When managing any sized organization, there is always the question of how to track and review your existing policies on every single project. There is a solution that can query your exiting projects and provide management reports for a multitude of reports. Using this tool can help you assess and manage all of the projects in your Azure DevOps organization.
Watch the video below where April and Vinicius take you through a hands-on tutorial of generating these management reports. Follow along and get started generating management reports!
- GitHub Repo containing all of our code: https://aka.ms/GitHubRepoManagementReports
- Intro to the Azure DevOps Learning Path: https://aka.ms/AzDO/IntroToADO
Zero comments! Whaaat! Awesome find and we thank you for doing all that work and then sharing it with us all. Thank you!
Thank you for the feedback! Vinicius put together this great piece of work!