A downloadable game for Windows

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Marlow is a game that mimics elements of the Mario series but in a dark an dystopian background. My goal is to mimic classic games formulas but with new aproaches on the narrative, for exemple, a game like Altered Beast but about African mythology, or a game like Mario but on a sad world , and so on.


Bug fixes and little adjustments

- Corrected a Bug that makes music stops when Marlow go out of the top of the screen in factory stage

- Little adjustment on small lava platform's player detection

- Ghost jump (jump death) adjust: no more strange ghost jumps under marlow when he shoots a enemy on distance (most commom in Bosses)

- The source files was updated with the 1.0.1 alterations as well


Left/right Arrow Keys: walk

S: jump

D: shoot/run

Down arrow: down from platforms

Video keys:






Under the condition to give the credit to Amaweks, you can:

1) Freely distribute this game and the whole package that it includes .

2) Freely distribute the source files, that is , the game project files in ARGS .

3) Use the graphics (sprites, tilesets), music, level design, in your own projects, since distributing the derivative work for free.

4) Porting this game to any other operating system or video game .

If you do any one of the above , let me know, I'll be glad to know.

Why release de source?

Because Marlow is an anarchist, she/he do not care about intellectual property rights, and would be happy to see you learning to use ARGS using your game. Create new levels , new graphics, or even using existing assets and musics in your game. Have fun!


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags16-bit, 2D, 2d-platformer, 8-Bit, Alternate History, Dystopian, LÖVE, mario, Pixel Art, sourcecode
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Gamepad (any), Joystick
AccessibilityConfigurable controls, Textless


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

MarloW_source 1.0.1.zip 4.7 MB
MarloW Install 1.0.2.exe 6.9 MB


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Hey do you happen to have any information about arcade game studio cabinet? I cannot find anything about it online


This Engine is obsolete, the author vanished form the Internet a few years ago. All i know is that he coded ARGS on Game Maker. I have made a backup of the whole engine on my blog: https://diarioartografico.blogspot.com/p/tutorial-args_17.html

Will you make a version I can play on Mac?

Sorry, this game was made on a very old engine, I wish i could make it for Mac and Linux, but the engine is windows only.

That’s too bad! It looks like a cool game

(1 edit) (-1)

I gave the first few levels a shot. Quite weird and Fraps decided to record it in a very weird way. :)

(OBS would have captured it correctly probably)

Nice gameplay. you've lost a lot of secret's, what was already expected by the level design for a first contact with the game. Nice to know that the controls can be understood in the course of gameplay, without great tutorials unless the screen "how to play" in the beginning. As for the format that Fraps recorded, it must be some incompatibility between Fraps video modes and the ones of the game. During the game, the F10 key changes video modes (resolutions). It might be better to capture it in window mode (F11). Dowload version 1.0.1, which makes some adjustments (the most important of the " gost jump"). Thanks for the video (and for the gameplay, and feedback).

It just says "Error(2), could not load game file." :(

You have to unzip (unpack) the game. The game will not run if it stays ziped. Click the zip file with the right button of the mouse, chose "extract" or "extract to", and unzip the file to a folder. In the folder you can now run Marlow.exe, it will load the the game file (marlow.args).

It's unzipped. There's MARLO.args in there but renaming it doesn't help. Windows 10.

Hum... strange, but let's try:

1) The ".args" file must be in the same directory of the .exe

2) Try deleting the "cabinet.ini" file, it's de configuration file, the executable will create a new one.

3) Try to activate "Direct play" on the windows 10, here is a tutorial:

Let me know if this have solved the error or not. Thanks.

So today I'm starting the game and it works when freshly extracted from the zip. I made some windows settings changes because indexing (well, searching for apps by typing in start) wasn't working. One of the things I did besides few GPEDIT and registry changes was deleting my user's locale folder (which got re-created at next boot). Perhaps that's related or my system is/was messed up in just some other way.

Anyways, now it's working. Thanks for the help and sorry for this weird non-reproducible error.


I'm glad it's working now, there's no need to be sorry. Anyone is always welcome to ask anything. Cheers.