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A member registered Jan 14, 2023

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i think they mistyped "alr" which means "already"

for me it mostly lags when a lot of lights are on in the base, i have to limit it to 2-3 or i'll start dropping frames

tch tch tch URRR

*all random signals are Mars*


joking tho, it is a test build of 0.8.0 after all, major oddities like that are bound to happen. everything else is sick

my guy got downvoted for literally getting the reference. y'all cruel

ok bro. anyways

first of all, why is this downvoted, second, i found another thing in Lit Up. this down arrow is a bit early in section 18, which is in every difficulty

solution: drive racks

problem: i am impatient and want to waste my money on fun stuff

how do i solve that one

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idk, they seemed fine, but i'll keep that in mind

edit: i'm pretty sure i mixed a few of those into my regular drives too so my single drive rack full of old level 0 signals might be a bit of a pick a diiick but it's whatever

aw man that sucks. i liked my huge pile of level 0 signals :(

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it has happened 2 times now,  both back to back because i thought "ok haha very funny i'll fix this room now" and put another drive into the console and got fucken beaned. i am NOT risking another explosion, can someone tell me what the hell is happening? this also happened during the (lil spoiler) blood red sky, does that have any correlation with this

edit: ok so i slept through the night and it seems to have stopped but i'm still pissed off >:( it destroyed a huge pile of signals dude. AND MY PENCIL!

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i'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but i've been trying to clean up the base and i keep dying when walking on and near the trash props. might also be the garbage bin? idk, is there any way to fix this?

edit: forgot to say that this is on version 0.7.0b2. oops

edit 2: okay, so, i am a complete fucking idiot because (MINOR SPOILERS)



i put the radioactive capsule RIGHT NEXT TO THE GARBAGE BIN. i didn't realize it does actual damage now lmaooo. problem solved then i guess

Once again, don't forget to read the install instructions

Check install instructions mate

Hella yeah

no that's just there, breaking them doesn't do anything other than activating them following you, and the ones that do follow just spawn on their own. i've seen them glitch and fall out of the sky once

dude the first time i saw it behind me in the base after using the root console i almost got a heart attack even though i heard about them moving from someone else beforehand

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very epic update but how do i stop the mannequins from stalking me? they just keep coming back and they don't seem to be stopping anytime soon

itch doesn't have a dm system but i decided i don't care about my discord tag being public anyways so if you wanna add me it's BrokenStrumbar#4655, and yes i know it's been almost a month since i replied again but whatever

thanks. i'd describe more improvements and ideas here, but i figured i might be getting a bit too annoying with it. i think i'll just wait for the full mod for now.

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ok, good, just a bit worried since not a lot of updates. nice to know this is still going.

Edit: also, if you're planning to make the game a bit more brutal, like you did with the tent guy, i recommend removing the random shadowy figure encounters and make them fixed, non-repeatable encounters instead, or at least lower the amount of mags/loot you get from them. but idk, maybe that's a bit TOO hard for the early-game?

Yo where did this go? Is it cancelled or what?

Sorry, man. No pressure, take all the time you need.

Yeah, getting a bit worried it could get abandoned, almost two months without updates. Don't wanna see that happen. Let's just hope there's a big kickass update coming.

Then keep playing singleplayer. I don't see the problem.

EXACTLY! Why do people get so mad about it being added? Just play singleplayer if you despise it so much.

Yeah, either that, or you can make the inventory space just expand when you equip the backpack instead of it being a separate object.

I don't get why people are so mad about it being added. If all you play in this game is singleplayer, I don't think seeing an extra button in the menu that says "multiplayer" will affect you so much that the immersion is instantly ruined. Like, damn bro, we get you don't like it but you don't have to downvote bomb any post that mentions it and yell at me in the comments, just play singleplayer if you hate it so much.

are you using the templates in the top right?

yep. what i thought exactly. literally the reason why i've failed so many of my daily tasks before, and it's just because of TWO LETTERS.

Are you sure they're correct? the letter "l" and the number "1" are very similar in the console's font, same goes for "u" and "v". i haven't had any issue with the reports after i figured that out.

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What's wrong with the radio? I tried putting some tracks into the music folder, and it seemed to work fine before it began cutting out in the middle of the song every time. Not only that, it just stops cycling through the playlist altogether, even with only the original Half-Life credits theme file. I don't really mind, but if you could somehow fix this, it'd be nice.

Update: it seems that if there's only one audio file or if there are file formats other than mp3s in the folder, it will do that.

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i'm still in area 1 and i found a couple bugs. first, some events repeat, which i don't know if it's intentional or not, but if it is, then the trauma events don't seem to affect you after the first one. this specifically happens at area 1's tent and in aurora with the guy that gives you perfumes. second, checking terry's status effects hint crashes the game, don't know why that's doing that.