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JCL 263

Alex Kale is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and the Data Science Institute at the University of Chicago. He earned his PhD in Information Science at the University of Washington in 2022.

Before coming to University of Chicago, Alex held a visiting research position at Northwestern University from 2020 through 2022. He earned a Master’s of Science in Information Science from the University of Washington in 2020 and a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology, with minors in Music and Philosophy, also from the University of Washington in 2015.

Alex leads the Data Cognition Lab at the University of Chicago, focused on creating data visualization and analysis software that explicitly represents users’ cognitive processes around data.


Focus Areas: Human Computer Interaction, Data Visualization

Alex Kale researches data visualization and human-computer interaction. He creates and investigates software tools for helping people reason with data and statistical models, especially in situations involving uncertainty. His work seeks to augment human statistical reasoning by providing new ways to interact with data and software tools that more explicitly represent the choices, rationales, values, caveats, and assumptions that underlie data analysis. Current interests include data exploration, model interpretability, causal inference, decision making, fairness, and uncertainty visualization.


Data & Databases

Systems and algorithms for managing and analyzing data at scale

Human Computer Interaction

Exploring the interfaces between people and technologies

Visual Computing

Creating and analyzing data from the visual world, and visually understanding complex data

Awards & Honors

Best paper honorable mention, CHI
Best paper honorable mention, VIS
Best paper, VIS

News & Events

UChicago CS News

UChicago CS Researchers Shine at CHI 2023 with 12 Papers and Multiple Awards

Apr 19, 2023
UChicago CS News

New 2022-23 Faculty Add Expertise in Linguistics, Visualization, Economics, and Data Science Education

Aug 11, 2022
Past Event

Alex Kale (U. of Washington) – Data Interfaces for Reasoning with Uncertainty

Mar 03, 2022
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