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Any news on where someone could get a physical copy? I really love the rules and would enjoy something for the table.

We played a couple games last week and had a blast!  These models haven't seen action for years and it was great get them up and running.  Took about 20 minutes to read the rules, come up with builds and start our first match. 

Mostly Warmachine, so we alternated between models as built (weapons, armor, so on) and skies-the-limit.  One thing we had fun with was exchanging left-over slots for movement, so our dual melee characters could have a little extra oomph.  Exchanging for extra mods and specials - while fun! - broke everything.. might have some fun with one-on-one model duals though.

There's so much here to have fun with.  Thanks for building Mek28 and sharing it with us!

I love that you've been playing around with the rules and doing your own thing. Thank you for playing the game!

I loved the game, although I have some doubts about how it works that I will probably only be able to resolve after playing it.

From what I understand, there is a possibility that a mek can explode without having done anything just by rolling a 6 on the OVERHEAT TABLE after the end of the round. Is that right? If so, it sounds pretty chaotic. XD

Would you allow me to translate the game's text into Portuguese? That way, my fellow Brazilians who don't understand English can enjoy it with me.

Great game. I'm waiting for the next updates and I'm looking forward to playing it.


Thank you for checking out the game! My best advice for unclear rules is just to make up or interpret them in a way that is most fun and destructive for you and your friends! 

I would love to include a Portuguese translation of the rules on this page!

Am i missing something, how many Specials can a mek have access to?

That's a good point, it doesn't explicitly say how to use them like how the Mods and Weapons descriptions do.

Text says: "[Specials] Are abilities or devices that can be activated by generating 1 Heat. They last for 1 Round and can be used Once per Game, unless otherwise stated." 

Reading in to that, my guess is that you can use any number of them on your turn, each once per game.  The downside being if you use too many in one go, you'll overheat your mek and kablamo.

But yea, I think the language in that description could be a bit clearer on how/when they can be used.

If they are meant to be used as above, maybe a description like:

"[Specials] Are abilities or devices that can be activated (on individual Meks once per turn/once per Mek, per turn) by generating 1 Heat (for that Mek). They last for 1 Round (unless otherwise stated), and can be used Once per Game, unless otherwise stated."


Meks can have 1 Special each, and can only be used once per game. I've updated the text to include this.  Thank you for asking!



(1 edit)

Hey, in the building meks section the chart doesn't match up with what the text describes. Unless I'm misunderstanding the BUY/SELL aspect (highly likely) the text examples and the chart come out different. 

The written chart is: 


| 2                | 10"              | 2        |

| 4                | 8"                 | 3        |

| 6                | 6"                 | 4        |

| 8                | 4"                 | 5        |

| 10               | 2"               | 6        |


But the text examples would come out as:


| 2                 | 12"               | 1        |

| 4                 | 10"               | 2        |

| 6                 | 8"                  | 3        |

| 8                 | 6"                  | 4        |

| 10              | 4"                  | 5        |


I've not played this yet, so no idea which one is more balanced, but I'm making myself some sheets to laminate to track mek stats and just noticed this while making my own charts.


This was an old typo that should be fixed in the downloadable rules. The written chart is correct. Thank you for bringing it up!


It says 4" or taller in the 28mm scale, but that technically includes 40k Titans! - Is there an upper size limit?    Seeing a lot of potential in this for Gundam, Zoids, Mech bashes...

Loving the start! Can't wait for more. Played a game last night with some random minis and it feels like a bare bones mix of Lancer and Gamma Wolves.

There is no upper limit, make Meks as big or small as you like!

Thank you, that is high praise. I hope you play more games and have fun!


I saw Trent Holbrook talk about this game on a recent video and downloaded the rule set. Seems fun and I love the idea of building units out of my bits box. I'm not sure if this already exists, but I built a spreadsheet that simplifies mek stat building here: 

Let me know if this is helpful or has any errors and I am happy to make updates. You can just make a copy of the linked sheet to start editing your own units. Simply select options from the dropdowns to build a unit.


This is really useful! Thank you!