;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; OData ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.01 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Working Draft 03 ; 28 September 2017 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; OData Version 4.01 ; Committee Specification 01 ; 30 January 2018 ; Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2018. All Rights Reserved. ; Source: http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.01/cs01/abnf/ ; Latest version of narrative specification: http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.01/odata-v4.01-part1-protocol.html ; TC IPR Statement: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/odata/ipr.php ; ; Technical Committee: ; OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC ; https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/odata ; ; Chairs: ; - Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE ; - Ram Jeyaraman (Ram.Jeyaraman@microsoft.com), Microsoft ; ; Editors: ; - Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE ; - Michael Pizzo (mikep@microsoft.com), Microsoft ; - Martin Zurmuehl (martin.zurmuehl@sap.com), SAP SE ; ; Additional artifacts: ; This grammar is one component of a Work Product which consists of: ; - OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol ; - OData Version 4.01 Part 2: URL Conventions ; - OData ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.01 (this document) ; - OData ABNF Test Cases Version 4.01 ; ; Related work: ; This specification replaces or supersedes: ; - OData ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.0 ; This work product is related to ; - OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) JSON Representation Version 4.01 ; - OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) XML Representation Version 4.01 ; - OData JSON Format Version 4.01 ; ; Abstract: ; The Open Data Protocol (OData) enables the creation of REST-based data ; services, which allow resources, identified using Uniform Resource ; Identifiers (URLs) and defined in a data model, to be published and ; edited by Web clients using simple HTTP messages. This document defines ; the URL syntax for requests and the serialization format for primitive ; literals in request and response payloads. ; ; Overview: ; This grammar uses the ABNF defined in RFC5234 with one extension: literals ; enclosed in single quotes (e.g. '$metadata') are treated case-sensitive. ; ; The following rules assume that URIs have been percent-encoding normalized ; as described in section of RFC3986 ; (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section- ; before applying the grammar to them, i.e. all characters in the unreserved ; set (see rule "unreserved" below) are plain literals and NOT ; percent-encoded. ; ; For characters outside the unreserved set the rules explicitly state ; whether the percent-encoded representation is treated identical to the ; plain literal representation. ; ; One prominent example is the single quote that delimits OData primitive ; type literals: %27 and ' are treated identically, so a single quote within ; a string literal is "encoded" as two consecutive single quotes in either ; literal or percent-encoded representation. ; ; Contents: ; 1. Resource Path ; 2. Query Options ; 3. Context URL Fragments ; 4. Expressions ; 5. JSON format for function parameters ; 6. Names and identifiers ; 7. Literal Data Values ; 8. Header values ; 9. Punctuation ; ; A. URI syntax [RFC3986] ; B. IRI syntax [RFC3986] ; C. ABNF core definitions [RFC5234] ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dummyStartRule = odataUri / header / primitiveValue ; just to please the test parser ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ odataUri = serviceRoot [ odataRelativeUri ] serviceRoot = ( "https" / "http" ) ; Note: case-insensitive "://" host [ ":" port ] "/" *( segment-nz "/" ) ; Note: dollar-prefixed path segments are case-sensitive! odataRelativeUri = '$batch' [ "?" batchOptions ] / '$entity' "?" entityOptions / '$entity' "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName "?" entityCastOptions / '$metadata' [ "?" metadataOptions ] [ context ] / resourcePath [ "?" queryOptions ] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 1. Resource Path ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ resourcePath = entitySetName [ collectionNavigation ] / singletonEntity [ singleNavigation ] / actionImportCall / entityColFunctionImportCall [ collectionNavigation ] / entityFunctionImportCall [ singleNavigation ] / complexColFunctionImportCall [ complexColPath ] / complexFunctionImportCall [ complexPath ] / primitiveColFunctionImportCall [ primitiveColPath ] / primitiveFunctionImportCall [ primitivePath ] / functionImportCallNoParens / crossjoin / '$all' [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] collectionNavigation = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] [ collectionNavPath ] collectionNavPath = keyPredicate [ singleNavigation ] / filterInPath [ collectionNavigation ] / each [ boundOperation ] / boundOperation / count / ref keyPredicate = simpleKey / compoundKey / keyPathSegments simpleKey = OPEN ( parameterAlias / keyPropertyValue ) CLOSE compoundKey = OPEN keyValuePair *( COMMA keyValuePair ) CLOSE keyValuePair = ( primitiveKeyProperty / keyPropertyAlias ) EQ ( parameterAlias / keyPropertyValue ) keyPropertyValue = primitiveLiteral keyPropertyAlias = odataIdentifier keyPathSegments = 1*( "/" keyPathLiteral ) keyPathLiteral = *pchar singleNavigation = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] [ "/" propertyPath / boundOperation / ref / value ; request the media resource of a media entity ] propertyPath = entityColNavigationProperty [ collectionNavigation ] / entityNavigationProperty [ singleNavigation ] / complexColProperty [ complexColPath ] / complexProperty [ complexPath ] / primitiveColProperty [ primitiveColPath ] / primitiveProperty [ primitivePath ] / streamProperty [ boundOperation ] primitiveColPath = count / boundOperation / ordinalIndex primitivePath = value / boundOperation complexColPath = ordinalIndex / [ "/" qualifiedComplexTypeName ] [ count / boundOperation ] complexPath = [ "/" qualifiedComplexTypeName ] [ "/" propertyPath / boundOperation ] filterInPath = '/$filter' EQ parameterAlias each = '/$each' count = '/$count' ref = '/$ref' value = '/$value' ordinalIndex = "/" 1*DIGIT ; boundOperation segments can only be composed if the type of the previous segment ; matches the type of the first parameter of the action or function being called. ; Note that the rule name reflects the return type of the function. boundOperation = "/" ( boundActionCall / boundEntityColFunctionCall [ collectionNavigation ] / boundEntityFunctionCall [ singleNavigation ] / boundComplexColFunctionCall [ complexColPath ] / boundComplexFunctionCall [ complexPath ] / boundPrimitiveColFunctionCall [ primitiveColPath ] / boundPrimitiveFunctionCall [ primitivePath ] / boundFunctionCallNoParens ) actionImportCall = actionImport boundActionCall = namespace "." action ; with the added restriction that the binding parameter MUST be either an entity or collection of entities ; and is specified by reference using the URI immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundActionCall ; The following boundXxxFunctionCall rules have the added restrictions that ; - the function MUST support binding, and ; - the binding parameter type MUST match the type of resource identified by the ; URI immediately preceding (to the left) of the boundXxxFunctionCall, and ; - the functionParameters MUST NOT include the bindingParameter. boundEntityFunctionCall = namespace "." entityFunction functionParameters boundEntityColFunctionCall = namespace "." entityColFunction functionParameters boundComplexFunctionCall = namespace "." complexFunction functionParameters boundComplexColFunctionCall = namespace "." complexColFunction functionParameters boundPrimitiveFunctionCall = namespace "." primitiveFunction functionParameters boundPrimitiveColFunctionCall = namespace "." primitiveColFunction functionParameters boundFunctionCallNoParens = namespace "." entityFunction / namespace "." entityColFunction / namespace "." complexFunction / namespace "." complexColFunction / namespace "." primitiveFunction / namespace "." primitiveColFunction entityFunctionImportCall = entityFunctionImport functionParameters entityColFunctionImportCall = entityColFunctionImport functionParameters complexFunctionImportCall = complexFunctionImport functionParameters complexColFunctionImportCall = complexColFunctionImport functionParameters primitiveFunctionImportCall = primitiveFunctionImport functionParameters primitiveColFunctionImportCall = primitiveColFunctionImport functionParameters functionImportCallNoParens = entityFunctionImport / entityColFunctionImport / complexFunctionImport / complexColFunctionImport / primitiveFunctionImport / primitiveColFunctionImport functionParameters = OPEN [ functionParameter *( COMMA functionParameter ) ] CLOSE functionParameter = parameterName EQ ( parameterAlias / primitiveLiteral ) parameterName = odataIdentifier parameterAlias = AT odataIdentifier crossjoin = '$crossjoin' OPEN entitySetName *( COMMA entitySetName ) CLOSE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 2. Query Options ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ queryOptions = queryOption *( "&" queryOption ) queryOption = systemQueryOption / aliasAndValue / nameAndValue / customQueryOption batchOptions = batchOption *( "&" batchOption ) batchOption = format /customQueryOption metadataOptions = metadataOption *( "&" metadataOption ) metadataOption = format /customQueryOption entityOptions = *( entityIdOption "&" ) id *( "&" entityIdOption ) entityIdOption = format / customQueryOption entityCastOptions = *( entityCastOption "&" ) id *( "&" entityCastOption ) entityCastOption = entityIdOption / expand / select id = ( "$id" / "id" ) EQ IRI-in-query systemQueryOption = compute / deltatoken / expand / filter / format / id / inlinecount / orderby / schemaversion / search / select / skip / skiptoken / top / index compute = ( "$compute" / "compute" ) EQ computeItem *( COMMA computeItem ) computeItem = commonExpr RWS "as" RWS computedProperty computedProperty = odataIdentifier expand = ( "$expand" / "expand" ) EQ expandItem *( COMMA expandItem ) expandItem = STAR [ ref / OPEN levels CLOSE ] / "$value" / expandPath [ ref [ OPEN expandRefOption *( SEMI expandRefOption ) CLOSE ] / count [ OPEN expandCountOption *( SEMI expandCountOption ) CLOSE ] / OPEN expandOption *( SEMI expandOption ) CLOSE ] expandPath = [ ( qualifiedEntityTypeName / qualifiedComplexTypeName ) "/" ] *( ( complexProperty / complexColProperty ) "/" [ qualifiedComplexTypeName "/" ] ) ( STAR / streamProperty / navigationProperty [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] ) expandCountOption = filter / search expandRefOption = expandCountOption / orderby / skip / top / inlinecount expandOption = expandRefOption / select / expand / compute / levels / aliasAndValue levels = ( "$levels" / "levels" ) EQ ( oneToNine *DIGIT / "max" ) filter = ( "$filter" / "filter" ) EQ boolCommonExpr orderby = ( "$orderby" / "orderby" ) EQ orderbyItem *( COMMA orderbyItem ) orderbyItem = commonExpr [ RWS ( "asc" / "desc" ) ] skip = ( "$skip" / "skip" ) EQ 1*DIGIT top = ( "$top" / "top" ) EQ 1*DIGIT index = ( "$index" / "index" ) EQ 1*DIGIT format = ( "$format" / "format" ) EQ ( "atom" / "json" / "xml" / 1*pchar "/" 1*pchar ; or ; inlinecount = ( "$count" / "count" ) EQ booleanValue schemaversion = ( "$schemaversion" / "schemaversion" ) EQ ( STAR / 1*unreserved ) search = ( "$search" / "search" ) EQ BWS searchExpr searchExpr = ( OPEN BWS searchExpr BWS CLOSE / searchTerm ) [ searchOrExpr / searchAndExpr ] searchOrExpr = RWS 'OR' RWS searchExpr searchAndExpr = RWS [ 'AND' RWS ] searchExpr searchTerm = [ 'NOT' RWS ] ( searchPhrase / searchWord ) searchPhrase = quotation-mark 1*qchar-no-AMP-DQUOTE quotation-mark ; A searchWord is a sequence of one or more letters, digits, commas, or dots. ; This includes Unicode characters of categories L or N using UTF-8 and percent-encoding. ; The words AND, OR, and NOT are not a valid searchWord. ; Expressing this in ABNF is somewhat clumsy, so the following rule is overly generous. searchWord = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / COMMA / "." / pct-encoded ) select = ( "$select" / "select" ) EQ selectItem *( COMMA selectItem ) selectItem = STAR / allOperationsInSchema / [ ( qualifiedEntityTypeName / qualifiedComplexTypeName ) "/" ] ( selectProperty / qualifiedActionName / qualifiedFunctionName ) selectProperty = primitiveProperty / primitiveColProperty [ OPEN selectOptionPC *( SEMI selectOptionPC ) CLOSE ] / navigationProperty / selectPath [ OPEN selectOption *( SEMI selectOption ) CLOSE / "/" selectProperty ] selectPath = ( complexProperty / complexColProperty ) [ "/" qualifiedComplexTypeName ] selectOptionPC = filter / search / inlinecount / orderby / skip / top selectOption = selectOptionPC / compute / select / expand / aliasAndValue allOperationsInSchema = namespace "." STAR ; The parameterNames uniquely identify the bound function overload ; only if it has overloads. qualifiedActionName = namespace "." action qualifiedFunctionName = namespace "." function [ OPEN parameterNames CLOSE ] ; The names of all non-binding parameters, separated by commas parameterNames = parameterName *( COMMA parameterName ) deltatoken = "$deltatoken" EQ 1*( qchar-no-AMP ) skiptoken = "$skiptoken" EQ 1*( qchar-no-AMP ) aliasAndValue = parameterAlias EQ parameterValue nameAndValue = parameterName EQ parameterValue parameterValue = arrayOrObject / commonExpr customQueryOption = customName [ EQ customValue ] customName = qchar-no-AMP-EQ-AT-DOLLAR *( qchar-no-AMP-EQ ) customValue = *( qchar-no-AMP ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 3. Context URL Fragments ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ context = "#" contextFragment contextFragment = 'Collection($ref)' / '$ref' / 'Collection(Edm.EntityType)' / 'Collection(Edm.ComplexType)' / singletonEntity [ navigation *( containmentNavigation ) [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] ] [ selectList ] / qualifiedTypeName [ selectList ] / entitySet ( '/$deletedEntity' / '/$link' / '/$deletedLink' ) / entitySet keyPredicate "/" contextPropertyPath [ selectList ] / entitySet [ selectList ] [ '/$entity' / '/$delta' ] entitySet = entitySetName *( containmentNavigation ) [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] containmentNavigation = keyPredicate [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] navigation navigation = *( "/" complexProperty [ "/" qualifiedComplexTypeName ] ) "/" navigationProperty selectList = OPEN selectListItem *( COMMA selectListItem ) CLOSE selectListItem = STAR ; all structural properties / allOperationsInSchema / [ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/" ] ( qualifiedActionName / qualifiedFunctionName / selectListProperty ) selectListProperty = primitiveProperty / primitiveColProperty / navigationProperty [ "+" ] [ selectList ] / selectPath [ "/" selectListProperty ] contextPropertyPath = primitiveProperty / primitiveColProperty / complexColProperty / complexProperty [ [ "/" qualifiedComplexTypeName ] "/" contextPropertyPath ] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 4. Expressions ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Note: a boolCommonExpr is also a commonExpr, e.g. sort by Boolean commonExpr = ( primitiveLiteral / arrayOrObject / rootExpr / firstMemberExpr / functionExpr / negateExpr / methodCallExpr / parenExpr / listExpr / castExpr / isofExpr / notExpr ) [ addExpr / subExpr / mulExpr / divExpr / divbyExpr / modExpr ] [ eqExpr / neExpr / ltExpr / leExpr / gtExpr / geExpr / hasExpr / inExpr ] [ andExpr / orExpr ] boolCommonExpr = commonExpr ; resulting in a Boolean rootExpr = '$root/' ( entitySetName keyPredicate / singletonEntity ) [ singleNavigationExpr ] firstMemberExpr = memberExpr / inscopeVariableExpr [ "/" memberExpr ] memberExpr = [ qualifiedEntityTypeName "/" ] ( propertyPathExpr / boundFunctionExpr / annotationExpr ) propertyPathExpr = ( entityColNavigationProperty [ collectionNavigationExpr ] / entityNavigationProperty [ singleNavigationExpr ] / complexColProperty [ complexColPathExpr ] / complexProperty [ complexPathExpr ] / primitiveColProperty [ collectionPathExpr ] / primitiveProperty [ primitivePathExpr ] / streamProperty [ primitivePathExpr ] ) annotationExpr = annotation [ collectionPathExpr / singleNavigationExpr / complexPathExpr / primitivePathExpr ] annotation = AT [ namespace "." ] termName [ '#' annotationQualifier ] annotationQualifier = odataIdentifier inscopeVariableExpr = implicitVariableExpr / parameterAlias / lambdaVariableExpr ; only allowed inside a lambdaPredicateExpr implicitVariableExpr = '$it' ; the current instance of the resource identified by the resource path / '$this' ; the instance on which the query option is evaluated lambdaVariableExpr = odataIdentifier collectionNavigationExpr = [ "/" qualifiedEntityTypeName ] [ keyPredicate [ singleNavigationExpr ] / collectionPathExpr ] singleNavigationExpr = "/" memberExpr complexColPathExpr = [ "/" qualifiedComplexTypeName ] [ collectionPathExpr ] collectionPathExpr = count [ OPEN expandCountOption *( SEMI expandCountOption ) CLOSE ] / "/" boundFunctionExpr / "/" annotationExpr / "/" anyExpr / "/" allExpr complexPathExpr = [ "/" qualifiedComplexTypeName ] [ "/" propertyPathExpr / "/" boundFunctionExpr / "/" annotationExpr ] primitivePathExpr = "/" [ annotationExpr / boundFunctionExpr ] boundFunctionExpr = functionExpr ; boundFunction segments can only be composed if the type of the ; previous segment matches the type of the first function parameter functionExpr = namespace "." ( entityColFunction functionExprParameters [ collectionNavigationExpr ] / entityFunction functionExprParameters [ singleNavigationExpr ] / complexColFunction functionExprParameters [ complexColPathExpr ] / complexFunction functionExprParameters [ complexPathExpr ] / primitiveColFunction functionExprParameters [ collectionPathExpr ] / primitiveFunction functionExprParameters [ primitivePathExpr ] ) functionExprParameters = OPEN [ functionExprParameter *( COMMA functionExprParameter ) ] CLOSE functionExprParameter = parameterName EQ ( parameterAlias / parameterValue ) anyExpr = "any" OPEN BWS [ lambdaVariableExpr BWS COLON BWS lambdaPredicateExpr ] BWS CLOSE allExpr = "all" OPEN BWS lambdaVariableExpr BWS COLON BWS lambdaPredicateExpr BWS CLOSE lambdaPredicateExpr = boolCommonExpr ; containing at least one lambdaVariableExpr methodCallExpr = indexOfMethodCallExpr / toLowerMethodCallExpr / toUpperMethodCallExpr / trimMethodCallExpr / substringMethodCallExpr / concatMethodCallExpr / lengthMethodCallExpr / yearMethodCallExpr / monthMethodCallExpr / dayMethodCallExpr / hourMethodCallExpr / minuteMethodCallExpr / secondMethodCallExpr / fractionalsecondsMethodCallExpr / totalsecondsMethodCallExpr / dateMethodCallExpr / timeMethodCallExpr / roundMethodCallExpr / floorMethodCallExpr / ceilingMethodCallExpr / distanceMethodCallExpr / geoLengthMethodCallExpr / totalOffsetMinutesMethodCallExpr / minDateTimeMethodCallExpr / maxDateTimeMethodCallExpr / nowMethodCallExpr / boolMethodCallExpr boolMethodCallExpr = endsWithMethodCallExpr / startsWithMethodCallExpr / containsMethodCallExpr / intersectsMethodCallExpr / hasSubsetMethodCallExpr / hasSubsequenceMethodCallExpr concatMethodCallExpr = "concat" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE containsMethodCallExpr = "contains" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE endsWithMethodCallExpr = "endswith" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE indexOfMethodCallExpr = "indexof" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE lengthMethodCallExpr = "length" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE startsWithMethodCallExpr = "startswith" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE substringMethodCallExpr = "substring" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS [ COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS ] CLOSE toLowerMethodCallExpr = "tolower" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE toUpperMethodCallExpr = "toupper" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE trimMethodCallExpr = "trim" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE yearMethodCallExpr = "year" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE monthMethodCallExpr = "month" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE dayMethodCallExpr = "day" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE hourMethodCallExpr = "hour" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE minuteMethodCallExpr = "minute" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE secondMethodCallExpr = "second" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE fractionalsecondsMethodCallExpr = "fractionalseconds" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE totalsecondsMethodCallExpr = "totalseconds" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE dateMethodCallExpr = "date" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE timeMethodCallExpr = "time" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE totalOffsetMinutesMethodCallExpr = "totaloffsetminutes" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE minDateTimeMethodCallExpr = "mindatetime" OPEN BWS CLOSE maxDateTimeMethodCallExpr = "maxdatetime" OPEN BWS CLOSE nowMethodCallExpr = "now" OPEN BWS CLOSE roundMethodCallExpr = "round" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE floorMethodCallExpr = "floor" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE ceilingMethodCallExpr = "ceiling" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE distanceMethodCallExpr = "geo.distance" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE geoLengthMethodCallExpr = "geo.length" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE intersectsMethodCallExpr = "geo.intersects" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE hasSubsetMethodCallExpr = "hassubset" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE hasSubsequenceMethodCallExpr = "hassubsequence" OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE parenExpr = OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS CLOSE listExpr = OPEN BWS commonExpr BWS *( COMMA BWS commonExpr BWS ) CLOSE andExpr = RWS "and" RWS boolCommonExpr orExpr = RWS "or" RWS boolCommonExpr eqExpr = RWS "eq" RWS commonExpr neExpr = RWS "ne" RWS commonExpr ltExpr = RWS "lt" RWS commonExpr leExpr = RWS "le" RWS commonExpr gtExpr = RWS "gt" RWS commonExpr geExpr = RWS "ge" RWS commonExpr inExpr = RWS "in" RWS commonExpr hasExpr = RWS "has" RWS enum addExpr = RWS "add" RWS commonExpr subExpr = RWS "sub" RWS commonExpr mulExpr = RWS "mul" RWS commonExpr divExpr = RWS "div" RWS commonExpr divbyExpr = RWS "divby" RWS commonExpr modExpr = RWS "mod" RWS commonExpr negateExpr = "-" BWS commonExpr notExpr = "not" RWS boolCommonExpr isofExpr = "isof" OPEN BWS [ commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS ] qualifiedTypeName BWS CLOSE castExpr = "cast" OPEN BWS [ commonExpr BWS COMMA BWS ] qualifiedTypeName BWS CLOSE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 5. JSON format for function parameters ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Note: the query part of a URI needs to be partially percent-decoded before ; applying these rules, see comment at the top of this file ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ arrayOrObject = complexColInUri / complexInUri / rootExprCol / primitiveColInUri complexColInUri = begin-array [ complexInUri *( value-separator complexInUri ) ] end-array complexInUri = begin-object [ ( annotationInUri / primitivePropertyInUri / complexPropertyInUri / collectionPropertyInUri / navigationPropertyInUri ) *( value-separator ( annotationInUri / primitivePropertyInUri / complexPropertyInUri / collectionPropertyInUri / navigationPropertyInUri ) ) ] end-object collectionPropertyInUri = ( quotation-mark primitiveColProperty quotation-mark name-separator primitiveColInUri ) / ( quotation-mark complexColProperty quotation-mark name-separator complexColInUri ) primitiveColInUri = begin-array [ primitiveLiteralInJSON *( value-separator primitiveLiteralInJSON ) ] end-array complexPropertyInUri = quotation-mark complexProperty quotation-mark name-separator complexInUri annotationInUri = quotation-mark AT namespace "." termName quotation-mark name-separator ( complexInUri / complexColInUri / primitiveLiteralInJSON / primitiveColInUri ) primitivePropertyInUri = quotation-mark primitiveProperty quotation-mark name-separator primitiveLiteralInJSON navigationPropertyInUri = singleNavPropInJSON / collectionNavPropInJSON singleNavPropInJSON = quotation-mark entityNavigationProperty quotation-mark name-separator rootExpr collectionNavPropInJSON = quotation-mark entityColNavigationProperty quotation-mark name-separator rootExprCol rootExprCol = begin-array [ rootExpr *( value-separator rootExpr ) ] end-array ; JSON syntax: adapted to URI restrictions from [RFC4627] begin-object = BWS ( "{" / "%7B" ) BWS end-object = BWS ( "}" / "%7D" ) begin-array = BWS ( "[" / "%5B" ) BWS end-array = BWS ( "]" / "%5D" ) quotation-mark = DQUOTE / "%22" name-separator = BWS COLON BWS value-separator = BWS COMMA BWS primitiveLiteralInJSON = stringInJSON / numberInJSON / 'true' / 'false' / 'null' stringInJSON = quotation-mark *charInJSON quotation-mark charInJSON = qchar-unescaped / qchar-JSON-special / escape ( quotation-mark / escape / ( "/" / "%2F" ) ; solidus U+002F - literal form is allowed in the query part of a URL / 'b' ; backspace U+0008 / 'f' ; form feed U+000C / 'n' ; line feed U+000A / 'r' ; carriage return U+000D / 't' ; tab U+0009 / 'u' 4HEXDIG ; U+XXXX ) qchar-JSON-special = SP / ":" / "{" / "}" / "[" / "]" ; some agents put these unencoded into the query part of a URL escape = "\" / "%5C" ; reverse solidus U+005C numberInJSON = [ "-" ] int [ frac ] [ exp ] int = "0" / ( oneToNine *DIGIT ) frac = "." 1*DIGIT exp = "e" [ "-" / "+" ] 1*DIGIT ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 6. Names and identifiers ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ singleQualifiedTypeName = qualifiedEntityTypeName / qualifiedComplexTypeName / qualifiedTypeDefinitionName / qualifiedEnumTypeName / primitiveTypeName qualifiedTypeName = singleQualifiedTypeName / 'Collection' OPEN singleQualifiedTypeName CLOSE qualifiedEntityTypeName = namespace "." entityTypeName qualifiedComplexTypeName = namespace "." complexTypeName qualifiedTypeDefinitionName = namespace "." typeDefinitionName qualifiedEnumTypeName = namespace "." enumerationTypeName ; an alias is just a single-part namespace namespace = namespacePart *( "." namespacePart ) namespacePart = odataIdentifier entitySetName = odataIdentifier singletonEntity = odataIdentifier entityTypeName = odataIdentifier complexTypeName = odataIdentifier typeDefinitionName = odataIdentifier enumerationTypeName = odataIdentifier enumerationMember = odataIdentifier termName = odataIdentifier ; Note: this pattern is overly restrictive, the normative definition is type TSimpleIdentifier in OData EDM XML Schema odataIdentifier = identifierLeadingCharacter *127identifierCharacter identifierLeadingCharacter = ALPHA / "_" ; plus Unicode characters from the categories L or Nl identifierCharacter = ALPHA / "_" / DIGIT ; plus Unicode characters from the categories L, Nl, Nd, Mn, Mc, Pc, or Cf primitiveTypeName = 'Edm.' ( 'Binary' / 'Boolean' / 'Byte' / 'Date' / 'DateTimeOffset' / 'Decimal' / 'Double' / 'Duration' / 'Guid' / 'Int16' / 'Int32' / 'Int64' / 'SByte' / 'Single' / 'Stream' / 'String' / 'TimeOfDay' / abstractSpatialTypeName [ concreteSpatialTypeName ] ) abstractSpatialTypeName = 'Geography' / 'Geometry' concreteSpatialTypeName = 'Collection' / 'LineString' / 'MultiLineString' / 'MultiPoint' / 'MultiPolygon' / 'Point' / 'Polygon' primitiveProperty = primitiveKeyProperty / primitiveNonKeyProperty primitiveKeyProperty = odataIdentifier primitiveNonKeyProperty = odataIdentifier primitiveColProperty = odataIdentifier complexProperty = odataIdentifier complexColProperty = odataIdentifier streamProperty = odataIdentifier navigationProperty = entityNavigationProperty / entityColNavigationProperty entityNavigationProperty = odataIdentifier entityColNavigationProperty = odataIdentifier action = odataIdentifier actionImport = odataIdentifier function = entityFunction / entityColFunction / complexFunction / complexColFunction / primitiveFunction / primitiveColFunction entityFunction = odataIdentifier entityColFunction = odataIdentifier complexFunction = odataIdentifier complexColFunction = odataIdentifier primitiveFunction = odataIdentifier primitiveColFunction = odataIdentifier entityFunctionImport = odataIdentifier entityColFunctionImport = odataIdentifier complexFunctionImport = odataIdentifier complexColFunctionImport = odataIdentifier primitiveFunctionImport = odataIdentifier primitiveColFunctionImport = odataIdentifier ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 7. Literal Data Values ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; in URLs primitiveLiteral = nullValue ; plain values up to int64Value / booleanValue / guidValue / dateValue / dateTimeOffsetValue / timeOfDayValue / decimalValue / doubleValue / singleValue / sbyteValue / byteValue / int16Value / int32Value / int64Value / string ; single-quoted / duration / enum / binary ; all others are quoted and prefixed / geographyCollection / geographyLineString / geographyMultiLineString / geographyMultiPoint / geographyMultiPolygon / geographyPoint / geographyPolygon / geometryCollection / geometryLineString / geometryMultiLineString / geometryMultiPoint / geometryMultiPolygon / geometryPoint / geometryPolygon ; in Atom and JSON message bodies and CSDL DefaultValue attributes primitiveValue = booleanValue / guidValue / durationValue / dateValue / dateTimeOffsetValue / timeOfDayValue / enumValue / fullCollectionLiteral / fullLineStringLiteral / fullMultiPointLiteral / fullMultiLineStringLiteral / fullMultiPolygonLiteral / fullPointLiteral / fullPolygonLiteral / decimalValue / doubleValue / singleValue / sbyteValue / byteValue / int16Value / int32Value / int64Value / binaryValue ; also valid are: ; - any XML string for strings in Atom and CSDL documents ; - any JSON string for JSON documents nullValue = 'null' ; base64url encoding according to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5 binary = "binary" SQUOTE binaryValue SQUOTE binaryValue = *(4base64char) [ base64b16 / base64b8 ] base64b16 = 2base64char ( 'A' / 'E' / 'I' / 'M' / 'Q' / 'U' / 'Y' / 'c' / 'g' / 'k' / 'o' / 's' / 'w' / '0' / '4' / '8' ) [ "=" ] base64b8 = base64char ( 'A' / 'Q' / 'g' / 'w' ) [ "==" ] base64char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_" booleanValue = "true" / "false" decimalValue = [ SIGN ] 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] [ "e" [ SIGN ] 1*DIGIT ] / nanInfinity doubleValue = decimalValue ; IEEE 754 binary64 floating-point number (15-17 decimal digits) singleValue = decimalValue ; IEEE 754 binary32 floating-point number (6-9 decimal digits) nanInfinity = 'NaN' / '-INF' / 'INF' guidValue = 8HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 12HEXDIG byteValue = 1*3DIGIT ; numbers in the range from 0 to 255 sbyteValue = [ SIGN ] 1*3DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -128 to 127 int16Value = [ SIGN ] 1*5DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -32768 to 32767 int32Value = [ SIGN ] 1*10DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -2147483648 to 2147483647 int64Value = [ SIGN ] 1*19DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 string = SQUOTE *( SQUOTE-in-string / pchar-no-SQUOTE ) SQUOTE SQUOTE-in-string = SQUOTE SQUOTE ; two consecutive single quotes represent one within a string literal dateValue = year "-" month "-" day dateTimeOffsetValue = year "-" month "-" day "T" hour ":" minute [ ":" second [ "." fractionalSeconds ] ] ( "Z" / SIGN hour ":" minute ) duration = [ "duration" ] SQUOTE durationValue SQUOTE durationValue = [ SIGN ] "P" [ 1*DIGIT "D" ] [ "T" [ 1*DIGIT "H" ] [ 1*DIGIT "M" ] [ 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] "S" ] ] ; the above is an approximation of the rules for an xml dayTimeDuration. ; see the lexical representation for dayTimeDuration in http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2#dayTimeDuration for more information timeOfDayValue = hour ":" minute [ ":" second [ "." fractionalSeconds ] ] / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9" zeroToFiftyNine = ( "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" ) DIGIT year = [ "-" ] ( "0" 3DIGIT / oneToNine 3*DIGIT ) month = "0" oneToNine / "1" ( "0" / "1" / "2" ) day = "0" oneToNine / ( "1" / "2" ) DIGIT / "3" ( "0" / "1" ) hour = ( "0" / "1" ) DIGIT / "2" ( "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" ) minute = zeroToFiftyNine second = zeroToFiftyNine fractionalSeconds = 1*12DIGIT enum = [ qualifiedEnumTypeName ] SQUOTE enumValue SQUOTE enumValue = singleEnumValue *( COMMA singleEnumValue ) singleEnumValue = enumerationMember / enumMemberValue enumMemberValue = int64Value geographyCollection = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullCollectionLiteral SQUOTE fullCollectionLiteral = sridLiteral collectionLiteral collectionLiteral = "Collection(" geoLiteral *( COMMA geoLiteral ) CLOSE geoLiteral = collectionLiteral / lineStringLiteral / multiPointLiteral / multiLineStringLiteral / multiPolygonLiteral / pointLiteral / polygonLiteral geographyLineString = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullLineStringLiteral SQUOTE fullLineStringLiteral = sridLiteral lineStringLiteral lineStringLiteral = "LineString" lineStringData lineStringData = OPEN positionLiteral 1*( COMMA positionLiteral ) CLOSE geographyMultiLineString = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullMultiLineStringLiteral SQUOTE fullMultiLineStringLiteral = sridLiteral multiLineStringLiteral multiLineStringLiteral = "MultiLineString(" [ lineStringData *( COMMA lineStringData ) ] CLOSE geographyMultiPoint = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullMultiPointLiteral SQUOTE fullMultiPointLiteral = sridLiteral multiPointLiteral multiPointLiteral = "MultiPoint(" [ pointData *( COMMA pointData ) ] CLOSE geographyMultiPolygon = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullMultiPolygonLiteral SQUOTE fullMultiPolygonLiteral = sridLiteral multiPolygonLiteral multiPolygonLiteral = "MultiPolygon(" [ polygonData *( COMMA polygonData ) ] CLOSE geographyPoint = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullPointLiteral SQUOTE fullPointLiteral = sridLiteral pointLiteral sridLiteral = "SRID" EQ 1*5DIGIT SEMI pointLiteral ="Point" pointData pointData = OPEN positionLiteral CLOSE positionLiteral = doubleValue SP doubleValue ; longitude, then latitude geographyPolygon = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullPolygonLiteral SQUOTE fullPolygonLiteral = sridLiteral polygonLiteral polygonLiteral = "Polygon" polygonData polygonData = OPEN ringLiteral *( COMMA ringLiteral ) CLOSE ringLiteral = OPEN positionLiteral *( COMMA positionLiteral ) CLOSE ; Within each ringLiteral, the first and last positionLiteral elements MUST be an exact syntactic match to each other. ; Within the polygonData, the ringLiterals MUST specify their points in appropriate winding order. ; In order of traversal, points to the left side of the ring are interpreted as being in the polygon. geometryCollection = geometryPrefix SQUOTE fullCollectionLiteral SQUOTE geometryLineString = geometryPrefix SQUOTE fullLineStringLiteral SQUOTE geometryMultiLineString = geometryPrefix SQUOTE fullMultiLineStringLiteral SQUOTE geometryMultiPoint = geometryPrefix SQUOTE fullMultiPointLiteral SQUOTE geometryMultiPolygon = geometryPrefix SQUOTE fullMultiPolygonLiteral SQUOTE geometryPoint = geometryPrefix SQUOTE fullPointLiteral SQUOTE geometryPolygon = geometryPrefix SQUOTE fullPolygonLiteral SQUOTE geographyPrefix = "geography" geometryPrefix = "geometry" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 8. Header values ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ header = content-id / entityid / isolation / odata-maxversion / odata-version / prefer content-id = "Content-ID" ":" OWS request-id request-id = 1*unreserved entityid = [ "OData-" ] "EntityID" ":" OWS IRI-in-header isolation = [ "OData-" ] "Isolation" ":" OWS "snapshot" odata-maxversion = "OData-MaxVersion" ":" OWS 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT odata-version = "OData-Version" ":" OWS "4.0" [ oneToNine ] prefer = "Prefer" ":" OWS preference *( COMMA preference ) preference = allowEntityReferencesPreference / callbackPreference / continueOnErrorPreference / includeAnnotationsPreference / maxpagesizePreference / respondAsyncPreference / returnPreference / trackChangesPreference / waitPreference ; and everything allowed by http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-snell-http-prefer-18 ; / token [ EQ-h word ] *( OWS ";" [ OWS parameter ] ) allowEntityReferencesPreference = [ "odata." ] "allow-entityreferences" callbackPreference = [ "odata." ] "callback" OWS ";" OWS "url" EQ-h DQUOTE URI DQUOTE continueOnErrorPreference = [ "odata." ] "continue-on-error" [ EQ-h booleanValue ] includeAnnotationsPreference = [ "odata." ] "include-annotations" EQ-h DQUOTE annotationsList DQUOTE annotationsList = annotationIdentifier *(COMMA annotationIdentifier) annotationIdentifier = [ excludeOperator ] ( STAR / namespace "." ( termName / STAR ) ) [ "#" odataIdentifier ] excludeOperator = "-" maxpagesizePreference = [ "odata." ] "maxpagesize" EQ-h oneToNine *DIGIT respondAsyncPreference = "respond-async" returnPreference = "return" EQ-h ( 'representation' / 'minimal' ) trackChangesPreference = [ "odata." ] "track-changes" waitPreference = "wait" EQ-h 1*DIGIT ;parameter = token [ EQ-h word ] ;word = token / quoted-string ;token = 1*tchar ;tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*" ; / "+" / "-" / "." / "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~" ; / DIGIT / ALPHA ;quoted-string = DQUOTE *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) DQUOTE ;qdtext = %x21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / obs-text / OWS obs-text = %x80-FF ;quoted-pair = "\" ( HTAB / SP / VCHAR / obs-text ) OWS = *( SP / HTAB ) ; "optional" whitespace BWS-h = *( SP / HTAB ) ; "bad" whitespace in header values EQ-h = BWS-h EQ BWS-h ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 9. Punctuation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RWS = 1*( SP / HTAB / "%20" / "%09" ) ; "required" whitespace BWS = *( SP / HTAB / "%20" / "%09" ) ; "bad" whitespace AT = "@" / "%40" COLON = ":" / "%3A" COMMA = "," / "%2C" EQ = "=" SIGN = "+" / "%2B" / "-" SEMI = ";" / "%3B" STAR = "*" / "%2A" SQUOTE = "'" / "%27" OPEN = "(" / "%28" CLOSE = ")" / "%29" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; A. URI syntax [RFC3986] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty / path-absolute / path-rootless ; / path-empty ;URI-reference = URI / relative-ref ;absolute-URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] ;relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] ;relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty ; / path-absolute ; / path-noscheme ; / path-empty scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name port = *DIGIT IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) "]" IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" ) IPv6address = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32 / "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32 / [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32 / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32 / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32 / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32 / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32 / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 = 1*4HEXDIG ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet dec-octet = "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199 / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249 / "25" %x30-35 ; 250-255 / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99 / DIGIT ; 0-9 reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) ;path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty ; / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//" ; / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment ; / path-rootless ; begins with a segment ; / path-empty ; zero characters path-abempty = *( "/" segment ) path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] ;path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment ) path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ;path-empty = "" segment = *pchar segment-nz = 1*pchar ;segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" ) ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":" pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" ;reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims ;gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@" ;sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" sub-delims = "$" / "&" / "'" / "=" / other-delims other-delims = "!" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" pchar-no-SQUOTE = unreserved / pct-encoded-no-SQUOTE / other-delims / "$" / "&" / "=" / ":" / "@" pct-encoded-no-SQUOTE = "%" ( "0" / "1" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "8" / "9" / A-to-F ) HEXDIG / "%" "2" ( "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "8" / "9" / A-to-F ) qchar-no-AMP = unreserved / pct-encoded / other-delims / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" / "$" / "'" / "=" qchar-no-AMP-EQ = unreserved / pct-encoded / other-delims / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" / "$" / "'" qchar-no-AMP-EQ-AT-DOLLAR = unreserved / pct-encoded / other-delims / ":" / "/" / "?" / "'" qchar-unescaped = unreserved / pct-encoded-unescaped / other-delims / ":" / "@" / "/" / "?" / "$" / "'" / "=" pct-encoded-unescaped = "%" ( "0" / "1" / "3" / "4" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9" / A-to-F ) HEXDIG / "%" "2" ( "0" / "1" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9" / A-to-F ) / "%" "5" ( DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "D" / "E" / "F" ) qchar-no-AMP-DQUOTE = qchar-unescaped / escape ( escape / quotation-mark ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; B. IRI syntax [RFC3987] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Note: these are over-generous stubs, for the actual patterns refer to RFC3987 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRI-in-header = 1*( VCHAR / obs-text ) IRI-in-query = 1*qchar-no-AMP ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; C. ABNF core definitions [RFC5234] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A DIGIT = %x30-39 HEXDIG = DIGIT / A-to-F A-to-F = "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" DQUOTE = %x22 SP = %x20 HTAB = %x09 ;WSP = SP / HTAB ;LWSP = *(WSP / CRLF WSP) VCHAR = %x21-7E ;CHAR = %x01-7F ;LOCTET = %x00-FF ;CR = %x0D ;LF = %x0A ;CRLF = CR LF ;BIT = "0" / "1" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; End of odata-abnf-construction-rules ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------