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Hey guys when I download the game on android it says that the app was built for an older version of android and that it doesn't include the latest privacy protections, do I press install anyways or will it damage my phone somehow? Sorry I'm really cautious downloading stuff from the internet lmao 

don't worry, it doesn't damage your phone

(1 edit)

I'm loving the story so far and I can't wait for the next update. Does anyone know when the next version is gonna release?

i have to say... this game is gonna haunt me during night... the last scene before the game end like holy fuck man... I clinch my fist so fucking hard when natsumi saw the kiss mark on his shirt... damn. Definitely waiting for the next update.

You're gonna love v 0.5 bro

0.5 when it release in public

Man this game is awesome. The story is very well written and the animations and aesthetic of the game in general is mesmerizing. It all works so well together with the bgm 

Keep up the good work! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

Plus Idk if I am the only one that thinks that MC has DID (Dissociative identity disorder) hh I was just doing some research about that disorder not so long ago for an essay and I can't but think that all the things that happen with MC checks all the "symptoms" for that disorder. But that just me trying to be skeptical about all the spiritual stuff but yea I was wondering if you by any chance knew about it when writing this story

I don't expect to be answered But I was wondering if anyone know the soundtrack of the game cause idk its just really soothing lo

Ngl Biggering I'm tempted to get Patreon to continue playing. That's how much I enjoy playing this game and the story to it, but I'm kinda broke so going to have to wait till I get a job or till the next free update. Keep up the good work Biggering

Downloaded it to fap, stayed for the story.

Seriously I can't believe this is an H-game. The story is interesting and the soundtrack really sells the scenes especially those with Nova. 

I'm usually not a fan of stories that attempt to be deep as most of the time they just end up being shallow and disappointing but this feels like it is actually going somewhere and has massive potential.

I also really appreciate the amount of content available at 0.4! Usually games on itcho which are not V 0.8 or up end in 1 hour or less. Keep it up

Thank you so much!

How can I play it on Android? 

It says at the end : zip 

How can I get the apk?

Funny thing lad, if you had the mental age that somewhat resembled over 18, you'd know what a zip file is

The APK is inside the .Zip, I recommend you download an app to uncompress it, then you'll be able to install it normally.

2 Animations completed already? Seems really quick now, but let's see, I really can't wait

Hi, I'm from Brazil, it's a shame there's no translation into my language, a real shame.

No jumpscares right?

(I really don't like them)

No, don't worry. However, the newest update (0.5) has a minigame with jumpscares, and even that part is skippable.


Will this have a harem path?

I'm trying to include, actually, the story is supposed to end as a harem, but I need more time.

fucking old bitch lady, that fucking dumbass is so retarded leave me alone fucking witch




(1 edit)

I've just finished the game, and I have to say, that cliffhanger was absolutely gripping. The horror moments almost made my heart jump out ! No cheap jump scares (bonus points for that) and amazing story. Because I find myself quite similar to some of Natsumi's personality (insecurities and shyness deriving from past abuse), I teared up when seeing Natsumi healing from it. Even though it was fictional, seeing someone so broken inside be meticulously and delicately mended by the MC to the point where she opened up made me feel this indescribable warmth. 

Also, I really like the different deities(idk what they are so I'll just call them that) coming out with the colour changes to the MC's name. My theory for their representation of the MC's different personality aspects : the purple eyed one is his "selfish" desires (the purple name comes up when he wants to peek into the shower, and when he punches that asshole on the street on the way home), the green eyed one represents his kindness and willingness to help others (shows up whenever he helps Natsumi or laments her situation), the yellow eyed one would be his loneliness and desire for friends (shows up whenever he starts uncontrollably getting friendly with Kaede). The blue eyed one would be., for the lack of a better word, his assertiveness ? ( it shows up when standing up against the principal, Hana and Natsumi's father). How accurate was it ?

When's the estimated date for the next update ? I can't wait !

(2 edits)

Yo this is an amazing look, I never exactly knew how to represent these beings exactly, so them being deities that're tied to certain emotions coming out of MC is kind of a cool thought!

It looks like some of those emotions have self-control though, since if I recall correctly, Purple came out when a little someone tried to plan a trick on MC

also lastly, hope you're doing well, sympathy is one thing, but empathy is another...

Yes, it seems to me that they have partial control, since the purple one could strangle the MC. But what intrigues me most would be the colour change in his name. When he talks to Natsumi and has the green text, is it the green (benevolent, caring) side of his personality overriding his logical thoughts ? Or is it the deity herself sort of "possessing" him and controlling him without him knowing.

Also thank you for your condolences. I will say it has left a mark on me, and stories like these only make me feel glad that the victims receive help, albeit fictional.

(2 edits)

I think these deities could possibly be trying to help MC in their respective ways, maybe they have their own goals? After all. if I recall correctly, each deity spoke within a certain way similar to how they act while also carrying out a goal in mind for MC.

Green being nice and wanting to help, their goal, perhaps selflessness
Blue's goal is to make him be more assertive,
Purple goal is to make him selfish 
Yellow's is to help him establish relationships

But I think I just know better that they all come out when I'm guessing a certain requirement has been hit for them

Purple comes from desires being Revengeful and/or Lustful
Blue comes by chatting being Charismatic and/or Assertive
Green comes to someone in need, being Kind and Soothing
Yellow comes when they spot someone that the MC can relate to, being chatty and nervous(?) possibly outgoing though however

Examples I guess would be:
Purple peeking the bathroom or being hurt
Green helping Natsumi
Blue chatting to Hana and Midori, the way MC speaks to the two character seems to be significantly different
Yellow saying how he recognizes a character to Kaede

MC's aware and I'm guessing, have some limited extent of control over his body whenever those certain emotions come out.

He did refrain hurting someone in public, either the Purple emotion knew of this, or that was him trying his hardest to hold back from doing something he'd really much regret

I don't think he knows why he cant control himself easily though when these certain emotions come out though, he knows it's very unlike him,

especially with how he originally tried to be a prick to Natsumi, just for green to come out, help her and realize a big mistake could've happened had he been a prick, yet he doesn't exactly know why he changed from being a prick to being nice so...

My major question to this is how nobody realizes his eyes changes color each time these certain emotions come out, maybe it's something unique, and something only certain people similar to him can see...

I'm gonna stop my rambling here, I really liked the story so far, but anyways, You're welcome for the condolences, I feel the same way about fictional characters getting help,

I'd want to help people in any way I could, but we're only human, the greatest flaw and blessing we can be granted, so it's hard to do that, I just try my best to not think that and just make whoever I can, feel at least a little cared about and hopefully put a smile on their face, even if it was temporary.

Stuff like "You're not alone" ain't gonna help at all, so I again cheer whoever up in whatever way I can

Hope that one day you'll heal from what you've felt, I just hope it wasn't too terrible...

(1 edit)

I've been thinking about the white deity as well. It seems to be very powerful as it commanded the purple one to stop choking the MC. Also, we don't exactly know what it's meant to represent. We've got all these distinct personality traits linked to the different colours because of the brief dialogue of both the deities and the colour change in the MC. However, the white deity doesn't speak to him but helps him (rebuilding his body after the crash, saving him from the purple one) so perhaps it's not even meant to represent any form of personality. So who is the white deity ? Given how Nova has white hair and pupils, and the white deity has white text, I've thought that there is a chance that they could be one and the same, since the white deity never manifests in the MC but helps him through its own influence, much like Nova helps the MC by giving him advice and comforting him. However, Nova had no power against the realm with the boat and its dreadful inhabitant whilst the white deity's words were enough to drive off the purple deity. So perhaps they could be the same character, related somehow or entirely different. 

Also, thank you for your kind words and rejecting the pretentious courtesy with the "you're not alone" stuff. Honestly by that alone you are showing you know your stuff. Plus thanks for discussing this with me even though it took me a while to respond.

All good! I enjoy chatting about the theories and possibilities yet to come in the story! And don't worry about taking a while to respond, everybody has things to do, so it's natural that responses takes time to receive!

Also, no need to thank me, I just like to make people feel better in any way I can, that being said, I wish you the best of luck with any problems you have!

Thanks so much for sharing your theories over the past few days! I wanted to reply sooner, but the discussion was so engaging that I decided to wait and see how far you would take it without any input from me. Your theories were truly fascinating!

It seems like most people are starting to grasp the idea of the MC's different personalities, but only a few have touched on what they truly represent. Without giving too much away, I can say that each personality plays a specific role in the MC's life—not just as a set of emotions, but also as lessons. The story will begin to focus more on what lesson can be learned from each personality, and how Nova ties into all of them.

I hope you're all doing well and continue to enjoy the game as much as I’m enjoying creating it!

As for a release date, I can’t say much just yet, but… you can keep up with the progress of updates here or on Patreon for free! You’ll be able to see what I’m working on and what’s planned for the future!

Hmm... this sure is some food for thought. Thank you, but I must delay my analysis because I've overworked for the past few days and need rest. Speaking of which, hope you aren't overburdening yourself. Also, might I say that whilst there weren't many H-scenes, the buildup and narrative itself trumps, and I kid you not, 90% of the other AVNs I've played with somewhat of a story. I'd say it is deserving to be ranked alongside the top games like Champion of Realms and Goddess' Whim (CoR has lost it's place on the podium after the original page got replaced but you get what I mean). I'm in a bit of a financial crisis right now but once I recover, I promise you I'm subbing to your Patreon (my Patreon username is pretty much the same as my username so you'll be able to see). I've strongly recommended your game to a few friends so hopefully they'll check it out (though some of those few don't know it's an AVN XD)

Deleted 16 days ago

Sounds interesting! I can't wait for the update to release when it does, I'm so invested in the story right now, but as Andreas6 said, We hope you don't overwork yourself! 

Thanks so much for sharing your theories over the past few days! I wanted to reply sooner, but the discussion was so engaging that I decided to wait and see how far you would take it without any input from me. Your theories were truly fascinating!

It seems like most people are starting to grasp the idea of the MC's different personalities, but only a few have touched on what they truly represent. Without giving too much away, I can say that each personality plays a specific role in the MC's life—not just as a set of emotions, but also as lessons. The story will begin to focus more on what lesson can be learned from each personality, and how Nova ties into all of them.

I hope you're all doing well and continue to enjoy the game as much as I’m enjoying creating it!

As for a release date, I can’t say much just yet, but… you can keep up with the progress of updates here or on Patreon for free! You’ll be able to see what I’m working on and what’s planned for the future!

I just started this game. The story is absolutely amazing so far, but the MC keeps commenting on how what he is doing is illegal (e.g. inviting Kaede to play games, and getting dragged by Hana). The game's title screen doesn't indicate that the characters are 18+, so I just want to confirm the age of the characters. Thanks

All the characters are 18+  The story takes place at college
Hana is just petite.

(1 edit)

thanks for the clarification, but why did the MC think that playing games with Kaede was illegal ?

Edit : forgot that teacher-student relationships are unorthodox, oops

(1 edit)


In several countries, malpractice can be consider a serious problem and a despiteful conduct by some medical professionals and other areas. However, Broken Dreams is a fictional story, so let's say in the universe where the events takes place, malpractice is considered a crime (and it should be considered that way in way more countries, but that's just my opinion). The protagonist at that point is not worried about what he did with Kaede, playing videogames? Not a problem at all, he's worried about scalating his future aproaches with her, making them more and more improper. The relationship between a psychologist and a patient must be professional.

Is there a way to move saves from mobile to pc?

You need to copy the files on your mobile device located on 
your android data folder and then enter the folder with the name of the game ---->saves, copy those, and move them to your %appdata folder on Windows %APPDATA%/RenPy/broken dreams

(5 edits)

DUDE, I LOVED IT! IT WENT SO QUICK THAT I JUST WISHED THERE WAS MORE TO READ, you make the story just SO AMAZING! I found it too good I can't find a better term than amazing,

BUT DAMN, THE LAST PART OF CHAPTER 3 GOT ME ANTICIPATING FOR MORE, I'm so curious to how Red would handle it, poor girl...

I can't wait to see more when it comes out! and I'm so curious to why Red's eyes are blurred unless one of those emotion-related characters come out?

I give it a 10/10!

P.S. Red's the name I gave the main character, but anyways, again I LOVED IT, can't wait for more! See you next update! Or revisit!

P.P.S. I noticed that some of the images here don't show what's in the current content, are some of them upcoming future content?

P.P.P.S. I'm definitely coming back time to time to either read reviews or to check on the update(s)

Thank you so much 🤍

Correct, those images not included in the public version are part of the Patreon update.

I forgo

I'm assuming the 0.5 release is something you have to pay for? or is that just for now

Patrons are one update ahead of the public version.

(2 edits)

Sucks I missed the update by 6 days, but let's gooooo!!!
The next update is here!!

I'll make sure to let you know how much I enjoyed this update when I check it out! The story intrigued me before the update so I can't wait to see what it's like with this update!


Played for 3D anime women having sex, stayed for the story. To be honest, I was first thinking about skipping everything and just seeing the sex scenes. But I figured I'd give it another try and read through it like a normal human being instead of having my second head doing the thinking, and the story turned out surprisingly good for a porn game. Every character has their own battles to face, and that's one of the most appealing aspects of a game to me. Good job, Biggering! I look forward to the public release of 0.5 here on itch and I hope it lives up to the hype!

Thanks 🤍! I'm glad to know you gave the story a chance!

(1 edit)

I created an account just to thank you, let me just explain.

I always loved emotional games, i've always been sensitive and i love games that can make me get emotional and allow me to become attached to the characters, i loved Natsumi, (please, don't make her suffer too much, she's the cutest thing in the world). I really got attached to the characters and i really enjoyed that the protagonist is a psychologist, it is pretty original and Kaede and Hana scenes were so cute!

I wanted to thank you, cause lately my life isn't that fun at all, that's probably one of the reasons i was looking for a hentai game lol. Today im suffering of hyperacusis and tinnitus that is making me struggle a lot cause it doesn't allow me to do what i love in the same way as before, playing my favorite games how i was used to, i have always loved strong emotions and your game managed to give me a taste of these strong emotions after a long time even though it wasn't what i was initally looking for. I also want to thank you very much for making the game free to all, you gave a me beautiful experience, i will never thank you enough, please don't abandon this project. you are the best, and your game is surely the best itch io vn i played until now in terms of storyline, i really like that you chose to not do the "farm relationship" type where you have to do boring tasks, actually i love the way the game just flows like a book, it makes it very immersive imo.

Oh and damn, the horror scene was so cool, anyone would have shit themselves, it was so unexpected hahahaha.

Thank you again, and i hope, one day, when i could afford it, I can repay you with my patreon support and maybe.. Who knows, i'll buy your next game! :D 

Thanks again Biggering, good luck with your project :)

ps: Even the menu gives me stomach pains, it is so beautiful, really, love your art.

(3 edits)

Me too hehe。I've never had such an emotional reaction to a game before, just because of the characters,fantastic (or maybe it's just because I haven't played others, lol) 

I love Natsumi too, she suffers so much it's pitiful

Unfortunately, I'm just a poor non-English speaking student (even though I just got a pad last week), I don't have the money to buy a patreon either TAT...

Finally, I wish you all the best and hope you can get over your illness soon!

(ps: this is a clip I translated from english using deepl, I swear I meant absolutely no harm, I'm sorry if anyone feels uncomfortable, I'm just a retard (⩺︷⩹)....)

Thanks, appreciate it very much! 


Hey!  I'm so glad that you enjoyed the game! 
I hope it continues to be a fundamental piece of your recovery process! both emotionally and physically.
Bad times don't stay forever, you always need something to feel connected to this world, in my case, this game was my ray of hope. If you remember... there's a joke in the game that makes you imagine math formulas because I dropped out of college. Hehe. 
I still have the original name of the folder where I saved the game: "LAST HOPE" It truly was my last hope... and thanks to kind people like you, I continue doing this for a living, what I'm trying to say is... Never give up, there's always a ray of hope out there, you need to find it! My best wishes to you and thank you again for playing my game!  🤍

Thank you, I'm so happy to know that you are mading it after all, someone dear to me has a similar story to yours where unfortunately he had to leave school and find another path for himself, so I understand the pain one may feel at the beginning and I'm very sorry, however you still have time to prove yourself and this game is absolutely proof of that! Can't wait for the new updates to come out :)))

This game is SO good, the storywriting is SO good, everything about it is phenomenal. 

(somewhat spoilers)

I wanted to say specifically though that the nightmare scene involving natsumi, the use of the flashlight and the darkened environment genuinely sent chills up my body, holy sh*t. I forgot this was an h game... I don't even think it's fair to call it that. It's more of a... romantic thriller with some really hot scenes. Amazing work!

I thank you for liking my vision of psychological horror! It means a lot!

Hey Biggering, I finally finished the current public build and I really hate you. I more invested in this due to the story than scenes, but god dammit, how did you make my heart drop from a piece of clothing you asshole. God everything felt wrong at the end, I genuinely felt nothing during the scenes and honestly felt disgusted with myself and Nova as even MC off the bat knew it was a bad idea. Do you enjoy having people bond with characters then rip their heart out? Im following you now cause that was an investing story, but I swear to god if you rugpull me again      .  ..  . .  ..  I will cry. Great work tho, but am still curious of what power we have,, are the dream demons real abd affect to waking world, and how the personalities play in this story. I hope to see how the writing continues to adapt.

Thank you so much! I hope you like future updates!

Hi Biggering, I wanted to give my opinion on Broken Dreams. Right off the bat, I like the game, it's interesting and I find the story engaging. I just want to give my opinion on 2 points in a constructive way. The first one is that many people have also made, it's about the lack of interaction with the environment, either that there is only one event per day in general, or that you can't feed poor Nemo, or that you can't even bathe. I would say that this is the obvious criticism and that, according to what I've read from you, you have presented the game like this, so regardless of whether it is something that can be improved, it's not that it makes me upset, the truth is I like to appreciate the visual novel game without being so fixated on the gameplay section.

By the way, I do like to say that I did like the twist you gave with the theme of the scary scene of the demon/monster in the dream that you implemented, it caught me off guard and you managed to make me scared, and the truth is that it impacted me in a positive way, I grant you that and I applaud you! 

My second criticism is a little deeper, and it is the subject of our protagonist's profession. You see, I am a psychologist, and there are things that made me feel a bit upset in the sense of knowing my profession. There are things that a qualified psychologist must know and that our protagonist simply ignores. Now, regardless of the fact that I did not like how you implemented the characteristic of the profession in a more precise way (I do not blame you, you do not have to know everything about this topic) I do want to tell you that I loved the fact that the protagonist was a psychologist, the truth is that I find it very original that you wanted to make a story with such a beautiful profession and that can be used as an excuse to literally help the rest of the characters that appear. I am not looking to give you a detailed talk about how to be a psychologist, but I do want you to know that I appreciate that you want to give visibility to psychological problems through your game, I appreciate it very much, it left a good taste in my mouth.

My most sincere congratulations, and the truth is I want to continue to pay attention to the progress of your game, friend, a hug and I hope you can complete your work! and sorry for my english, i'm from Chile, so i speak spanish, I just know english in a medium way.

(1 edit)

Hey! Thank you so much for playing my game!🤍

As you mentioned, the interactions with the world are a bit too short or sometimes feel irrelevant. I’m aware of that and currently working on it. For now, the best I can do is disable the free-roam mode and reintroduce it at more appropriate moments (I’ve got a few ideas in mind).

Regarding the protagonist’s behavior, without giving too much away, I can only say that his conduct was intentional from the beginning. He’s meant to be detestable. I understand that many players might not relate to his actions and might even get frustrated enough to quit the game. But there’s a reason behind it: it’s all part of his character development. It’s crucial to the storyline that he’s portrayed this way. A protagonist needs flaws—he’s human, after all, with a dark and mysterious past, harboring secrets deep within his heart and mind. He needs to be a villain to become something more.

As for his profession, I get that it might be frustrating for you, to see the protagonist ignore proper protocols when dealing with his patients and the people around him. This, too, was written this way for a reason. The biggest clue to this lies right at the beginning when the principal says:

Principal: "I still don't understand why they sent YOU to work here." "I'm starting to think they are corrupted."

If that doesn’t hint that something’s off about how the protagonist got his job, I don’t know what will.

Well, I didn't really consider the possibility that there was something strange about the protagonist's work. Although I read what the director said, I thought it wasn't a detail to consider when explaining the way our protagonist works. Anyway, I jumped to a wrong conclusion, so I correct my perception and I stand by my comment about your game, I hope you can complete it biggering, I look forward to continuing to enjoy your work!

Downloaded to nut, ended up playing the entire game forgetting it was an h game for most of the playthrough, i wanna buy the patreon but god damn im broke. Love the game, please more of you. I'll play literally anything if it's the same quality! 

Thank you so much for your kind words! 🤍



Hello again, another update from my play time. I really do like this game actually. I really like how we get to connect with the girls and understand the actual struggles they go through which did touch me. I legitimately forgot it an erotic VN and when the first bit of nudity did pop up, I thought of it more artistically as a girl learning to love herself. Free roam is not as bad as I initially thought, tho I do wish there was a pass time in the office instead of having to run home constantly. Its not as interactive as I thought it would be as I thought I could push back against or accept the influences of the beings fighting in my mind, affecting certain outcomes depending if I act more bravely, kind, stern, cruel, or even trying to shove away the influnences and let the protag choose on his own, but still a good story. Not sure how much is left of current build, but I

will keep playing

The free roam will be deactivated in the next version because I want to implement a few changes.

About choices and story branching: sadly, this game is pretty demanding in terms of time and assets required to create every scene, I'd love to implement different routes, outcomes, and variants, but that automatically increases the development time exponentially. I'm not saying that I gave up on implementing choices or multiple endings, I'll implement those features when the game is near to finish (Because it's way easier)

(1 edit)


Can't wait for the V0.5 release for the public... Keep cooking bro :]!

bro same, such a good game

Thank you so much! 🤍

huu.....xinqiu.....ur on the wrong game my guy XD wtf

Sadly, I was inexperienced and I just got a hairstyle from the editor for my girl.

Lmaooo no way 😂😂  but ho well it happens but lmao i was looking at the scennes and i was like : holl up !!! (Scrolls up again to see if im not double blind cus yea , i wear glasses cus i cant see crap) .....xinqiu? Ma men? Wha u doing here ?? 

But dw mistakes happen and this one was rlly funny to me lmao (believe me ive seen H genshin stuff way worse lol but hey the game looks interesting 



Just started and its an interesting story, however, the free roam is kinda useless currently as there no real reason to walk around the school besides a few objectives and they only complete one a day. The house is only slightly better with Natsumi being in a room or 2, but thats it. Also, how come we cant feed Nemo? My boy hasnt eaten in 2 weeks. Overall, still interested but only a few gripes

The free roam will be deactivated in the next version.
At the beginning of the development, the idea was to build relationships with all the girls independently, but now the story needs to reach a certain point to make it possible. The game is a kinetic novel for the time being, but don't worry, I'll add more options in the future and bring back the free-roam mode. It would be way easier to implement choices and interactions when the game is near to finish; including a good ending, a bad ending, and a special ending for every main girl.

Excellent story and atmosphere. Which characters do you get to be intimate with in the 0.5 release?

Natsumi and Midori.


I tried in the past, didn't go well :( 
The thing is... It takes a lot of time, however, I WANT to translate the game in the future. I need extra time or someone to help me in the process 

can i help you?

ive become addicted to this game, ive been playing for the past 2.5 hours, just wanted to say this is a great game, its very comforting and has a nice story and characters

Glad you enjoyed it🤍


I love the game so much ... This is such a very comfort game .. I love you so much biggering for doing this. I owe you my life.


I have been waiting, Biggering... You have taken to long this one time. One more slip up... And off with your head it'll be.



Thanks for your reply and I really liked the game

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