Showing results for November 2014 - Azure DevOps Blog

Nov 24, 2014

Introducing the Child Process Debugging Power Tool

Andrew B Hall - MSFT
Andrew B Hall - MSFT

We’ve heard your feedback that you want the Visual Studio debugger to support child process debugging. Child process debugging means that when the application you are debugging creates another process, Visual Studio will detect this and automatically attach a debugger to the newly created process as well. To address this we’re releasing a power...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Nov 23, 2014

Avoiding Visual Studio Fakes Build break

Ajay Arora
Ajay Arora

If you are using Visual Studio Fakes in your Unit Testing, and you created your test project from any of the below versions of Visual Studio, then if you upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 Update 4, you may start hitting build errors around Microsoft.QualityTools.Testing.Fakes.dll.Visual Studio 2012Visual Studio 2013 Update1Visual Studio 2013 ...

Nov 19, 2014

Introducing Smart Unit Tests

Pratap Lakshman
Pratap Lakshman

[Editor’s note: "Smart Unit Tests" has been renamed to “IntelliTest” with effect from Visual Studio 2015 Release Candidate (RC).] If you have not already seen the brief video on the Smart Unit Tests feature, I urge you to do so; this feature can help you overcome any inertia in getting started writing unit tests. But there is much more to ...

Nov 17, 2014

DevOps style deployment in Visual Studio 2015 preview – Sharing deployment configuration with team

Muthukumaran [MSFT]
Muthukumaran [MSFT]

  While the earlier blog on DevOps style deployment capability touched upon the scenarios for an individual developer, in this blog let’s look at how this experience can be extended to team. You would also want to refer Announcing DevOps style deployments using Visual Studio 2015 Preview and Azure and Brian Keller’s Channel9 Video first. A ...

DevOpsAzure & CloudCI/CD
Nov 17, 2014

DevOps style deployment in Visual Studio 2015 preview – A detailed look

Muthukumaran [MSFT]
Muthukumaran [MSFT]

By now you must be aware about the DevOps style deployment capability that was announced in Visual Studio 2015 preview. If not already, you would want to refer the announcement blog; Announcing DevOps style deployments using Visual Studio 2015 Preview and Azure. Brian Keller’s Channel9 Video is a great place to start to learn more about this ...

DevOpsAzure & CloudCI/CD
Nov 16, 2014

Using Selenium with Cloud-based Load Testing

RanganathG [MSFT]
RanganathG [MSFT]

This blog is an introduction to how users can execute Selenium tests using Cloud-based Load Testing from Visual Studio Online.  Introduction Let's get familiar with Cloud-based Load Testing (CLT) from Visual Studio Online (VSO) and Selenium. Let's get started. Authoring Selenium unit tests in Visual Studio...

Nov 14, 2014

Set breakpoints on auto-implemented properties with Visual Studio 2015

Anisha Pindoria
Anisha Pindoria

Ask a room of developers what is the first concept that they think of when they think about debugging and most of them will say: breakpoints. That is why with Visual Studio 2015 we significantly improved the ability to configure breakpoints with conditions and actions. Given how easy it is now to configure breakpoints, we know you’ll be more ...

Azure & Cloud
Nov 13, 2014

Memory Usage Tool while debugging in Visual Studio 2015

Charles Willis (MSFT)
Charles Willis (MSFT)

29 April, 2015: Updated for the release of Visual Studio 2015 RC Introduction In Visual Studio 2013 we introduced the Memory Usage tool as part of the Performance and Diagnostics hub. This tool, like the rest of the profiling tools in the Performance and Diagnostics hub, is designed to work with processes without a debugger attached, leaving you ...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Nov 12, 2014

CodeLens in Visual Studio Online enabled as a Limited CTP

Mathew Aniyan MSFT
Mathew Aniyan MSFT

Update: Added a troubleshooting section.IntroductionCodeLens is a heads-up display in your Visual Studio Editor where you can find information about your code in-context. CodeLens has now been enabled in Visual Studio Online for select customers as a Limited CTP.  Pre-requisites If you meet these pre-requisites, you can request to ...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Nov 12, 2014

Announcing Visual Studio 2015 Preview and Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 Availability

Charles Sterling
Charles Sterling

Last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy; in addition to the launching the new browser based Load Test Authoring experience at TechEd Europe, hosting the MVP summit, getting Update 4 released we have been working on getting Visual Studio 2015 Preview ready for you.   If you want a sneak of Visual Studio 2015 Preview in action be sure and watch...
