ISMM is a forum for research in memory management. ISMM 2015 will be co-located with PLDI 2015 at FCRC 2015.

ISMM 2015—Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management

ISMM 2015—Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Mobile Systems

Controlling physical memory fragmentation in mobile systems

  • Sang-Hoon Kim
  • Sejun Kwon
  • Jin-Soo Kim
  • Jinkyu Jeong

Don't race the memory bus: taming the GC leadfoot

  • Ahmed Hussein
  • Antony L. Hosking
  • Mathias Payer
  • Christopher A. Vick

SESSION: New Memory Management Algorithms

Data structure aware garbage collector

  • Nachshon Cohen
  • Erez Petrank

SuperMalloc: a super fast multithreaded malloc for 64-bit machines

  • Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Concurrent compaction using a field pinning protocol

  • Erik Österlund
  • Welf Löwe

SESSION: Managed Languages

Stop and go: understanding yieldpoint behavior

  • Yi Lin
  • Kunshan Wang
  • Stephen M. Blackburn
  • Antony L. Hosking
  • Michael Norrish

Safe and efficient hybrid memory management for Java

  • Codruţ Stancu
  • Christian Wimmer
  • Stefan Brunthaler
  • Per Larsen
  • Michael Franz

A partial read barrier for efficient support of live object-oriented programming

  • Eliot Miranda
  • Clément Béra

Memento mori: dynamic allocation-site-based optimizations

  • Daniel Clifford
  • Hannes Payer
  • Michael Stanton
  • Ben L. Titzer

SESSION: Optimizing Garbage Collection

Recycling trash in cache

  • Jonathan Shidal
  • Ari J. Spilo
  • Paul T. Scheid
  • Ron K. Cytron
  • Krishna M. Kavi

Reducing pause times with clustered collection

  • Cody Cutler
  • Robert Morris

The judgment of forseti: economic utility for dynamic heap sizing of multiple runtimes

  • Callum Cameron
  • Jeremy Singer
  • David Vengerov