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cute!! is the music uploaded anywhere?

don't think so but you can check out pushers other stuff! its awesome!

sooo cutee🥹🥹😻🐛🐛🐝

So good !! (*<_ *

enjoyed playing this during the open house! i really liked this once i got the hang of it (although it took me a while lol); fun idea that's been really well executed.


Yay! This is so sweet!


Loved playing this at the TOJam venue! Will for sure take it for a spin with my kiddos soon.

(1 edit) (+2)

really great :) going to play with my partner. the always-turning-one-way is a great idea for a single-button control scheme! love that. the music and art are wonderful too. I knew exactly where my passengers needed to go just from the visual clues. This is the kind of game that makes me wish I had a child to play it with