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A member registered Feb 24, 2021

Recent community posts

Great update!! The art keeps getting better and I like the direction this game is taking, I just have one complaint, mild spoilers ahead:

My issue is that in many scenes where the main character is interacting with some of the girls, he is plagued by an inconvenient or poorly timed erection in like, half of them. It just happens way too often and it feels like you might be relying on that trope as a crutch. Still really like the game tho. I thought it needed to be said early enough in the game's story so you can still avoid it in the future

Who voiced the characters?

I just thought it was still early enough in the game's development that it could be done without having to go through that much text, but it's the dev(s) who's gonna judge that I guess

Any chance we could get rid of the "big" and "little" that comes before the roomate customizable text by default? I get that I can change it to anything I want but if I wanted the "big" and "little" accompaining the roomate thing, I would've written those in there. As it stands, it makes for an extremely obvious reference to a fetish I don't like at all, it just takes me out of it and I find it disturbing even

The story isn't complete yet, no. Last story thing I had done with her was when she wanted to go to the grocery store, so I'm at that point. I gave her another gift and things have improved, I was worried for basically no reason, but your reply was pretty helpful, thanks!

Been wanting to know what this means for a while now. I gave Juliet a gift when instead of a heart icon on the button to give her the gift there was a green circle. After that the circle turned yellow and there was no green check. It's been several days since I gave her the gift and the yellow circle is still there. Am I doing something wrong?

It worked, thank you!

I just downloaded the 0.2 version after playing the 0.1 version. Is there any way to transfer my save files from one version to the most recent one? If so, how do I do that?

Question: what does "generated ethically with AI" mean exactly? Does it mean that the AI didn't use already existing artworks like they usually do?

You aren't paying attention to a few areas. The hands in some of the screenshots look off to say the least

Understandable, I already got past the part I left at on v0.1 anyways, but thanks

Nice game! I played the first version, and I just downloaded the second. Is there a way to transfer save files from the previous build to the current one?

Well, my question was already answered, but I really don't care about how realistically it would be if the queen was underaged or how low the age of consent is at places, and yes, I do care about the age of these fictional characters. I don't wanna be a creep even if it's within the law and they're not real

oh okay, I forgot about that one, thanks

Pretty good game, though I wish I didn't have to tell Alice to work every morning and she would just do it by default.

ngl, I don't think I'm cool with that answer given how he's written and how he looks

Yo, how old is Pompelius? The prince of Lady Lavinia's kingdom

I managed to get Millie's lust level pretty high, but that doesn't seem to change anything and I still can't figure out what that's for exactly, maybe I'm missing something. I assume the purpose of it still hasn't been implemented and it will be revealed in a next update?

Will there be more free updates?

For some reason they're never for sale on mine. Maybe I'm just being extremely unlucky tho

I'm getting this problem too

Will the protagonist ever change his clothes or at least just his shirt? It's honestly so distracting to see Mike with Sullivan's face all the time

I unlocked Juliet's second CG, but it doesn't appear in the gallery

Is there a way to hide the text? If so, how? And if there isn't, it would be nice

Make sure to make it a little easier to accumulate money on the next version, on the first it's a huge struggle

I see. You do what you wanna do, but I personally would either just make her at least 18 right off the bat or not give us any naughty scenes until her birthday comes, cause it's kinda weird that we have the option in the first place, not gonna lie. Aside from that frankly major overlook, the game is pretty good

(1 edit)

wait, so that creates a big problem. It means we can already peek her in the shower while she's still 17, among other stuff

Question: how old is Millie? Cause like, she looks tiny lol, thought it was odd

Can a save file from a past update be transferred to the new version?

This game is so great! I've been hoping to find something like this

How do you fix it?

Oh, that's not the problem I was having. No one would show up in the first place. I was getting the prologue and then absolutely nothing happened after it. A later version fixed it though

Not sure if it also happens on downloaded versions, but when I play on browser and I skip the dialogue, nothing happens, it just shows the background and nothing else. This is happening in the latest version, it didn't happen before

ooooooh got it! thanks lmao