
Use the recommend command to suggest dependency updates that address issues across your environment.

The command endorctl recommend fetches prioritized and recommended updates to address findings across your tenant, projects, or packages. All recommendations are based on the number of issues and complexity of a given upgrade.


To recommend dependency updates across all projects in your namespace:

endorctl recommend dependency-upgrades

To recommend dependency updates across a specific project in your namespace:

  1. First, retrieve the UUID of your project. In the following example, we are retrieving the UUID of the project “” and saving it as an environment variable.
UUID=$(endorctl api list -r Project --filter=" matches" --field-mask=uuid | jq -r '.list.objects[].uuid')
  1. Execute the recommend dependency-upgrades command.
endorctl recommend dependency-upgrades --project-uuid=$UUID

To recommend dependency updates across a specific package in your namespace:

  1. Retrieve the UUID of your package version. The following example looks for a project with the name “” and saves it as an environment variable.
UUID=$(endorctl api list -r PackageVersion --filter=" AND context.type==CONTEXT_TYPE_MAIN" --field-mask=uuid | jq -r '.list.objects[].uuid')
  1. Execute the recommend dependency-upgrades command
endorctl recommend dependency-upgrades --package-version-uuid=$UUID


The following flags and environment variables are available for the init command.

Flag Environment Variable Description
package-version-uuid ENDOR_RECOMMEND_PACKAGE_VERSION_UUID Set the UUID of the package version for which you want to recommend dependency upgrades.
project-uuid ENDOR_RECOMMEND_PROJECT_UUID Set to the UUID of the project to recommend dependency upgrades for.
persist N/A Enable to persist upgrade recommendations to Endor Labs.