Disroot Blog

DisNews #4 - Nextcloud performance; Framadate and Ethercalc; Custom domains and XMPP; Lacre.io; fe.disroot.org

Hi there Disrooters!

We would like to wish you all a happy new year! Let's not mention how crazy the world has become and how gloomy the future is shaping up to be. Let's focus on the good things in life instead. Imagine yourself sitting in a hot-tub outside (or a cold pool if you happen to be in...

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Holidays, Nextcloud 16, Disroot Discover


Sandy beaches, heat and warm sea. Yup. For the past two weeks Disroot team was enjoying holidays. We've got sun burned, our skin peeled off and we got sunburned again. We had tons of fun and most importantly re-charged our batteries, rested and gotten a lot of ideas and energy for the nex...

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