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No matter what you sell, you need secure and scalable e-commerce solutions that meet the demands of both your customers and business. Engage customers through customized products and offers, process transactions quickly and securely, and focus on fulfillment and customer service.

Give customers what they want—and drive sales

Before you can sell it, people must want to buy it. Our e-commerce platform lets you analyze site traffic and browse-to-buy conversion rates to define special offers and new products based on customer behavior. Create personalized shopping experiences with targeted content and offers, and increase satisfaction through ongoing engagement—before, after, and at the point of sale.

Analyze e-commerce data to drive sales.
Securely make transactions with e-commerce solutions.

Transact more sales, more often, more securely

More customers mean more transactions. Make sure you’re ready to handle every transaction smoothly by designing an e-commerce purchasing experience that’s simple to navigate. Then, deploy it to a secured and compliant e-commerce platform.

Have the capacity to meet customer demand

You need an e-commerce solution that adapts to the size and seasonality of your business. When demand for your products or services takes off—predictably or unpredictably—be prepared to handle more customers and more transactions automatically. Plus, take advantage of cloud economics by paying only for the capacity you use.

Use e-commerce platforms to optimize your supply chain.

Optimize every point in your supply chain

Driving sales isn’t the only way to increase your bottom line. Save money by streamlining your supply chain, reducing support costs, and increasing satisfaction with your suppliers and sellers through online self-service portals. Improve inventory management and reduce shipping costs using order information and historical customer data.

Focus on driving sales, not managing IT infrastructure

Your core business is selling. Not IT. Take advantage of pre-built services in the cloud to create an e-commerce solution that enhances your sales performance and leaves the infrastructure management to your cloud provider.

Azure e-commerce solutions drive sales.

Jumpstart e-commerce in your organization

Build your own e-commerce solutions with help from our trusted partners

Catapult Systems

Catapult Systems is a global modern digital solutions and services firm that specializes in emerging and business-critical technologies.

Tata Consultancy

A global leader in IT services and solutions, TCS combines technology expertise and business intelligence to catalyze change.

Deploy prebuilt e-commerce solutions


AbanteCart is a free, community-based e-commerce application with third-party marketplace extensions to generate additional revenue.

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Related solution architectures

Personalized marketing solutions architecture

Personalized marketing solutions

Personalized marketing is essential for building customer loyalty and remaining profitable. Reaching customers and getting them to engage is harder than ever, and generic offers are easily missed or ignored. Current marketing systems fail to take advantage of data that can help solve this problem.

Architect scalable e-commerce web app solution architecture

Architect scalable e-commerce web app

The e-commerce website includes simple order processing workflows with the help of Azure services. Using Azure Functions and Web Apps, developers can focus on building personalized experiences and let Azure take care of the infrastructure.

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