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European data
The official portal for European data

Overview commitment to open data research and learning is paramount. In this section you will find the full collection of the outputs of the research that the project has developed since its inception, up to the most recent reports and the renown Open Data Maturity landscaping exercise we perform yearly. In addition to that, we offer a selection of relevant research and papers by other institutions.

Open data maturity

A series of indicators have been selected to measure open data maturity across Europe. These indicators cover the level of development of national policies promoting open data, an assessment of the features made available on national data portals as well as the expected impact of open data.

Open data impact

Explore our informative and inspirational articles built upon data from public repositories. Illustrated with data visualisations, they offer insightful perspectives on a wide range of topics, such as environment, society, or economy.


Read about the latest updates from the world of open data. The articles inform about latest events, publications, legal and technical developments, research, and more.


A monthly summary of the most important news, data stories, events, and publications related to open data.


A collection of papers that discuss various relevant topics around open data, such as barriers in working with open data, high-value datasets, and business-to-government data sharing.

Country insights

This section provides insights into the status of open data in European countries. The section includes information about countries' national open data portal, the level of open data maturity, use cases, catalogues, events, reports, news, webinars, and interviews about open data.