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Season 6 | Episode 12

Web3 Ideals: Ease of Use, Security and Risk Mitigation

Andrew Klein, SVP, Web3 Brand Strategy & Innovation at Publicis Media, discusses how they’re helping brands convert their existing audiences to Web3 without scaring them off by unfamiliar technologies. He also shares his vision of the limitless creative potential that metaverse environments offer.

Brave pick of the week

This week's Brave Pick of the Week is QuickNode. Check out their website here.


[00:00:00] Donny: Brands are navigating the new Web Three world, and with it comes an opportunity for

[00:00:05] experimentation, innovation, and engaging consumers in entirely new ways. But where do you start and when? In this new season of the Brave Marketer Podcast, we’re talking Web three marketing and how to market in the Metaverse.

[00:00:19] You hear from marketers, from top brands and agencies who will help us leverage this exciting moment in time and take our brave marketing moments to the next.

[00:00:27] Andrew: Hosted by Brave Software and me, Donnie Devor.

[00:00:32] Donny: You’re listening to a new episode of The Brave Marketer Podcast, and this one features Andrew Klein.

[00:00:38] Andrew is the SVP Web three brand strategy and innovation lead at ESUs Media. In his role, Andrew leads the Web three brand strategy and Ideation for N F T digital collectible and Metaverse experiences. He has developed and launched the first N F T for brands like Campbell’s and Macy’s.

[00:00:55] Most recently co-led the development of the record breaking Samsung 8 37 [00:01:00] X experience in decent. You’ll love this episode because we discussed how they’re helping brands convert their existing audiences to Web three without scaring them off by unfamiliar technologies. Number two, setting goals being strategic when utilizing these technologies, but also uncovering the revenue potential opportunities for brands in the metaverse.

[00:01:18] And number three tools they’ve created to help making these technologies more accessible, an effort to scale up these experiences for the masses. But before we hop into today’s episode, we wanna highlight our brave pick of the week. Every episode we choose a brand that has run an ad campaign with brave, and this week we’re choosing quick node.

[00:01:35] They’re the blockchain development platform that helps Web three developers build applications for the future of the web. They leverage brave sponsored image format to create high impact awareness among our Web three audience and push notifications to drive engaged people further down the funnel to learn more about their services.

[00:01:52] And now for this week’s episode of The Brave Marketer[00:02:00]

[00:02:00] Andrew, welcome to the Brave Marketer Podcast. How are you?

[00:02:04] Andrew: I am doing great. Thank you so much for having me. I’ve been

[00:02:07] Donny: a big fan of Publius for many years, but for the audience members who don’t know Publius, can you just give us a general overview?

[00:02:14] Andrew: Sure. Publius is a, a major holding company that employs 80,000 globally, and we work with some of the biggest brands across media, creative technology to help them get into these spaces, create interesting, you know, marketing campaigns, advertising.

[00:02:31] We really handle end-to-end strategies for clients of ours. I specifically work for a group called Publius Media, which is a, core media focus, but within that P M C. Stands for publius Media Content and Innovation, which is a, specialty group within publius that really focuses on innovation and bringing clients into pretty fearless territories.

[00:02:53] I’ve been working within ai, emerging technology, voice experiences, [00:03:00] xr, and my passion, you know, since although I’ve been dabbling in it since 2015, was Blockchain Web three and N F T enabled experie. Like the metaverse and bringing those to clients so that way they have a really strategic approach and entry path into this and use this technology as the bridge to futureproof themselves into what is our inevitable evolution into a web three world.

[00:03:24] That’s awesome.

[00:03:25] Donny: And how has that been going as far as client reception? Are clients receptive to jumping into the Metaverse and Web

[00:03:31] Andrew: three? Absolutely receptive, but it’s been an interesting journey. I think the language, what it is, has been something that we’ve been. Very focused on, since really, before the trend exploded, they certainly have been receptive, but it’s been a learning and education.

[00:03:46] You know, just like any new technology and any new big digital transformation that happens within, whether that’s web one to web two, now going into web three, it takes time, it takes learning. But what we do is handhold those clients and we provide them with [00:04:00] all the education that they. Not only our clients, but are also our employees and staff at the agency to know what is this, what are the opportunities, what does this mean for your businesses?

[00:04:09] And how can you apply this so that way, you know, you’re, participating, but more importantly you’re, able to start achieving really unique brand goals and use this technology to help your business. So they’ve been very receptive. To these areas. And some are brave, some are fearless. We love those types of clients and they’re leaning in with our P M C I team specifically to jump in headfirst.

[00:04:31] And others are, you know, more still in education. Like, let’s wait and see and they’ll be fast followers, but there’s the things that you hear in the news like, crypto negativity and it’s all over to wait actually what’s happened? A wonderful purge of bad actors, , and now what’s been happening behind the scenes is all the amazing work in the building that’s been happening to create really meaningful experiences using web three blockchain, digital collectible, and metaverse [00:05:00] technology.

[00:05:00] That’s great.

[00:05:00] Donny: I know that a lot of things are confidential brand specifically, but if you can share what you can share about like exciting

[00:05:06] Andrew: things that you’re working on right now. Yeah, certainly. You know, the exciting things over the last year were certainly that you heard in the news were drops, right?

[00:05:14] Getting to a drop, do a 5k, a 10 K, a 20 K collection, PFPs, a k a profile, pictures, and you know, certainly the crypto punk and board ape aesthetic and that was. A fun way to get in, but it was very quickly presented itself that there’s a lot more , a lot more opportunity, a lot more that we could do with this technology besides having an official image that you could use as a profile picture.

[00:05:40] And what that got us into was really understanding the potential for brand loyalty. Brand membership, future types of engagements to bring these brands to audiences in a whole new way and make it into a connected experience where you have this amazing two-way interaction that you really didn’t have before, [00:06:00] but also new elements and opportunities within commerce, within, you know, generating revenue, but also connecting with people in new types of communities and, and building communities with this tech.

[00:06:11] We’ve been really focused on not getting into those, kind of drops for the drops sake. We’ve been focused on education for our clients, but also really understanding how we build out solutions with the best partners in the space so that way brands can come to us and feel confident that they can entrust us with their web three builds and what their initiatives are that we could bring them into this space with a lot of thought and meaning.

[00:06:35] So loyalty and brand membership has certainly been this. New approach that we are taking very seriously. And it’s not about scarcity necessarily, although that has a place in this world of, you know, when you talk about NFTs like rarity and scarcity, it’s actually about bringing more folks into the experience, you know, creating scale against that so that way we can engage them These digital collectibles with connected web three [00:07:00] experiences. how can we scale it up so that way everyone can participate and also make it very easy for general audiences, novice audiences who are new to the web three space to get in without being scared off by really complicated technology.

[00:07:15] Wallet setups and cryptocurrencies. so much has evolved over the last year. That makes it easy for us to bring the audiences that these brands currently have into this space. That

[00:07:26] Donny: is amazing. It’s a really, really good background. And so what’s a typical conversation like with an advertiser? Are they coming to you and saying, Hey, I wanna get into web three in the metaverse?

[00:07:37] Or are you going to them and then, you know, what are the steps orwhat are those conversations?

[00:07:43] Andrew: Well, we did something a bit different from maybe the other agencies in the space where, again, more focusing on that consumer drop activity and how do we get them to either generate revenue or how do we get a drop and get that to sell out.

[00:07:58] What we ended up really [00:08:00] focusing on is, Educating our clients and again, educating our internal staff. You know, 80,000 employees through our P M C I group have been trained on the basics of web three blockchain digital collectible and N F T technologies and what’s the purpose of that. So we could have really robust conversations when the questions come in, but we have absolutely been proactive over the last year.

[00:08:26] As early as January, 2021, telling clients about what this means, how do you engage . With. And then how could it come to life for your brands? And that just first opens up a lot of aha moments and excitement of like, what are the possibilities here, which are pretty vast. And then after educating them about the benefits and the opportunities in the space, they get creative and get excited about it.

[00:08:50] To the point they say, okay, we’re ready to do this. we wanna experience this. And then we, you. Where you work with them hand in hand from, okay, what are the goals we’re solving for? What are you trying to do? how do we [00:09:00] wanna use this technology to actually solve a problem that you have?

[00:09:04] Versus again, just doing a drop for drops sake. But how do we solve a problem or a business challenge that you have? Could be about creating awareness, but it could be about supporting a nonprofit. It could be about creating community. It could be about new ways that we create a level of connectivity and loyalty.

[00:09:22] New users or our active audience. And so again, going into these spaces with strategic approaches to use this technology to help you achieve your, goals at the end of the day. But now the incoming has been more rapid and accelerated, which is just fantastic. So, Super healthy as far as the interest.

[00:09:43] That certainly hasn’t waned, especially when we educate our clients on the potential to create revenues with this, not necessarily from the N F T collection or accessing the Metaverse experience, but how can you create that level of connectivity that can drive ancillary revenues, drive [00:10:00] back into your existing products, into your existing marketing initiatives, and bringing it all together to Anton.

[00:10:07] That makes,

[00:10:07] Donny: a ton of sense. So when you talk about business problems and this being a solution, what are some of those business

[00:10:13] Andrew: problems that come up? Well, I think most cases it’s always gonna be about aging down the audience and being present where they are, or finding new touchpoints to connect with those audiences because they wanna be seen as forward thinking brands, innovative brands, but also, you know, being able to provide new.

[00:10:33] Levels of connection. Maybe that’s exclusive products, maybe that’s special rewards or access to events or exclusive content, whatever that might be. This is providing that new type of path of connection and community. For their audiences. That is different from just posting a tweet and then having people comment.

[00:10:53] It’s really about allowing people to, you know, converse back, have a say in how they want [00:11:00] this brand to act, to do certain brand acts, and getting that feedback directly from, you know, the collectors or participants in these Web three spaces, which is just a, a. Type of shift in how people can participate and get involved, and it creates this brand love and brand loyalty that’s a little bit different, but it’s also quarterly digital, right?

[00:11:24] That’s a bit of a shift where, you know, older audiences are, might not be in that space, but as more Gen Z. Gen A audiences are more digital time, more time, not necessarily on traditional media placements, but spending time within gaming environments. Digital, immersive, virtual environments, obviously connected to their screens all the time.

[00:11:46] How do we make those connections? And what’s great is that. If you look at all the big tech companies right now, they’re also involved like our, our who are our core media partners. You, you’d see that like Meta is [00:12:00] integrating digital collectibles into the Instagram experience. Twitter has been doing that from even before them, integrating these connections, integrating the backend pipes and solutions.

[00:12:10] And we just, you know, heard rumblings, I’m not sure if it’s official, but like Amazon is also participating in blockchain technology. So you know, all signs point. Our usual biggest partners that we work with are also gonna be in this web three space. And if you’re going to be in web three, well you need to be connected with that.

[00:12:26] You need to be prepared. So these are these, you know, we had the foresight to see this coming, like a freight train where others, you know, maybe didn’t or weren’t unsure, but we felt pretty focused that this is going to be the evolution of our internet experience, collect. . That’s

[00:12:43] Donny: amazing. That makes a ton of sense.

[00:12:45] Andrew: You guys were there too though, as brave. I mean you’ve had that even early on with the bat token. You know, the attention token being built directly into the browser. Like you guys were certainly had this, purview on the radar and belief because you integrated that into the [00:13:00] core function of the brave browser.

[00:13:01] So, you know, your team certainly have that North Star as well, it seems, .

[00:13:06] Donny: Yeah, we do. We do. It’s a very innovative approach to reward users for their attention. and doing that with a, you know, a digital token like that is very, very innovative and mm-hmm. and it’s evolved so much more than that. You know, there’s, there’s a web three wallet,

[00:13:20] Andrew: there’s this integrations with Solana.

[00:13:22] Exactly. It’s there and it, and it’s right in front of the customer. It’s embedded within the experience. And this is where the evolution’s happening. Of course, we were in year, really year one. If you want, consider that year one, even though NFTs have been around and, and blockchain has been around. 2010.

[00:13:39] You know, I was certainly very excited when I was first hearing of media companies that were utilizing blockchain in 2015. And I was like, oh man, this is awesome. Like imagine what we could do with this technology. And I, I remember writing up a slide about, hmm, how could we use this tech today with our brands?

[00:13:58] And around 2015 [00:14:00] was really the bursting open of influencer content. But when you post things, you know, in the terms and conditions for any social platform at the time they say any content that you upload to us is ours. Right. And we could use it, we can monetize it. We could, you know, you’re, you’re kind of giving that to us, the value exchange for the.

[00:14:19] For the creator and that user was the opportunity to connect with these other users to connect and post that content to a larger audience. But that certainly is completely shifting. And in 2015, I remember making the slide where, okay, well what if we. We’re able to take that creator content that video your picture, and you could put it on the blockchain first, then you could go upload it and the, what’s the point of that?

[00:14:44] Well, cool. You have a blockchain receipt that says you created it in the first instance of this creation is here. Well, I wish I stuck with that , cuz that turned out basically to be like, NFTs right at the end of the day. But I gave up on it because [00:15:00] as I was presenting this at, in 2015 to our teammates, you know, just dawned on me, there’s no way that consumers can participate with this.

[00:15:07] It’s so hard cuz the wallet, technology’s an even minting everything. You had to be an expert engineer coder to figure this out, but fast. To when you launched the integration of the wallet into Brave Browser and now there’s meta mask and there’s these extensions built right into the browser to let you now easily engage with Web three experiences.

[00:15:30] That is what opened the door to allow consumers to start participating. Still hard. Still a bit of a, a challenge technologically like, you know, could be anywhere from 30 to 50 steps to do it that way, but what we have been doing is making really smart partner. In the place with a variety of different partners and tech stacks that allow us to really erase that complexity of wallet setups and now allowing people to come in using their [00:16:00] familiar web two credentials, email, social logins, you know, loyalty program logins, to have that direct connection.

[00:16:06] Be able to participate with web three experiences, but not have to be, as we say, like a web three degen, , you know, super proficient. Otherwise we’ll never scale up these experiences for the masses. And we’ve seen this happen with Web one, with web two, and now we’re here with Web three and it’s just gonna be easier and the tech is just gonna wash away and it’s just like, Using your cell phone today, you don’t care about how the cell towers work and what’s going on behind the scenes and how information is routed.

[00:16:37] You pick up your phone and a message comes through and a picture is there and you send it and you don’t have to worry about how it just works. And you know, we’re gonna get there very quickly where all this hard technology talk and lingo will be washed away. Yeah, I, I

[00:16:52] Donny: completely agree. In the very beginning it was so hard to use anything and even.

[00:16:56] Defi and, and doing swaps. Like I had to get [00:17:00] trained and it was like when you counted it up, it was like 20 steps just to make like a

[00:17:05] Andrew: purchase. Oh yeah. But more

[00:17:07] Donny: and more it’s becoming like the N F T marketplaces is becoming like eBay, you know, you go on and you know, you find the N F T that you like and you know, you connect your wallet, you know, which, you do have to know how to do that, and then you can make a purchase.

[00:17:20] I think it’ll, over time it’ll get easier and easier and yeah, at one point, you know, sending crypto will be like the way you would send

[00:17:28] Andrew: payments on Venmo. We’re already doing that, so we’ve, we’ve actually pushed forward and that’s why we’ve been so heads down, you know, really building out. Our expertise and text stack and capabilities from a standpoint, so that way we can onboard clients and make it easy.

[00:17:43] Because the second that we tell a client that, Hey, what does your audience need to do? Well, they gotta go here. They gotta go get a wallet. Then they have to also secure that seed phrase, right? 12 magic words, they gotta write down, don’t take a picture. And it gets so scary just even to talk about those steps.

[00:17:59] And [00:18:00] so what we’ve. Has made these really smart partnerships that we’re working with Wallet technology, again, that let you log in with just your social credentials or email or cell phone number, and then the payments. You don’t even have to worry about crypto because we’ve done basically credit card flows that naturally work with your, your browser experience.

[00:18:18] So if your credit card payments saved and your want to go pay for something, you can just use credit card right now and you’re still getting. True digital collectible and N F T on the blockchain, depending on what blockchain that is. But you are getting a real N F T. It’s not, you know, something that is.

[00:18:36] Pseudo it’s real, but you now can just pay for that with credit cards. So all these are, you know, tools that we’ve created to, bring our clients on board, but also make it so easy for audiences to participate, not be scared off. I still get anxiety attacks every time I wanna go mint something, you know, and waiting for the gas, you know, even for my first time when I was doing this and figuring out gas fees, that’s.[00:19:00]

[00:19:00] you know, and, and panic inducing in some cases. And in some cases it might not work if you’re not savvy enough and, you know, can be even, you know, there’s horror stories of people mis clicking on the wrong things and getting duped into clicking and mis click and great, now your money’s gone, or your collectibles are gone.

[00:19:15] So we’re really focused on ease of use, you know, security. And risk mitigation for our clients, so that way they don’t have to have these hesitations or fears to enter this space, and it’ll just get easier and better as time progresses. Yeah,

[00:19:29] Donny: you’re exactly right. I mean, I have a friend who called me one time and he’s like, I just lost $10,000.

[00:19:34] I’m like, oof. How did that, and he’s like, I wasn’t paying attention. I sent it to the wrong address. I thought I was sending it to my own wallet. I ended up copying someone else’s wallet. I don’t know who that went to. It’s like you take your eye off the ball for a second and then. It’s like, and I hear you what you’re saying.

[00:19:51] You’re like waiting for something to transfer for one, and you, you checked it, you sent over 2 cents, you know, or the equivalent of, of, you know, a couple cryptocurrencies and [00:20:00] you’re like, okay, it’s verified. But then you’re like, I’m gonna go send the lump sum. And then you’re like waiting and waiting and waiting and you’re like, why isn’t it coming through?

[00:20:07] Like that’s a, that’s, that’s a long time. You know, like two minutes feels like 20.

[00:20:12] Andrew: Yep. It is. I happened to meet this earlier today. I minted, something that was, launched and it, the gas feed started ticking up and I’m like, all right, I’ll either go through or not. I’ve learned to just let it, let it rest, come back and came back and it was, I got it.

[00:20:25] So that was fun, . Got it. So tell us about

[00:20:28] Donny: your brave marketing moment. Like what was the time where you took a huge risk and it

[00:20:34] Andrew: paid? You know, it was really, I wanna take it back to educating our clients. When we had the opportunity to kind of just run and try to do these like, you know, PR headline grabbing drops, like we did certainly do that, which was great, and we had some great success with our early brand N F T Creations and Drops, and it was.

[00:20:54] Fantastic learnings. You get that great buzz. But it was the education and taking a [00:21:00] beat to, you know, not just try to be necessarily first, but to be smart and creating curriculum to one, teach our entire organization 80,000 globally strong to. , understand what this is, and then really take our clients’ hands to say, you know, here’s what it means and here’s how we can, you know, start crafting these experience for you.

[00:21:23] You know, I think there was, plenty of other agencies and companies that rushed to do, you know, a drop that was, you know, it still kind of happens. You could see it in the news recently. You know, like the, there’s brands out there. Kind of jumping in doing some things and it misses the mark, right? And so by educating our clients, educating our own employees, we have certainly been able to create, unbelievable solutions for brands to come in.

[00:21:47] And I think it was like being brave to hold back a little bit and not just try to chase shiny objects, but. Be very smart and strategic was our moment. You know, the other fun thing is we’ve been, we [00:22:00] have like a 200 plus, a teams channel with active participants who are obsessed with, like web three that span the globe.

[00:22:08] And, you know, the things that we’re able to share and the ideas that we come up with is, you know, truly a sign of how that education that we started has. Exponentially grown into our teams globally and they’re taking that education to the clients. And you know, this is creating those opportunities to just go deeper into this web three space to go more innovative.

[00:22:33] And what we could do that’s not only awesome, but again, solves clients’ challenges at the end of the day where, Very little risk to them because we’re not guessing. This would be cool and seeing what, what might be interesting, but really putting a lot of thought and knowledge and expertise. You know, as much expertise as you could have in this new space, but, Using that expertise to make super informed decisions for our clients, and they trust us to do that, and [00:23:00] that pays off.

[00:23:01] That’s great.

[00:23:02] Donny: Yeah, it sounds like they absolutely trust you and they listen to your advice and then they, you know, and then they build with you and you know, you know where the audiences are. So, speaking of audiences, where are you finding right now are the audiences, like what Metaverse channels have been working for?

[00:23:17] Andrew: So we look at Metaverse as a whole. Web two Metaverse, web three Metaverse. Metaverse has been around. You know what, when you say Metaverse, it does not just mean that that’s a, a web three experience. You know, platforms like Fortnite, like Roblox, socially connected 3D environments are absolutely metaverses in our definition of what a metaverse is.

[00:23:39] And we create these cool branded immersive experiences for our clients. And we had one last night that was phenomenal. Getting the types of experiences that we’re creating, you know, can span the gamer audience. But what we’re also fascinated by is how do we start reaching non-gamers? Right? You know, gamers can have a little bit of a, a stigma to who that [00:24:00] audience is, but gamers are, you know, a globally 3 billion strong audience ranging from casual to, you know, hardcore eSport enthusiasts and.

[00:24:11] Opportunities to reach different audiences is where it gets really interesting. We ask our clients, you know, well, who are we reaching and why? And most of the times they don’t necessarily wanna divert unless they’re trying to reach a brand new audience, but they wanna reach their current ones. They’ve been cultivating them for years and they wanna be able to bring them into new fund experiences.

[00:24:31] And so web two, great, very high scale. It’s been around and it has, you know, a lot of the found. Right that are there to allow people to come in at scale, but you can be limited because these are, you know, platform-based experiences by the platform and what you can do. There’s a lot of, you know, set rules about, you know, especially selling products.

[00:24:54] You, most cases you can’t directly sell products or have direct clickthroughs in these experiences, [00:25:00] which is where web three or even web two and a half solutions and metaverses are really providing. New opportunity to get more creative because creative potential is almost limitless cuz you could almost build whatever you want and have those connections now where you’re no longer limited by making sure that for a metaverse experience you need a pc.

[00:25:22] installation or steam, or you need to console to participate. Now that we are creating these unbelievable web-based experiences that you could go into that are fully immersive, that are 3d, that are social, and they’re accessible on your mobile desktop browser, as well as VR headset, and you know, the quality.

[00:25:43] Because of just technology as it’s evolved is so great that you have this, you know, unreal engine, very glossy, high quality experience. So what you could do with this in these spaces is pretty infinite at this point when you’re looking at web two and a half and three, [00:26:00] because you know you can, as a brand own that experience versus necessarily having to lean on the platform to do that Now.

[00:26:07] You still need media and attention and awareness to drive folks into that. And that’s where we get really Blazer focused on understanding audiences and our audience strategy about who do you wanna reach and why, and how do we make an experience that they’re gonna understand, enjoy means something to them, and then provide valuable for that audience and as well as the brand.

[00:26:27] Donny: Yeah. So you mentioned, you know, the Roblox and some of the non-web three. Is anything in, you know, decent land

[00:26:34] Andrew: uplands? Like have you gone Oh, we’ve been, yeah, I mean we were pioneering the Samsung decent land experience over a year ago, and that, you know, has continued to, you know, evolve into this touch.

[00:26:46] I think you’re looking at how people engage and where they’re engaging, but there’s so many pick spaces that are popping up. Sandbox, as you mentioned, is a, is another type of space that’s very, you know, reminiscent and of a gameplay experience [00:27:00] similar to Roblox or type of Minecrafts cuz of the Vox.

[00:27:03] Square block nature of it, right? But you’re able to, you know, connect with these things, play games in them, and, you know, they’re still in beta. So as they’re launching these seasons, you know, they’re, they’re having a little bit of a, a trickle of, you know, how do we bring brands in over time and. Get these learnings, but there’s spaces like on cyber and Spacial and Mona verse, which are allowing us to get very creative to create digital twin environments.

[00:27:31] Like how do you, how do you replicate, you know, maybe a store or something that’s physical in the real world and bring that into a digital space or getting what we like to do, get a little bit more fanciful, right? Like, how do you. The brand ethos and the brand vision and, and make it more literal than a creative idea.

[00:27:49] Now you can make things very literal. So if you have this, you know, dreamy sci-fi ambition, you can now make manifest that directly into these [00:28:00] spaces and, and invite people in to come and participate. And again, if these are web three, then there’s a big commerce play that can be had, whether. Through digital collectibles or even just simply selling things like an e-com salute, an e-com setup, where you know now you’re connected and able to purchase some unique limited edition or items that are only available through this Web three Metaverse portal.

[00:28:25] Donny: You’re very knowledgeable in this space. Andrew, how do you educate your.

[00:28:29] Andrew: I educate myself by participating. I, I, I can’t emphasize that enough. The key to web three and the really, the key to any emerging technology is to participate. And if you like it, immerse yourself because that knowledge is, you know, some things that you just can’t learn.

[00:28:48] You have to do it, you know, trial by fire. You need to get into these. Experiences, different communities and you know, just, just immerse yourself and to see what’s happening [00:29:00] and you’ll, you’ll just get unprecedented knowledge from that. I’ve always done that as a, you know, creative technologist. Even , even as a young, you know, young kid from going from like dos prompt to a aol like

[00:29:13] I had that knack and passion to. Figure it out. And what does this all mean? I’m definitely not a, a coder engineer, but I am always using, you know, the latest consumer innovation experiences, toys, gadgets, and saying, Hey, is this something that is gonna be impactful for society, impactful for business? Or is this something that is just a gimmick and might not have sticking power?

[00:29:41] So in my professional career now is utilizing that knowledge getting in in, in immersed and. Making those understandings. Where’s the value here for both, for, for our clients, for our colleagues, for agencies, for, you know, audiences? How can they find use in these technologies and make it meaningful for [00:30:00] them?

[00:30:00] So , I have like a, I say this all, all the time with my colleagues, like people are like, oh, join this Discord. I can’t, I have masked out on Discord communities over 200 constantly and I always have to like sacrifice the weakest link at the time, which is terrible. I wish I have. Servers to participate in, but you know, leaning in, following, engaging and listening, certainly, you know, go to events as well.

[00:30:25] N F T NYC’s coming up, that’s gonna be, the last couple months have been phenomenal. So going to network with the people and businesses, startups and creators behind these, amazing experie. Also helps open the doors cuz you know, web three’s new. So it’s good to make those connections and make strong bridges to understand, you know, how can we help each other build in the space.

[00:30:48] You know, I mentioned earlier partnerships are absolutely key for us. You know, how do we identify who are the best partners in the space? The best, best in class blockchains, best in class creative, best in [00:31:00] class wallets and fi. Onboard off on-ramps and off-ramps, you know, and doing that due diligence to get deep into it so that way we can make highly informed decisions and pick the best in class partners to bring to clients.

[00:31:15] so gotta do it. You just gotta jump in. . Yeah. So if you’re a relatively

[00:31:21] Donny: new, you know, crypto marketer, and let’s say you’re working for a, some type of blockchain or crypto company and you want to do marketing in the space, and let’s say it’s a combination of, you know, awareness of it and also to, you know, like there’s a dr goal, how would you go?

[00:31:41] Promoting your, your company, cuz I know it’s a little bit different because you’re mostly promoting brands that are shining, getting into crypto space. But what about the, the, you know, someone

[00:31:49] Andrew: promoting a crypto brand? If you mean maybe just web three brand in general or, sure. If you’re working at an

[00:31:55] Donny: exchange, but you’re in work, working in marketing or you’re working

[00:31:58] Andrew: at, well, look, [00:32:00] crypto, look, I, I would, I would be very clear like Crypto technomics and exchanges is not necessarily what we’re, what we’re participating in.

[00:32:09] What we’re participating in is certainly blockchain on chain enabled experiences for brands. That doesn’t mean that. Buying cryptocurrencies. That doesn’t mean that you’re trading cryptocurrencies. You might not even be buying and selling these tokens. Like, you know, there’s this, concept of soul bound tokens, which means I could give you one and you actually can’t trade it.

[00:32:32] It really depends on what’s the, you know, as a crypto market, who are you marketing to and what are those audiences and how are you gonna deliver product and experiences that’s gonna resonate with them? One of the things that we think. Not focusing on necessarily the web three enthusiasts. Yes, that’s great, but you know, that’s gonna only limit you to a finite amount of folks in the space that were very early and maybe their intentions are, you know, revenue driven [00:33:00] or to create.

[00:33:01] Create money, create different types of revenue streams by the trading of tokens. That’s not necessarily our playbook. what it is about is like how do we get people to collect, to engage them and access really unique experiences. So outside of exchanges that they have to , they do their thing. That’s definitely outside of our realm.

[00:33:21] But when it comes to maybe marketplaces for digital collectibles or. When it comes to now, you know, brands delivering directly through their owned and operated sites, digital collectibles, access passes, or NFTs, you know, it’s gonna be about how best and easy is it to reach that audience, because scale is still important in our world, right?

[00:33:44] We’re a media agency and our clients looked to us. How do we reach their audiences with scale and efficiencies? Not all companies. Have that mindset, right? Some are developing products that have different use cases, different types of, [00:34:00] executional styles that they’re gonna wanna say, Hey, this is what we’re delivering.

[00:34:03] So it’s not a silver bullet, but it’s always about knowing your audience and how are you gonna be able to meet them where they are and make it easy for them to participate. Yeah.

[00:34:11] Donny: I, I, I agree. , what gives a marketer an edge right now? What makes somebody a bold marketer? Kind of going back to what you were saying about, all right, so I’m working, at a brand and I wanna get into the web three metaverse.

[00:34:24] If they didn’t have you as your agency, how would they even go about navigating

[00:34:29] Andrew: it? There’s some incredible publications that are out there to learn. Again, participation’s gonna be key, but there are resources, publications like CoinDesk Decrypt that have, you know, 1 0 1 s modules that sit there and they’re available to easily take you into this world and start giving you some kind of basic training.

[00:34:53] Outside of that is definitely connecting with different types of communities and finding like-minded communities. You know, one of the things [00:35:00] is with digital collectibles is like there is actually something out there for everybody here in this space because it’s about collecting your passion, finding your passion, and as a marketer it’s like what do you love personally that you can dig into a little bit within, you know, the web three space, because whether you’re into sports, entertainment, music, fashion, Gaming, even just connectivity or software, there is something out there for everybody.

[00:35:27] And if you could identify a project or community that is in the web three space that resonates with your what you love, you are gonna have an easier time connecting the dots about what does this mean and how can you use it? Because you’re connecting it to something that you already love versus like, oh, this sounds like something I hard to learn and I have to figure it out.

[00:35:46] I have to get a master’s in. Like you don’t, it’s going to be. Quickly, more of a accepted experience of digital collectibles and how do you cha you know, access these passes and what do you get access to? And it’s just gonna be the [00:36:00] norm. So there’s plenty out there for everybody to connect with, to find.

[00:36:04] So whether you’re on Twitter and you’re comfortable there, there’s so much going on on Twitter, great Twitter spaces that will really take you into the deep end of, you know, how these creators and web three communities are thinking. Certainly there’s disc. And Reddit and plenty of you know, educational materials out there now.

[00:36:23] So just start, participate, lean in. It’s a good time, .

[00:36:29] Donny: Nice. All right, so why don’t we wrap up. Can you name another brave marketer

[00:36:33] Andrew: that to be on the show? Yes, I can name another brave marketer. Brave marketer. I would name is Jay Wolf. He’s actually at a company called Curve Interactive. It’s a really interesting space where they have been using some AI technology to engage in video content to make those, shoppable and interactive across connected TV and video.

[00:36:55] It’s a. Really interesting technology and they’re pushing forward in some [00:37:00] very cool spaces and places. So Jay Wolf of Curve Interactive is, my brave nomination cuz he is taking this tech and running to the biggest publishers and getting them onboarded. So, they’re definitely doing some of the right stuff over there.

[00:37:14] That’s awesome. And how can our users get in touch? Users can find me, on LinkedIn. I am Dr. Klein on LinkedIn. You could also follow my Web three adventures because, in Web three World, you can have, you know, another identity a bit. I’m j r r token, n f t at. Twitter, so you could find me there if you wanna see some, you know, interesting things that we’re associated with working on.

[00:37:40] Plus what is just some fun pro products and programs and communities out there in the web three space. So Twitter, LinkedIn is great and then, you know, could contact me further from there. Awesome. Well thanks for coming on the show, Andrew. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me. This is.

[00:37:57] Appreciate it. Thanks so much for [00:38:00] listening

[00:38:00] Donny: to another episode of The Brave Marketer Podcast. Four quick things before you go. Number one, if you like what you’ve heard, it’d be really awesome if you’d rate us or write us a review on your podcast player. And if you didn’t like what you’ve heard, then don’t worry about it

[00:38:15] Number two. If you would like to advertise to Brave’s 60 million users and have a budget of $10,000 or more, simply email us. Add That’s ad, S A L E s And let us know you’re our podcast listener for a 25% discount. Number three musical credits. Go to my brother Ari Devork. And

[00:38:39] Andrew: finally number four, go use

[00:38:41] Donny: and we will see you next time on The Brave Marketer.

Show Notes

In this episode of The Brave Technologist Podcast, we discuss:

  • Setting goals and being strategic when utilizing these technologies, but also uncovering the revenue potential opportunities for brands in the metaverse
  • Erasing the complexity of wallet setup by allowing people to utilize familiar Web2 credentials in order to participate
  • Revenue opportunities that Web3 and metaverse portals can unlock for brands

Guest List

The amazing cast and crew:

  • Andrew Klein - SVP, Web3 Brand Strategy & Innovation

    Andrew Klein is SVP, Web3 Brand Strategy & Innovation at Publicis Media. In his role, Andrew leads the Web3 brand strategy and ideation for NFT, Digital Collectible and Metaverse experiences.

    He has developed and launched the first NFT experiences for brands like Campbell’s and Macy’s. Most recently he co-led the development of the record-breaking Samsung 837x experience in Decentraland.

About the Show

Shedding light on the opportunities and challenges of emerging tech. To make it digestible, less scary, and more approachable for all!
Join us as we embark on a mission to demystify artificial intelligence, challenge the status quo, and empower everyday people to embrace the digital revolution. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a curious mind, or an industry professional, this podcast invites you to join the conversation and explore the future of AI together.