Open Bug 1738006 Opened 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Newly created Google calendar event not shown in calendar view (month) and Today Pane (but shown in Find Events), and existing event title update not reflecting.


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: thomas8, Unassigned)


(Keywords: ux-mode-error)


(2 files)

When creating a new calendar event on Google CalDAV (in a tab, fwiw), it doesn't show up in the calendar automatically after creation (only visible in Find Events list). Also event edits (like title change) are not reflected (only in Find Events list). Highly irritating and useless UX.

Seen on 91.2.1 (64-bit).


  1. Have a Google calendar connected via CalDAV:
  2. Enable preference Edit events and tasks in a tab... (not sure if this matters)
  3. Calendar layout:
  • Calendar Pane hidden (maybe irrelevant)
  • Find Events unifinder/list shown
  • Today pane shown, Events & Tasks (important: ensure to toggle Today section open, toggle pointing down)
  • Calendar View: Month (maybe irrelevant)
  1. I had one existing event (maybe irrelevant) titled event1today, which was visible everywhere.
  2. Edit existing event1today in a tab and changed title to Existing Event1.
  3. Check if event title was updated in Today pane's already open Today section, or in month view of calendar.
  4. Create new event (I used the toolbar button)
  5. Fill title in New Event tab Event #2 #############, then Save and close new event tab.
  6. Check if new event is shown in Today pane's already open Today section, or in month view of calendar.

Actual (see screencast)

  • Title change of existing event only reflects in Find events list.
  • Title change of existing event does not reflect in Today pane's already open Today section, or in month view of calendar: both still showing the old title.
  • After creation (in a tab), New event Event #2 ############# does not show up in Today pane's already open Today section, or in month view of calendar - both only showing the existing event.
  • Synchronize (from toolbar) doesn't change the situation,
  • Dozens of console errors, top is null, maybe coincidental timing/unrelated as they are mostly about failure to update composition commands.


  • Title change of an event should reflect everywhere immediately, also in in Today pane's already open Today section, and in month view of calendar.
  • New event should show up everywhere immediately, also in in Today pane's already open Today section, and in month view of calendar.
Attachment #9247941 - Attachment description: Screencast (mp4): Updating event title or creating new event does not reflect in calendar view (month), nor in Today pane's `Today` section. → Screencast (mp4): Updating event title or creating new event does not reflect in calendar view (month), nor in Today pane's open `Today` section.

I'm not sure how composition should be connected with New Event showing in a tab (maybe for editing HTML description??), but these errors pop up every time I click on New Event button from Calendar's main toolbar.

I'm having the same issue here for a non-Google CalDAV server. It looks like no UI updates are done after changes. In addition to things already shown in the screencast: If you select a time range in order to create an event, it does not show up.

Interestingly, things are working for me right after Thunderbird is started, but fail to work some time after. Have not figured out yet, when things stop working. First, I thought its caused by hibernate mode, but if I hibernate the PC after Thunderbird started and resume right after, things are still working. However, things for sure stop working after running Thunderbird for one or more days with some hibernation in between.

Workaround: Switch to another week (using week view) and switch back to original week. After that, the UI is updated accordingly. Hiding the calendar and showing it again has the same effect.

Not sure whether this has the same root cause, but after things stop working, the I cannot close shown events in the reminder window.

Unfortunately, there is no output in the error console that would indicate a reason why the UI updates are not done. There is no error message when creating or updating if this bug appears. It just looks like somehow the event listener for triggering the UI updates is no longer working after some time.

As far as I can remember this first appeared with Thunderbird 91.

Issue seems to be solved for me and I guess it was fixed by an update of the CardBook add-on.

Unfortunately, this bug is back for me. Only thing changed since my last comment is the update to Thunderbird 91.8.1. If I remember correctly, I was on 91.8.0 earlier.

Could reproduce the issue with all add-ons deactivated so that it should be an issue of TB itself and not caused by any add-on.

Running TB 91.9.1 for several days now. Issue has not appeared for this version so far.

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