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Messaging services on Azure

Connect your modern applications—written in different languages and hosted anywhere—with a comprehensive set of messaging services on Azure.

Reliably connect hybrid applications using messaging services

Messaging services on Azure provide the interconnectivity between components and applications that are written in different languages and hosted in the same cloud, multiple clouds, or on-premises. Use message queues or topics to send messages without concerns of consumer availability and to help balance varying workload throughput.

A server room with wires on either side

Easily migrate your on-premises enterprise messaging solutions to the cloud using common industry and open-protocol support such as ISO/IEC Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT).

People in a meeting with data being displayed on a TV in the room

Meet the demands of your growing business by using scalable messaging services on Azure. Ingest millions of messages and events without concerns about infrastructure management or operations.

A person pointing to data on a large screen

Continue to access on-premises and multicloud resources with direct connectivity through firewalls, without compromising security. Messaging services on Azure support hybrid connectivity by originating requests from the consumer.

Three people aroura a desk looking at a desktop monitor

Build modern reactive microservices with events coming from Azure or from your own applications. Reduce time and complexity with event-driven applications, which only execute when events are pushed to the serverless component.

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Learn more about products for messaging services on Azure

Service Bus

Service Bus

Connect on-premises and cloud-based apps on an enterprise message queueing and pub-sub platform using open protocols.

Event Grid

Event Grid

Build event-driven apps that connect Azure and third-party services using a fully managed publish-subscribe service.

Event Hubs

Event Hubs

Ingest, route, and store streams of millions of events for real-time analytics and apps. Supports Apache Kafka workloads.

Azure Relay

Azure Relay

Interconnect apps across different sites, datacenters, and network boundaries, without complex network-level solutions.

Queue storage

Queue storage

Decouple components using simple queues with enormous capacity.

Azure SignalR Service

Azure SignalR Service

Add real-time functionality to your web apps—like chat rooms, co-authoring, live dashboards, and instant broadcasting.



Run a native Apache Kafka distribution in a managed environment for maximum control over Kafka configurations and settings.

Notification Hubs

Notification Hubs

Send personalized push notifications to any mobile platform, from any back end.

Azure IoT Hub

Azure IoT Hub

Enable bi-directional communication between IoT devices and Azure.

Azure Web PubSub

Azure Web PubSub

Easily build real-time messaging web applications using WebSockets and the publish-subscribe pattern.

Solution architectures for messaging services on Azure

Discover how messaging services can help you simplify and scale your infrastructure across various enterprise use cases.

Enterprise integration on Azure using message queues and events

Asynchronous communication solution using a message broker enables scalability of backend processors, load-leveling, and application decoupling.

Stream processing pipeline with Azure Stream Analytics

Apps, devices, and systems constantly emit data. Ingest millions of events per second as data streams that can be analyzed, persisted, and visualized.

Event-based cloud automation on Azure

Event-driven applications leverage the scalability of serverless computing to handle discrete events coming from disparate systems.

IoT and data analytics in the construction industry

Azure IoT Hub enables secure bidirectional communication between your Internet of Things (IoT) application and the devices it manages.

Get the latest messaging services news and resources

Frequently asked questions

  • Messages carry intent or transfer the state between components, while events are observations about what has happened. Learn more.

  • A message queue provides an asynchronous FIFO (first-in, first-out) point-to-point communication channel. While topics also allow you to do asynchronous FIFO communication, topics also allows producers to publish messages that can then be subscribed to by one or more consumers.

  • Event distribution provides the distribution of discrete events. A discrete event describes a specific action that has taken place by the publisher. Event streaming carries informational data points as elements of a continuously published stream.

Try Service Bus for message queueing

Start building scalable and reliable cloud apps with queues and topics.

Build event-driven apps with Event Grid

Simplify your event-based applications with a scalable event publish/subscribe service using push-based subscriptions.

Ready when you are

Let’s set up your Azure free account.

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