Showing results for September 2015 - Azure DevOps Blog

Sep 28, 2015

Quickstart: Analyzing .NET projects with SonarQube, MSBuild or Visual Studio Online, and third-party analyzers (StyleCop, ReSharper)

Jean-Marc Prieur
Jean-Marc Prieur

This post provides a quick-start guide to using SonarQube to analyze .NET managed code. It covers installing SonarQube locally, running your first analysis using MSBuild, and using some popular third-party analyzers. It also describes how to use the new Visual Studio Online (VSO) and Team Foundation Server (TFS) Build tasks to perform analysis as ...

DevOpsCommunityAzure DevOps Server
Sep 25, 2015

Network simulation and more in the VS Emulator for Android

John Kemnetz
John Kemnetz

By now, hopefully you’ve heard about the new Visual Studio Emulator for Android, which is available as a standalone download for Eclipse and Android Studio users. Today, we’re issuing an update that addresses some of your top requests, including network simulation and improved screenshot functionality. Let’s take a look at what you can ...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Sep 23, 2015

SonarQube Integration Plans

Stuart Kent - Microsoft
Stuart Kent - Microsoft

[December 18th 2015: How have we done? Details in line on what’s been done, what’s in progress and what’s still being investigated.] Back in April (2015) we announced our first step in integrating MSBuild and Team Build with SonarQube, At the start of that post, we briefly explained why we were targeting the problem of managing technical ...

DevOpsCommunityAzure DevOps Server
Sep 18, 2015

Concurrency Visualizer for Visual Studio 2015 is now available on the gallery

Dan Taylor
Dan Taylor

The Concurrency Visualizer is a tool for Visual Studio that allows you to analyze and improve performance of multi-threaded Windows Desktop applications. See the MSDN documentation for more information on using the Concurrency Visualizer. The Concurrency Visualizer was included with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012, and in Visual Studio ...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Sep 15, 2015

Announcing Public Preview for Performance/Load testing of Azure Webapp

Manas Maheshwari
Manas Maheshwari

Poor performance is one of the largest causes of lost business on the Internet. Companies are increasingly more concerned with losing business (like during the upcoming Holiday season) due to insufficient capacity sale and most/all development teams want to measure their applications performance BEFORE it hits production. With the newly introduced...

DevOpsAzure & CloudCI/CD
Sep 14, 2015

Load Testing from different geographies with Cloud-based load testing

Charles Sterling
Charles Sterling

Last week I was asked a pretty common question: “How do you generate and distribute load in a Performance Test across different geographic locations” This person knows our load Testing features well and knew about the new location picker (see below). What they we were looking for in this dialog is a multi select and a slider like the Test ...

Sep 10, 2015

MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner 1.0.1 Released

Jean-Marc Prieur
Jean-Marc Prieur

_ Today, SonarSource released the MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner 1.0.1, along with the SonarQube C# Plug-in 4.2, and the SonarQube Setup Guide for .NET Users version 1.2.0. This release contains many bug fixes based on your feedback. The main themes are: More robust execution More succinct ...

DevOpsCommunityAzure DevOps Server
Sep 4, 2015

General Availability of Work Item Trend and Rollup Reporting in Power BI

Jeff Levinson
Jeff Levinson

Today, a few short weeks after our initial release of the work item reporting capabilities in the Visual Studio Online Power BI Connector, we are happy to announce the general availability of trend and rollup reporting capabilities. Starting today you can do things like create sprint burndown charts based on story points, effort, size or remaining ...

Sep 4, 2015

Supplying Run Time Parameters to Tests

Atin Bansal
Atin Bansal

Tests broadly classified as integration tests or functional tests are often in need to connect to external app resource (web application, API front end, or a DB tier) to drive validations. Maintaining lifecycle of such tests from the environment where it’s authored (dev machine with VS) to all the other places where they might be consumed (as ...

Sep 3, 2015

CodeLens Indicator for Code Health

Mathew Aniyan MSFT
Mathew Aniyan MSFT

Yesterday, we released the Visual Studio 2015 version of the CodeLens Indicator for Code Health in Visual Studio Gallery.  This extension is an update to the Visual Studio 2013 version, which we had released in Sep 2013 as a Microsoft DevLabs extension.   This CodeLens Indicator gives the current value of the Maintainability Index for the code ...
