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Use the sbom command to import or export SBOMs to or from Endor Labs

The endorctl sbom command allows you to import or export SBOMs to or from Endor Labs.


The syntax of endorctl sbom is as follows:

endorctl sbom [subcommand] [flags]

The following subcommands are supported as part of endorctl api:

  • endorctl sbom import imports an SBOM to be managed by Endor Labs.
  • endorctl sbom export allows you to export an SBOM from Endor Labs.


Flag Environment Variable Description
format ENDOR_SBOM_FORMAT Set the SBOM format (cyclonedx, or SPDX) (default cyclonedx)

1 - export

Use the sbom export command to export an SBOM for a software package from Endor Labs.

The sbom export command allows you to export an SBOM for a specified package from Endor Labs.


To export an SBOM for a specified package version named go:// in Endor Labs.

endorctl sbom export --package-version-name=go://

To export an SBOM for a specified package version given its UUID with the UUID of “653c625cd44ec559e19349dc” to a file called “sbom.json”

endorctl sbom export --package-version-uuid=653c625cd44ec559e19349dc >> sbom.json


Flag Environment Variable Description
component-type ENDOR_SBOM_COMPONENT_TYPE Set the SBOM component type (application, or library). (default application)
output-format ENDOR_SBOM_OUTPUT_FORMAT Set the SBOM format (json, or xml) (default json).
package-version-name ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_NAME Name of the package version for which you want to generate an SBOM.
package-version-uuid ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_UUID The UUID of the package version for which you want to generate an SBOM.
timeout ENDOR_SBOM_TIMEOUT Set the timeout for the SBOM generation (default 30s).
with-vex ENDOR_SBOM_WITH_VEX Generate the corresponding VEX document along with the SBOM.
project-uuid ENDOR_SBOM_PROJECT_UUID The UUID of the project for which you want to generate an SBOM.
project-name ENDOR_SBOM_PROJECT_NAME Name of the project for which you want to generate an SBOM.
app-name ENDOR_SBOM_APP_NAME Name of the application/library. Required for multi-package SBOM export.
package-version-uuids ENDOR_SBOM_PACKAGE_VERSION_UUIDS The list of package version UUIDs to export an SBOM.

2 - import

Use the SBOM import command to import SBOMs to Endor Labs

The sbom import command allows you to import SBOMs to Endor Labs to track your third party risk.


To import an SBOM to Endor Labs use the following command:

endorctl sbom import --sbom-file-path=/path/to/your/sbom.json
endorctl sbom import --format=spdx --sbom-file-path=/path/to/your/sbom.json


Flag Environment Variable Description
format ENDOR_SBOM_FORMAT Set the SBOM format (cyclonedx, or SPDX) (default cyclonedx)
sbom-file-path ENDOR_SBOM_FILE_PATH Set the file path to the SBOM to import.