Exploding flask

Exploring new and renewed ideas for how personal computing and the interfaces with which we think can better serve people’s lives – expanding opportunity, agency, curiosity, and creativity.


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Essays & Experiments

Lab notes

Little Lab

See more essays, experiments, and field notes in the Little Lab.

These essays are published for Members of the Little Lab, occasionally made publicly available.

Little Lab

I think of my practice as a “little lab” — an indie research lab-of-one.

My work is graciously made possible thanks to funding from the community. You can support my work by becoming a Member of the Little Lab. Your membership helps me publish more lab notes, experiments, essays, and other work.

Plus, you’ll get access to the members’ portal with early demos, experiments, member essays, the field notes, and more.

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Lab Notes

As I explore the operating system of the future, I publish Lab Notes to “work with the lab door open,” inviting others’ thoughts along the way.

Open the Lab Notes

Getting started



Item views

Item graphs

Item services

Item networks & devices

Item systems

Item interfaces

Interface construction & composition, Time



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