

Use the methods in this document to configure the behavior of the Adjust SDK.

Instantiate your config object

Method signature
constructor(appToken: string, environment: Environment)

To configure the Adjust SDK, you need to instantiate an AdjustConfig object. This object contains the read-only configuration options that you need to pass to the Adjust SDK.

To instantiate your config object, create a new AdjustConfig instance and pass the following parameters:

  • appToken (string): Your Adjust app token.
  • environment (Environment): The environment you want to run the SDK in. Pass AdjustConfig.EnvironmentSandbox to run the SDK in sandbox mode for testing. Pass AdjustConfig.EnvironmentProduction to run the SDK in production mode for release.
const adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(

Read-only configuration

Read-only configuration options are set in your AdjustConfig instance before the initialization of the SDK. They can’t be changed while the SDK is running. You MUST configure any options you want to use before running Adjust.initSdk().

Set your logging level

Method signature
public setLogLevel(level: LogLevel): void

The Adjust SDK provides configurable log levels to return different amounts of information. The following log levels are available:

Log levelDescription
AdjustConfig.LogLevelVerboseEnable all logging
AdjustConfig.LogLevelDebugEnable debug logging
AdjustConfig.LogLevelInfoOnly show info level logs (default option)
AdjustConfig.LogLevelWarnDisable info logging
AdjustConfig.LogLevelErrorDisable warning level logging and below
AdjustConfig.LogLevelAssertDisable error level logging and below
AdjustConfig.LogLevelSuppressSuppress all logging

You can set your log level by calling the setLogLevel method on your AdjustConfig instance with the following parameter:

  • logLevel (LogLevel): The log level you want to use.
const adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(

Set external device identifier

Method signature
public setExternalDeviceId(externalDeviceId: string): void

An external device identifier is a custom value that you can assign to a device or user. They help you recognize users across sessions and platforms. They can also help you deduplicate installs by user so that a user isn’t counted as duplicate new installs. Contact your Adjust representative to get started with external device IDs.

You can use an external device ID as a custom identifier for a device. This helps you keep continuity with your other systems. You can set property calling the setExternalDeviceId method with the following parameter:

  • externalDeviceId (string): Your external device identifier. This value is case sensitive. If you have imported external device IDs, make sure the value you pass matches the imported value.
const adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(

If you want to use the external device ID in your business analytics, you can pass it as a session callback parameter.

You can import existing external device IDs into Adjust. This ensures that the Adjust servers match future data to your existing device records. Contact your Adjust representative for more information.

Method signature
public setDefaultTracker(defaultTracker: string): void

You can configure a default link token if your app is preinstalled on a device. When a user opens the preinstalled app for the first time, the install is attributed to the default link token. To set your default link token, call the setDefaultTracker method with the following argument:

  • defaultTracker (string): The Adjust link token you want to record preinstalled installs against.
const adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(

Enable cost data sending

Method signature
public enableCostDataInAttribution(): void

By default, the Adjust SDK doesn’t send cost data as part of a user’s attribution. You can configure the SDK to send this data by enabling cost data sending. To enable cost data sending, call the enableCostDataInAttribution method on your config instance.

Cost data is accessible in the user’s attribution information.

const adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(
"{Your App Token}",

Enable background recording

Method signature
public enableSendingInBackground(): void

By default, the Adjust SDK pauses the sending of requests when your app is running in the background. You can configure the SDK to send requests in the background by enabling the background recording. To enable background recording, call the enableSendingInBackground method on your config instance.

const adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(
"{Your App Token}",

Dynamic configuration

Dynamic configuration options may be changed during the SDK’s lifecycle in response to events or actions taken by the user.

Activate offline mode

Method signature
switchToOfflineMode: () => void

The Adjust SDK sends event and session data to Adjust’s servers in real time. You can pause the sending of information by putting the SDK in offline mode. In offline mode the SDK stores all data in a local file on the device. The SDK sends this information to Adjust’s servers when you disable offline mode.

To enable offline mode, call the Adjust.switchToOfflineMode method.


Deactivate offline mode

Method signature
switchBackToOnlineMode: () => void

You can re-enable the SDK by calling the Adjust.switchBackToOnlineMode method. This prompts the SDK to resume sending information.


Set push tokens

Method signature
setPushToken: (token: string) => void

Push tokens are used for Audiences and client callbacks. They’re also required for Uninstall and reinstall measurement.

Your config object contains a string pushToken property that you can use to store your push token. You can update this property at any time by calling the setPushToken method and passing the following arguments:

  • token (string): Your push token.

Disable the SDK

Method signature
disable: () => void

The Adjust SDK runs by default when your app is open. You can disable the Adjust SDK to stop sending information to Adjust by calling the Adjust.disable method. When you disable the Adjust SDK, no data is sent to Adjust and no information is recorded by the SDK. This means that any Adjust method called when the SDK is disabled won’t record anything.


Enable the SDK

Method signature
enable: () => void

If you’ve disable the SDK and want to re-enable it, call the Adjust.enable method. When the SDK is enabled, it will send information to Adjust’s servers.


Check enabled status

Method signature
isEnabled: (callback: (enabled: boolean) => void) => void

You can check if the Adjust SDK is enabled at any time by calling the isEnabled method. This method returns a boolean value indicating if the SDK is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

Adjust.isEnabled((isEnabled) => {
if (isEnabled) {
console.log("SDK is enabled");
} else {
console.log("SDK is disabled");