Intro to CS
    AP CS A
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development (Region Specific)

    Contact Code.org

    PLTW AP CS A Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Option available to install Visual Studio Code on desktop computer or laptop

    Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    (Contact Regional Representative)

    UC Berkeley
    Beauty & Joy of Computing


    Not applicable Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    More information on professional development

    Carnegie Mellon University/Code.org Intro to CS Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) CMU Free, Code.org Professional Development

    (Region Specific)

    Contact Code.org


    Microsoft MakeCode Intro to CS Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional development options here
    Minecraft Education + Microsoft MakeCode Not applicable Device with internet access

    Academic or direct license

    Training is free

    School leader Professional Learning request form

    Quorum Intro to CS Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Also supports desktop installations for macOS and Windows


    Click here for more information

    HelloWorld Intro to CS
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Chrome browser recommended

    Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    Contact Hello World CS

    CodeHS: Python Intro to CS
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    More information on costs

    CodeHS: CyberSecurity Intro to CS
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    More information on costs

    AP Computer Science A

    All providers cover the entire Computer Science A Framework. They are all aligned to four big ideas: Modularity, Variables, Control, and the impact of Computing. The programming language used is Java. The recommended prerequisite is high school courses in English and algebra, and familiarity with functions and the concepts found in the uses of function notation. AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a one semester, introductory college course in computer science.

    Curriculum Provider Supported Pathway Options from Provider Technical Requirements Related Costs
    CS Awesome None Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    More information on professional development

    Code.org Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    (Region Specific)

    Contact Code.org

    PLTW AP CSP Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Option available to install Visual Studio Code on desktop or laptop

    Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    (Contact Regional Representative)

    CodeHS Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    More information on costs

    HelloWorld Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Chrome browser recommended

    Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    Contact Hello World CS


    Curriculum Provider and Course Name Concepts Covered Minimum Skills Required Supported Pathway Options from Provider Technical Requirements Related Costs
    Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
    • What is Cybersecurity?
    • Digital Footprint and Reputation
    • The ABCS of Cryptography
    • System Administration
    • Software Security
    • Networking Fundamentals
    • IT Infrastructure
    Students should have some exposure to CS, ideally a full introductory course Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development Fee

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    More information on costs

    • Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities
    • Architecture and Design
    • Implementation
    • Operations and Incident Response
    • Governance, Risk, and Compliance
    None IT Fundamentals Device with a web browser. None
    Intro to Cybersecurity
    • Foundations, Threats, and Social Engineering
    • Data Safety and Best Practices
    • Cryptography and Linux
    • Devices and Networks
    • Law and Ethics
    • Network and System Threats
    • Securing Online Components and Encryption
    None IT Fundamentals
    Device with a web browser. None
    IT Fundamentals
    • IT Concepts and Terminology
    • Infrastructure
    • Applications and Software
    • Software Development
    • Database Fundamentals
    • Security
    None Cybersecurity Students will need devices to install all four major Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, Chrome) on and practice other technical tasks. None

    Data Science / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence

    Curriculum Provider and Course Name Concepts Covered Minimum Skills Required Supported Pathway Options from Provider Technical Requirements Related Costs
    Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
    • Foundations of Python
    • Data Visualization
    • Data, Ethics, and Society
    • Computational Thinking
    • Algorithmic Thinking
    • Intro to Object Oriented Programming
    • Foundational Computer Science concepts including variables, loops, conditionals, data types, sequencing, functions, lists, and libraries
    Algebra Readiness Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment)

    Chrome browser recommended

    Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    Contact Hello World CS

    CodeHS Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
    • What is AI?
    • AI in Gaming
    • AI and Chatbots
    • Creating Predictive Models
    Intro to CS course covering the following topics:

    • Lists
    • Tuples
    • Using libraries
    Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    More information on costs

    CodeHS Introduction to Data Science
    • The Data Science Life Cycle
    • Data Science for Change
    • Data Storytelling
    • Data Science for Business
    Intro to CS Intro to CS
    AP CSP
    AP CSA
    Device with internet access (fully web-based environment) Professional Development

    Annual Curriculum Fee

    More information on costs

    TEALS Legacy Curricula

    TEALS has three course options that have been used (and are currently being used) in hundreds of classrooms. These curricula are no longer being actively developed beyond minor bug fixes. Read more about TEALS Legacy curriculum options here.

    Curriculum Provider Supported Pathway Options from Provider Technical Requirements Related Costs
    TEALS Program
    Intro to CS – Snap!
    Intro to CS Fully web-based environment Edge, Chrome browsers recommended None
    TEALS Program
    Intro to CS – Python
    Intro to CS Snap!
    AP CS A
    Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports Python

    Information about IDEs here

    Possible costs related to IDE.
    TEALS Intro to CS Snap!
    Intro to CS
    Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports Java

    Information about IDEs here

    Textbooks Required

    More information on textbooks