Proxy to get visitor count for a specific page from Plausible Analytics, because Plausible does not support scoped API keys.
The site's timezone needs to be set as GMT+0.
GET /api/visitors/:path
: The path
should be URI encoded. For example: GET /api/visitors/example%2Fpage
to get the visitor count of $PLAUSIBLE_SITE_ID/example/page
. It returns a JSON object { statusCode: 200, path: string, visitors: number }
or { statusCode: number, error: string, message: string }
with corresponding HTTP status code. The period is from 2019-01-01 to now, i.e. all stats.
GET /api/visitors
: To get the visitor count of the whole website. It returns a JSON object { statusCode: 200, visitors: number }
or { statusCode: number, error: string, message: string }
with corresponding HTTP status code. The period is from 2019-01-01 to now, i.e. all stats.
GET /api/realtime
: Same format, realtime.
Configs are via environment variables.
: optional, default is
: required
: required
: optional, default is