is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from September.

Icons and names usage guidelines

Everything you need to know about using the Visual Studio Code and VS Code icons and names.


The right icons

VS Code icon

Visual Studio Code “stable” icon

The blue icon represents Microsoft Visual Studio Code and should be used everywhere as appropriate.

VS Code icon (white)

Alternate icon

Use the white variant only when there isn’t enough contrast otherwise (for example, on blue backgrounds).

Download icon pack Download the icons Includes PNG and SVG files

The wrong icons

Please don't use these icons:

Do not use: VS Code 'insiders' or 'exploration' icons (green and orange respectively) Do not use

Do not use the green icon (VS Code Insiders), or the orange icon (VS Code Exploration)…

Do not use: VS Code app icon (for example the macOS app icon) Do not use

…or the app icon…

Do not use: older VS Code logos and/or app icons Do not use

…or vintage icons

Icon usage

Logo spacing

VS Code icon with proper spacing shown

Make sure that the amount of clearing space around the icon from its nearest edge is equivalent to 25% scale of the “fish” motif.


Things we're ok with


Using the icon in a documentation or tutorial (in both text and video formats), blog post, news article about Visual Studio Code.


Using the icon to link to our website (

Things we're not ok with

Not OK

Using the icon to identify or promote your own product, service, application, VS Code extension, blog, podcast, newsletter, video, channel, etc.

Not OK

Using our icons to associate your offerings with Microsoft or its brands in any way.

Not OK

Selling merchandise or other products with our icons on them.

Not OK

Integrating the VS Code icon into your logo.

Not OK

Using the icon as a lock-up for Visual Studio Code or another brand (for example, don't use the icon as a logo paired up with the “Visual Studio Code” name).

Not OK
Creating a modified version of the icon, for example:
Example of a VS Code icon re-drawin in a different style and with different colors Do not use

Modifying or re-drawing icon in a different style.

Example of text and background added to the VS Code icon Do not use

Adding text, images, or a background to the icon.

Example of the VS Code icon stretched and transformed Do not use

Stretching the icon, changing the icon’s aspect ratio, or deforming the “fish”.


Our color palette

CMYK (71, 35, 0, 0)
RGB (0, 152, 255)
CMYK (83, 47, 0, 0)
RGB (0, 122, 204)
CMYK (93, 61, 5, 0)
RGB (0, 101, 169)
CMYK (3, 2, 2, 0)
RGB (243, 243, 243)
CMYK (67, 60, 59, 44)
RGB (68, 68, 68)
CMYK (72, 66, 63, 70)
RGB (37, 37, 38)

Brand name

Things we're ok with


Please use “Visual Studio Code” on the first instance.


Note proper capitalization and spacing (please do not say “vscode”, “VSCode”, “VSC”, or “Code”).


If you need to distinguish web versus desktop, please refer to the web client as “VS Code for the Web”, and the desktop client as “VS Code Desktop”.

Things we're not ok with

Not OK

Using the product name — Visual Studio Code or VS Code — on your website, product, service, or in your domain names.

Not OK

Naming your products, applications, or projects anything that implies an endorsement from Microsoft or the Visual Studio Code team.

Do you make content (extensions, training material, etc) for Visual Studio Code?

If so, please use the following format when naming your content if you want to refer that it is optimized for, related to, or works with Visual Studio Code:


Correct: [My Extension Name] for Visual Studio Code

Not OK

Incorrect: Visual Studio Code [My Extension Name]

Ask brand questions

Brand questions to reach out about:

  1. When you want to use artwork not included in this page.
  2. When you want to use images in a video or mainstream media.
  3. When you want to use the Visual Studio Code or VS Code names or icons in any way not allowed under these guidelines.
  4. When you have questions about these guidelines.

Send your brand question to vscode at or send a message on Twitter @code.

Visual Studio Code, VS Code, and the Visual Studio Code icon are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.