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The prose in this VN is pretty average. For something so beautiful, I expected more from the writing team.

A lot of things happened that didn't make sense, and no, I am not referring to the situation the characters find themselves in. I mean their emotional and rational reactions and thought processes.

I mean no offense, but is the writer (or at least the one planning the scenes) autistic? Or is the MC supposed to be autistic?

It is extremely frustrating and uncomfortable to experience the story in his POV and none of the characters are acting normally. So I have to assume the writer is the one at fault, or it was intentional because they want us to experience what it is like being in an autistic person's POV.

I recommend you take a BIG step back and put on the shoes of your characters when writing them, their motivations, and so on. This feels like a single person who doesnt know how people normally interact is playing with them like dolls.

That first part was INTENSE! I hope you keep this VN alive, no matter how long it takes. Tiene mucho potencial esta historia, por favor, no la dejen morir.


Love the game and the theme surrounding it. I know the game is still somewhat in early stages, but man am I looking forward for the upcoming updates. Take all the time you guys need, I started my own VN, got in it for about 3 months, stopped. Underestimated how damn time extensive it is. Got a lot of respect to the authors and creators out there. Goodluck on the Project!


Hello! I found the game very interesting and cool, and I wanted to know if you are thinking about translating the game into Portuguese? I particularly liked it a lot, and being a Brazilian, I would really like to play this game again in Portuguese!

ah como eu te entendo!! essas vn poderiam todas ter uma traduçãozinha br né? kkkk i hope they learn your comment and give an answer :3

Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words and enthusiasm about the game! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed it. Once the game is finished, we’re planning to add official translations of a few languages, including Portuguese, so anyone can fully enjoy it!

(1 edit)

I'm really excited about this! It would be great to have a Portuguese translation. And one more thing, I wanted to report a problem, during gameplay, randomly, the game crashes and closes. Honestly, I have no idea what's going on. I tried searching about this problem on YouTube but I couldn't find anything. I wanted to ask if you guys know what's going on?

(Note: The issue is happening on the Android version)


Good afternoon

I'm a representative of the"Fluffy Paw", visual novel translation team of enthusiasts. We are interested in your visual novel and would like to work on its translation into Russian.

Therefore, I'm writing to ask for your permission to translate your visual novel and publish translated version on our boosty( We post translation of the novel for a paid subscription for a period of two weeks, and afterwards we publish it for free public access.

Without any doubts, our side is ready to assure :

1) That we won`t translate or publish your novel builds if they are considered in paid access on your Patreon (or other recourses). We translate and publish only  public builds of novels.

2) We make sure to include a link to your original novel and your social media  as the author of the novel.

3) If you are interested in a Russian translation, we will also be able to send you tl russian files so that you can directly implement the translation into your work.

We are looking forward for your answer. Have a great day )

(1 edit)

Good afternoon!

Thank you for reaching out and for your interest in translating our visual novel.

Please feel free to reach out to me on Telegram so we can discuss the details further.

Deleted 46 days ago

IM OBSESSED, you guys are truly making a masterpiece, keep going!

(1 edit) (+1)

jaja muy buena vn, estoy muy intrigado por lo que vaya a pasar, pero pregunta, low key odio como 827 reaccionó contra 145 lol, se supone que debemos odiar su rección no? honestamente espero que 145 le parta su madre en algún punto (solo un poquito -.-), nomas pa que 827 se relaje un v jaja.

Tranquilo, 100% 827/Argento estuvo mal y no se lo van a dejar pasar fácilmente. Su relación con 145/Arancione será bien complicada. Nivel toxic yaoi xD


hi I'm mani

I just wish it wouldn't end that soon ): 

I have a bad headache that how it ended I just wanted to say " L team pleaaaseeeeee make the part 2 pleaseeee It have bean a year since you didn't do any progress please make the chapter two I need it or else I will end up my whole carrier

anyway thank you by creating this grate game 


I just wanted to say this is really good I love this so far and I can't wait to see how it plays out but I also wanted to address some concerns I have for slur usage there were times where I saw the use of the r slur it did make me really uncomfortable as someone with multiple disabilities and I'm sure it made it made other people here uncomfortable as well other than that this is really great


Can you make a Portuguese version? I always ask this in games, but no one ever paid me any attention.

Please, when The whole game comes out?, I played it for 3 hours straight I finished it, I need moree!!!! When you Will update It? 😭😭😭 I Need more game


We’re still alive, just working in the shadows for now… 😅 we will speak up when the update is ready. It will be a +70k words (and counting) update. So you guys will have meal when the time comes!


Man this game is incredible!! The details, the style, the soundtracks.. everything is awesome!! You guys are doing very well!


idk but this feels like a HUGE danganropa scenario where we accepcted to take part in this experiment
were we are all forced to loose our memorys and wake up in a place where we have no memory of


I am in love with how this is going already, and I cannot wait to see more if the time comes! 

Even if there are some errors; the writing is just wonderful! Yes, some words were used wrong, but that’s expected, especially when most people whose mother tongue is english make those same mistakes, if not more frequently. It’s absolutely incredible how everything is structured, give yourselves a pat in the back for this, truly. 

I am more than happy to wait as long as it takes for an update on this visual novel, and hoping that any remaining struggles you are fighting soon vanish. 

933 is the finest dude ever by the way thank you for creating such godsend… okay byebye


Are there any nsfw?


Are their names meaningful?I guess V for Vulpes and PT for Panthera tigris.But I don't know what's the meaning of OR AL LC.They don't exactly match their scientific names, so the pattern I'm looking for is probably incorrect.But I like the game. I'm just curious about the meaning of their names.




We are glad to know that you liked it. We know we’re ghosting a bit right now due to personal matters we need to resolve, but rest assured that we’re still working on this, so please be patient.

bruh, the waiting time is going to kill from the inside ;(


I don't know why but this VN really makes me want to wait for the sequel because frankly it's heavy from the start :)


This is the kind of VN in early development stage that, since there is only a few lore elements showed, i can't help but create hundreds and hundreds of various theories on how it all fits together.


I have never been so bored in my whole life.  You can cut out 90% of what there is and not lose a thing from the story....  I've never been so bored.  EVER


That can happen with a lot of visual novels lol 😅, it just depends on your attention span. The game is still in an introduction stage where we meet other characters so there is still plenty of time for the story of the game to unfold and get interesting. We just have to be patient and wait until we’re a couple of more builds in and then the potential of the games story becomes a lot more apparant to us :)

(5 edits) (+7)

i found some grammar errors that you can fix in the beginning when the character says "but i do not do it." it would be better to say "but i don't." and when the thig on the top left pops up that says "you should avoid hurt your snout in the future" you should change it to "you should avoid hurting your snout in the future" and when the lion says "with this sudden situation we were suddenly put into"  you should change it to "with this situation that we were suddenly put into" and at the very beginning when it says something about sand and gravel pressing in your back it would be better to say "Sand and gravel? they press into my back and stick to my skin like they want to pull me back into the ground" and a lot of other sentences are redundant and sometimes it seems like you try too hard to be poetic and it becomes a little bit confusing

- when the mc looks over the cliff you should put "why can't i... remember anything?" basically switch the cant and i.

- change "why im here!?" to "why am i here!?" (at the cliff scene)

- "making my skin slips from his touch" doesnt really make sence to me 

BTW ill put more errors if i find anymore


Actually is the next update going to be the last one? Or its still far from and end


This is just the beginning. Once we have completed most of the sprites and backgrounds, the updates will be released at a faster pace.

Thank you for the hard work! I have a few questions though, will there be next part/chapter and if yes when will it come out? I hope we dont have to wait long because i really liked the vn. Also in my opinion it would be cool if the end of the game has more than one endings. For example if we have to choose between 2 or more options and the choice we make to lead us to the one of the endings. Its just my opinion of course.


Salve! Thank you for your comment and interest in our project! We assure you that there will indeed be a next part, as we are currently in the prologue phase. However, we have encountered a setback as our artist is currently unable to create the sprites and CGs necessary for the upcoming update. We kindly ask for your patience as we work through this hurdle.

And rest assured, the story will include different routes, and each route will have a minimum of 2 unique endings. Thank you again for your understanding and support.


Me gustó mucho, creo que es momento de obsesionarme y pensar en headcanons y en cosas que podrían pasar en la historia mientras voy en el transporte publico.


¿Por qué siento que 933 de la nada va a comenzar a hablarme de tener esperanza y mucha buena suerte?

Y aún no has conocido a LC-768 :P

Buena referencia Danganronpa jajaja también lo pensé 

I have a question, i play it on android but it keeps crashing. How do I fix this?

try give it notify permission?


it may be too early into development to ask this but I’m just curious if there will be routes for certain characters in the game?


There will be!


   This is one of my favorite VNs, and I'm excited to see version 0.2 released (manifested in excitement to roll in bed XD). 

    After February, I was worried that you guys wouldn't finish it smoothly, after all,I've been waiting for a while since last year :(   

    Although I don't know what difficulties you guys have encountered (maybe? I guessed from the summary at the end of the article. If not, I apologize for my speculation) 

   But I really want to congratulate you for successfully completing the second part.

   Some thoughts on this update: Although I guessed at the beginning that the abnormal freezing phenomenon might be caused by the bear, the direction of the rest of the plot was still unexpected.That's nice.I thought he had super power, after all, Wolfy had a similar situation in the hallway before。

    To be honest, the image of 933 is so wonderful, if I had such a friend, my life would be better hhh

   I'm looking forward to the next chapter, I wish you all the best in your next endeavors, and I'll be patient with. XD

   English is also not my mother tongue, and besides, my English is not very well.

Both the reading of VN and the completion of this review were mostly made possible with the help of machine translation.

So my understanding of VN and what this comment is trying to express may not be done well.

I deeply apologize for any misunderstanding and syntax error that this comment may have caused.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the release of 0.2, and I’m glad to hear that it’s one of your favorites! I understand your concerns about the project’s progress, especially since you’ve been waiting patiently since last year. While I can’t give all the details about the difficulties we are facing, it’s an achievement for us release the second part.

I’m glad that the plot direction was unexpected for you. It’s always exciting when a storyline can keep us on our toes.

No worries about your English skills not being perfect! We are far from perfect in this language too! And your comment was still very clear and understandable.

Thank you for your patience and support, and I hope you continue to enjoy the VN and look forward to the next chapter!



This is my first time commenting asking for more. I usually wait for updates patiently, but this time I just can't. The prologue was so good! I need more of this story (and more of the cute, silly lion) as soon as possible!

Seriously, I can't wait for the next update. I can feel this is going to be one of my favorites visual novels once it is complete.

hey there!

I've loved the novel so far! It feels fresh and fantastic 

Although I have a question, I loved the OST of this novel and I wanted to see if there is a place to download it from

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello there, I'm translating this fvn into Chinese and met some problem about the title translation. so I'm here asking for help.

can you text me xxxxxxx in twetter or xxxxxxx in Discord🙏🏻. thx a lot


thankyou for the update 🙏


Yessssss new update :3!

(1 edit) (+4)


wait ...


Did he knows? ~


Ngl missed it when i played the first update but yeah lol

(lowkey that plus a few other things makes me think this is gonna end up as some kind of death game o.o)


Nice vn my favorite part was the lion :)


arghh words can't express how sad I was when I finished the prologue, this is too good for me to wait

(1 edit) (+4)(-4)

will it be possible for nsfw material (mainly the sex) to be turned off or blurred once game is complete?


It will!

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