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A member registered Oct 19, 2022

Recent community posts

The demo gives black screens, starting when she find the bullied person on the rooftop.

Sorry for my late reply; I wasn't on for a while, for I myself was working on some papers about chemistry, including a computer program.

I'm glad and very happy to hear that CD is to be continued with time. You really had me worried there that it had been put on the shelf (or should I say "into the library" by now) of potentially great games that were abandoned prematurely!

Keep up the good work, take your time and keep us updated every now and then please.

And above all: take care :)

I lost track of for how long they're claiming that now.

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I was a Patreon supporter of this game, but eventually I left because the game is obviously no longer worked on :(

They are now busy with a new project which I'm not interested in ("Rebel Duet"), and of which it remains to be seen if it won't go down the same road.

I do understand that development takes time, but it's been 9 months since the last update, while I see "Rebel Duet" progress continuously.

Ah, I found it now. It's not above the pound sign though but above the chest symbol.

I do have the exhib perk indeed. I do have an option to access the wardrobe, but the option to access her work outfit isn't there. There's also an option to buy a work uniform, but I didn't find an option to remove pieces of that uniform.

In previous version, she could work pantyless at the bar and the motel. Now she can't anymore??

I'd want her to never wear knickers,do the bar without panties and stockings. :(

And how do I enter doors? 'E' doesn't seem to do anything...

How do I reload? At the very start, I run out of ammo very soon.

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EDIT: The download works now. Turns out that, after some computer issues, my Firefox had its download directory on a read-only directory.

Thank you for your swift reply though; since the game was updated so long ago, I'm surprised and impressed that you still keep an eye on this page.

The artwork looks very promising. Gonna install it right away!

The download link is broken :(

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I got this message 3 times in a row in my error log, after trying to click some of the icons on the street:

[1000394.294561] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp8s0 OUT= MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:**:** SRC=192.168.**.** DST= LEN=36 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=34254 PROTO=2

(FYI: UFW = "Unix Firewall"; I play on Linux)

So it appears to be a matter of permissions. Since other browsers don't give this issue, it's probably some configuration inside FF that makes it so strict.

I'm playing on Firefox.

In the online game, when I leave the hotel, nothing on the map is clickable.

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I never get a metric bar?? But when I press the 'A' key, an error page pops up.
Also, the game responds very late to my keystrokes. And is it the picture in the middle that I should mimic, or the picture at the top?

How do |I stop the sex scenes? I started making out with prof. Matthew, but the scene never ends.

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first a prologue without an option to skip it or to save the game, then fight after fight until I die, and then having to watch the entire prologue again.

Nah, really ill-considered design. Pity, could've been a good game otherwise.

How do I get me the not-demo version?

Develpment is extremely slow, though :(

Pity, since it's a promising game.

Is the protagonist male or female?

Can I play a female protagonist?

Is the protagonist the female that does the playing around, or is it some dude who plays around?

1) I am NOT going to give my phone number to subscribe to your site. And now that I purchased the game, I need to pay a monthly fee for it??

2) About the game itself: it loooks very appealing, but it should come with some more instructions about the key settings, and what I am supposed to do at which point.

3) I welcome the change for there to be more exposure than sneaking around.

Hoping for an English version.

Is the protag male or female?

Wow! Sounds like a major update!

Take your time. Looking forward to the next version already, though.

When the game is in a (somewhat) more complete state, I'll gladly pay some for it though.

The game sure has potential, and the artwork from the 1.0 version that was here before is really appealing. That's why I may appear to be - and actually am perhaps - nagging so much about it.

Hope to see more soon. Keep up the good work and have a great 2024.


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I understand & agree.

I'd appreciate btw, if you kept us informed here which latest version with renders is available on your Patreon, so that we can come over and purchase it. Or perhaps you have a Discord where such things are announced? Or you could offer a paid version here, optionally next to a free old/demo version for people to check out?

Good luck with the game. I'm looking forward to play it.

Where can I get the cheat mod?

Same here. Hoping for an update, and hopefully with reworked graphics.

is this just a click-through text game?

I looked on the Patreon, but I see only a link to this page there, and that one was only text with a placeholder.

Version 6-2023 already, and still they haven't solved the aimlessly wandering around issue. "Find Ron's brother", without any indication where he could be. This game could be very good, but things like this seriously break it for me. That's why I left their Patreon eventually.

The game really really needs better descriptions for quests, and especially where everything is.

Why not post them here on as well, with a minimum price.


EDIT: Unlike what the description suggested, I am to play a dude! A MALE dude!

Done here.

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Is she only a nudist on the beach, or is there OON content as well with a male audience?

More tags in the "more information" section would be helpful. Not just to potential buyers, but with so little info, the dev may miss out on a customer base that would actually want the game, but who hesitate to spend $10 on a game that they may not like.

Some tags that I recommend (not yet having played it myself): "female protagonist", "ren'py" (I think?), "exhibitionism" and  "visual novel"/"kinetic novel".

and which is this prequel that you referred to? I'd like to look into that one as well.

Indeed, I am now playing remake v0.2. Looks great.

Oh, my bad. I was under the impression that newer versions were available on Patreon. In that case I readily apologize.

Looking forward to the next version, which I'll gladly pay some for.