Software Localization

Přizpůsobte svůj software místním trhům s Crowdinem

Set an automated process once and receive continuous localization in parallel with development.

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Localized software in a few clicks with Crowdin

Created by Developers, for Developers

JetBrains GitHub GitLab Avast Raspberry Pi Mojang Studio

Crowdin gave us the ability to implement localization into the entire platform development process.


Integrate Localization into Your Development Cycle

Launch your product in multiple languages as soon as the development is finished

Synchronizujte obsah z/do vašeho úložiště

Source strings are pulled automatically and are always up-to-date for your translators. Translated content is automatically pushed to your repository as a request. Automate content updates with a one-click integration.

View All Tools

Synchronizujte obsah z/do vašeho úložiště

600+ nástroje

Široká nabídka nástrojů pro pohodlnou práci s lokalizací

CLI, API, Webhooks

Connect cross-platform Crowdin CLI directly to your code repository or other tools (CI server, GIT, SVN, Mercurial, and more) and never deal with localization files manually.

CLI Documentation
CLI, API, Webhooks

Free Software Localization Checklist

Get our "Software localization checklist" with all the best practices.

Free Software Localization Checklist

100+ formátů souborů, se kterými můžete pracovat

Crowdin supports a wide variety of translation formats, including but not limited to files for mobile, software, documents, subtitles, and visual assets.

Explore All File Formats
100+ formátů souborů, se kterými můžete pracovat
Edit Source Texts at Crowdin

Edit Source Texts at Crowdin

When source texts need correction or new strings should be added before translation begins, you can edit the source text directly in Crowdin.

No More Context-Related Issues

With Crowdin, localization delays release by zero time.

eXo Platform

Často kladené dotazy

Software localization is the process of adapting a software application to a specific language, culture, and local market. It involves translating the user interface, help files, and other documentation, as well as adapting the software to local conventions and regulations.

Software localization is important because it allows companies to expand their reach and tap into new markets by making their software accessible to a wider audience. It can also improve the user experience by making the software more relevant and usable for non-native speakers.

To ensure the quality of the localized software, it is important to use professional translators and reviewers who are native speakers of the target language and have expertise in the subject matter, use translation memory tools and terminology management systems to ensure consistency and accuracy, perform thorough testing and debugging to identify and fix any issues with the localized software, and use feedback from users to identify and fix any issues that may not have been caught during testing.

Existuje celá řada nástrojů a technologií, které se používají pro lokalizaci softwaru, včetně systémů správy překladů (TMS), nástrojů překladové paměti, systémů správy terminologie, lokalizačního softwaru a integrovaných vývojových prostředí (IDE). Jedním z nástrojů, který je speciálně navržen pro lokalizaci softwaru, je Crowdin.

Crowdin is a cloud-based translation management platform that helps organizations translate and localize their software and other digital content. It offers features such as translation memory, terminology management, quality assurance, and integration with a range of tools and technologies. By using Crowdin, companies can streamline their localization process and ensure the quality of their localized software.

It's your turn to reach the global market

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