1 exact match found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra expect 5.45.4-5 A tool for automating interactive applications July 3, 2024

15 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra expect 5.45.4-5 A tool for automating interactive applications July 3, 2024
any Extra expected-lite 0.8.0-1 Expected objects in C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library Sept. 15, 2024
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-expectations 0.8.3-43 Catchy combinators for HUnit Sept. 4, 2024 Oct. 11, 2023
x86_64 Extra haskell-hspec-expectations-lifted 0.10.0-170 A version of hspec-expectations generalized to MonadIO Sept. 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra haskell-nothunks 0.2.0-6 Examine values for unexpected thunks Sept. 4, 2024
x86_64 Extra haskell-tasty-expected-failure 0.12.3-362 Mark tasty tests as failure expected Sept. 4, 2024
any Extra python-pexpect 4.9.0-2 For controlling and automating applications April 27, 2024
any Extra python-pytest-expect 1.1.0-11 py.test plugin to store test expectations and mark tests based on them April 27, 2024
any Extra ruby-minitest-global_expectations 1.0.1-4 Support minitest expectation methods for all objects Aug. 9, 2024
any Extra-Testing ruby-minitest-global_expectations 1.0.1-5 Support minitest expectation methods for all objects Oct. 6, 2024
any Extra ruby-rspec-expectations 3.13.1-1 Provides a readable API to express expected outcomes of a code example Aug. 10, 2024
any Extra-Testing ruby-rspec-expectations 3.13.3-1 Provides a readable API to express expected outcomes of a code example Oct. 6, 2024
any Extra ruby-webmock 3.19.1-2 Allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests. Aug. 9, 2024
any Extra-Testing ruby-webmock 3.19.1-3 Allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests. Oct. 6, 2024
any Extra tl-expected 1.1.0-2 C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions July 14, 2024

15 matching packages found.

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