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A member registered Jul 11, 2023

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Mythvale Tactics is a pretty good game, although I didn't realize in my gameplay you could upgrade mana. When I was done, I saw in comments that it's an option.

Click funny papers and earn money! While game is okay, I don't like how bad cps is here.

Awesome game! Wish clicks were more impactful or maybe there would be some kind of primitive machine to help building, but it's really well done!

Really awesome game! Unfortunately clicking is a bit tricky, so it's much better to upgrade workers; which is fine because I don't have to tire my fingers :).

Didn't get the hidden meaning, but I guess I won.

This game is awesome! I played it for a bit and I see in comments some people got to insane scores, but I am still happy with mine :D!

I think I've finished the game, but it bugged out? Either way; it's pretty short (which is a shame) and tough - which is fine and I like this game very much. I only wish I could know the ending.

This game is really nice to play! It's a cool concept and everything is well made - I'd consider changing the rushing warrior behavior - he can just spawn out of nowhere and get a cheap hit on you.

Pretty decent game! It's well animated, characters have different attacks and specials - unfortunately specials aren't super balanced, but still this game has no major issues to adress.

Oh, that's actually interesting. I didn't realize there's a bonus for not spending all mana. I only realized active skills are useless - and later on they're even worse, with the obvious exception of the revive.

Yeah, I struggled here also because it seems like later battles are... way too insane. But maybe it's doable and you have to know that you get bonus for not spending all mana (which I didn't notice at all).

I mean, the flow was smooth. The only issue I'd point out is; it felt a bit wonky to have to fight whether you accept suspicious account to your server or not.

If it's going to have some upgrades to your character (more tools etc.), more bots or malicious stuff, it might be interesting! I know there's much to be done, but the concept is great!

Shame this game is really short, I hope there will be more threats and ideas poured into this game, as it's one of the most interesting games in my opinion! I just like the way it works!

Short game which is really well-made! Far too short boss fight in my opinion, but well - the process of recruiting employees to be able to approach the real company boss is amazing!

I hope this mario game will become big someday! Really smooth game and nice effects! This game has a big potential! I also had an issue with this jetpack feature, which is annoying.

That game is quite a project! I enjoy it very much. The only thing I didn't like is how useless are temporary abilities - you don't have time to use them if you don't want to lose later on. Later fights are more about bursting through enemies; it's really just a contest of luck - if they manage to kill your frontline and they have skill bars almost full, you lost; the other way around? They probably lost (most applicable to mages I think).

This game is crazy good! There are some funny bugs, but the way how it is implemented is nice. Yeah I know gameplay is simpler than in original game, but it's very impressive how well it's imported for GBA!

Perfect game! The amount of management and choices was pretty broad - which I love. I messed up some time later, because I didn't know contracts' time gets shorter even when you take them later.

If I didn't say Ballet of Steel is pretty unique roguelike, I would be wrong. I am sure if it gets developed, it will be rocking on the Internet!

Finished the game and I love that game! I recommend you to try it. Unfortunately I didn't manage to try to outplay forced "demo ending" lol.
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Great game, it was sloppy, but I guess downloaded version works much better - so it's probably on me. I think it's enjoyable and great game and I hope it gets developed further. 

I didn't do well in this game, because I didn't have any idea how elite enemy looks like (you can't just check out what's the opponent in the node and run I think?) so after a long struggle in that fight I got deleted. And also you have to keep track of cell's health (they do not heal after the battle if I recall correctly), which I think would be easier if cells had some visual effects, which shows they're getting at 50% or lower hp.

Interesting game, which is basically a jump king, but a bit easier. I didn't really knew what to do with tile swapping - I think I accidently didn't submit any changes but for one section.

I've played it for a while and I thought I had encountered a bug at 4:58 (I've lost leather boots), but I rewatched from that part just now and apparently you just can lose equipment in this game, which forces you to just spam slime fight for a long time if you do not wish to gamble with a bit expensive equipment. 

Which is a bit inconvenient, especially considering you can get unlucky even with good items in mercenary's backpack - there's % dodge chance and as you progress, there's even more % triggers (like Smite), but it might not be as bad as I think, because you can just farm 2nd mercenary and earn gold faster.

I am late to the party, but I just found this game and it's fun. I mean; I am not patient enough to max everything out, but I like trying to make some unique characteristics for units (one of them being better the more you buy them makes it much better to buy more of them).

Very enjoyable game! I had some moments where I wasn't understanding what to do, but that's an issue on my part. Great game, great graphics and I like the scenery!

Interesting game; you can definitely cheese it if you unlock the last option. There was (included in video) a bug where I was getting destroyed even when I didn't do anything wrong.
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This game is pretty enjoyable! Personally, it is annoying how fast you get overwhelmed early on, and even after some upgrades, you still get eliminated within a minute. Regardless, I enjoyed this game.

This game is good. There are some issues; fe. buggy bird after you buy an upgrade, which allows you to eat other birds (which were hunting for you originally). Other than that, fun little game.

I enjoyed this auto-fighting Idle Game! I don't have many complains; you can impact every fight with active skills (which are very important, as our character likes to get into trouble), you can eventually start getting some items, so that's nice.

I had fun messing a bit with this simple PICO game. Nice little game to activate brain a little.

Really great game! I enjoyed playing it, even though I lost. I think it needs some rewards for battles, because right now you just have to pray you will get some rewards. 

Also my guess is on the last boss I should just kill smaller enemies instead of trying to rush the boss.

Really funny game! And that mechanic of hiding is pretty good! I mean; it's not really easy to hide consistently, but that's good!

Yeah, I am just unable to manage it, it's hard to focus on rhythm and shooting correctly and on dodging at the same time. I'll watch that later!

It's short, but I love how it looks like and the idea is neat! I wasn't probably using sophisticated strategies to win this game, but making potions on the table become poisonous where eventually you'll run out of options is a simple and fun way to play!

I do like idea for the game, but it's reaaally difficult!
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This game is really good! It is hard and I didn't have the patience to deal with how easily you can get in a situation, where you can only "hold on", and you can't progress due to constant bug spawn, but it's really decent!

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I am happy to say I managed to finish all levels! It took me a while, but doing this game on the first time takes some skill. 

Especially when there's not always a clear instruction about what you can move. I thought I could only move around my cells, but as it turns out - you can also move walls that are in your placing area. Overall good game.

This game is decent and I really enjoyed playing it. These apocalyptic graphics are also awesome!

I also didn't know it's possible to lose by allowing your monsters to get knocked-out, which also made me lose I think. Not that I created the strongest team comp; I think I understood only basics - and some abilities were annoying for me, because I wanted to hide a monster, when he is low, so he would be a bit safer, but some abilities swap places. I guess I just didn't find good synergies and created a random team comp lol.

They can fly off the screen upwards; that's what I meant, which is a bit unfair for me. I am not mad, because not every game is supposed to be beaten on first or second try, I just think I should be able to fly off-screen upwards as my opponents; or no-one should be able to do so. Right now the only moment you can be at greater heights than your opponent is when you get hit.

I played it some time ago and it's great! I like the variety in cards, graphics and gameplay. One small issue for me is the fact I couldn't realize that AoE hammer attacks do not apply weaken on all enemies; which is fine - but it would be nice to somehow state that it applies weaken only on one enemy and does damage to all enemies.