

Wikipedia defines Markdown as “a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor” (

Markdown makes it easy to add basic structure, such as headings and lists, to a plaintext document. Use of Markdown is ubiquitous in CoCalc (see below). When you start making notes into a text file, it is often most convenient to open the file as a Markdown document, i.e. a file with name ending in “.md”. It is easy to produce pdf and html files from markdown.

There is a brief tutorial on Markdown in the Project Library. To copy the introduction into a project of yours, open the project and follow the four steps below:

fetching Markdown intro from the project library

The Library intro has three sample files, in format markdown (“.md”), Jupyter notebook (“.ipynb”), and Sage worksheet (“.sagews”). Here’s a view from the .md file:

source and editable views of a .md file

You can find additional information about variations of markdown relevant to CoCalc at the following links:

Where Markdown can be used in CoCalc

Enhanced features in CoCalc Markdown


See @Mention collaborators in chat.


Type “ [ ] “ to create an unchecked checkbox. Note the single space between the square brackets. Type “ [x] “ to create a checked box. In both unchecked and checked boxes, there is a space before the first bracket and a space after the closed bracket.

Collaborative editing

Multiple users can edit CoCalc Markdown at the same time. In fact, one user can have several browser windows open to the same Markdown content and edit from them all simultaneously (we sometimes use this feature to test collaboration while developing CoCalc).

Details element

CoCalc markdown editing supports The Details disclosure element. Here is how a details element is entered, using Markdown code edit mode:

    <summary>summary text</summary>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua...

You can put text that you want hidden inside the details element. When not expanded, only the summary text is displayed. To expand the content and show the hidden content, click anywhere in the summary. To hide the content, click the summary again. If you do not specify summary text, the word “Details” is used.

a details element with content hidden

details element with content hidden

a details element with content expanded

details element with content expanded

Embedded LaTeX

You can write LaTeX formulas between $ signs, e.g. $\frac{1}{1+x^2}$.


View the list of supported emojis in the markdown-it-emojis GitHub repository.

Export to HTML

  • To create html from a markdown file, open a Linux terminal. If your file is “”, run the command:

    pandoc -o filename.html

Export to PDF

  • To export a markdown (“.md”) file as pdf, open the file, select “Locked” from the view pulldown menu and click the “Print” button.

Fenced Code Blocks

Code in fenced code blocks can be executed using any available jupyter kernel. In the example, the “Python 3 (system wide)” kernel is active. Hover your cursor over the kernel selector to expose a menu for selecting other kernels. Click “Run” to produce the output. Hover over the space below the output to get buttons for additional code cells. This feature even works if the document is published.

The info string should start with the programming language want to use, for example “python”, “sage”, “bash”, or “julia”. Typing in the language will select one possible kernel. Use the Jupyter kernel selector if you would like a different kernel for the selected language.

You can append descriptive text to the info string, such as “ex 1”.

execute fenced code block

fenced Python code cell inside a markdown file

If you evaluate a cell, everything above it with the exact same info string is always run. Clicking “Run” in the third cell in the following example will cause the first cell to be run before it, but not the second cell.

matching info strings

matching info strings “python ex1” in first and third cells


Precede a word with a hash sign (“#”) and it is formatted to stand out as a hashtag.


You can work with Quarto documents by creating a file with .qmd extension. Use jupyter: sage-10.3 or similar kernel selection if you want to use SageMath code blocks, which should be marked with {sagemath}

jupyter: sage-10.3
Working with Quarto

Working with Quarto

Rich Text Editing

See Rich Text Editing.

Search and Replace Within the File

Search and replace in markdown are done the same as with any other frame editor file. See frame editor search and replace.

About the CoCalc Implementation of Markdown

CoCalc uses markdown-it, with plug-ins and some customizations. Details are in the CoCalc source code at GitHub in file src/packages/frontend/markdown/index.ts.

CoCalc markdown is parsed using markdown-it with the linkify and html options set to true, so that patterns that look like URL’s are clickable and html blocks and fragments are parsed as html, according to the commonmark spec (which can be weird, subtle, and surprising). CoCalc’s markdown is also parsed with the following five plugins enabled. Except for the emoji plugin, these are all forks of upstreams plugins:

  • math - math code; this is a proper markdown-it plugin with rules designed to be as close to Jupyter classic’s math formula parsing as I could write. By default math is rendered using katex by default, then mathjax if that fails. There are also some hacks to extend katex support.

  • emoji - emoji docs; configured with the defaults, so all github supported emojis. 😊

  • checkbox - checkbox code; create checkbox anywhere via [ ] and checked box via [x]. Also supports github task lists.

  • hashtag - hashtag code; create #hashtags anywhere that look like #hashtags. In some parts of cocalc, click on these to search for matches.

  • mentions - mentions code; type @ then select the name of one of your collaborators. They will receive an email pointing to your mention of them. For chat, the rest of the line is included as context in the @mention.

CoCalc’s markdown is only parsed using markdown-it. It is rendered using a custom React-based renderer that is built around slatejs, which we also use for direct rich text editing of markdown. Thus rendering is much more rigid and structured than most markdown renderers, which simply export an html string and let the browser interpret it. For example, rendering of code blocks (triple back ticks) is accomplished using CodeMirror’s parser and react to provide syntax highlighting for any mode we support. The html blocks are rendered using html-react-parser, so they will only work if they are valid complete html; moreover, in context like the share server or untrusted notebooks, where the HTML shouldn’t be trusted, our markdown renderer sanitizes the html using the xss module.