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Look and feel of the asciinema player can be configured extensively by passing additional options when mounting the player on the page.

For example, setting double speed while limiting idle time to 2 seconds can be configure like this:

AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo'), {
  speed: 2,
  idleTimeLimit: 2,

Below you can find all available options.


Type: number

Width of player's terminal in columns.

When not set it defaults to 80 (until asciicast gets loaded) and to terminal width saved in the asciicast file (after it gets loaded).

It's recommended to set it to the same value as in asciicast file to avoid player resizing itself from 80x24 to actual dimensions of the recording when it gets loaded.


Type: number

Height of player's terminal in rows (lines).

When not set it defaults to 24 (until asciicast gets loaded) and to terminal height saved in the asciicast file (after it gets loaded).

Same recommendation as for cols applies here.


Type: boolean

Set this option to true if the playback should start automatically.

Defaults to false - no auto play.


Type: boolean

Set this option to true if the recording should be preloaded on player's initialization.

Defaults to false - no preload.


Check Loading a recording for available options of getting a recording into the player in the most suitable way.


Type: boolean or number

Set this option to either true or a number if playback should be looped. When set to a number (e.g. 3) then the recording will be re-played given number of times and stopped after that.

Defaults to false - no looping.


Type: number or string

Start the playback at a given time.

Supported formats:

  • 123 (number of seconds)
  • "2:03" ("mm:ss")
  • "1:02:03" ("hh:mm:ss")

Defaults to 0.


Type: number

Playback speed. The value of 2 means 2x faster.

Defaults to 1 - normal speed.


Type: number

Limit terminal inactivity to a given number of seconds.

For example, when set to 2 any inactivity (pauses) longer than 2 seconds will be "compressed" to 2 seconds.

Defaults to:

  • idle_time_limit from asciicast header (saved when passing -i <sec> to asciinema rec),
  • no limit, when it was not specified at the time of recording.


This option makes the playback more pleasant for viewers, therefore it's recommended to use it in most cases. It's often better to use idleTimeLimit than speed. You can use both together too!


Type: string

Terminal color theme.

asciinema CLI 3.0 (and later) captures original terminal theme and embeds it in a recording file. This lets the player replicate the exact colors by default.

This option can be used to override the terminal theme. See Terminal themes for a list of available built-in themes (also how to use a custom theme).

If you'd like to configure the player to use the original theme when available, falling back to a specific theme, e.g. dracula, then prefix the theme name with auto/. For example: { theme: "auto/dracula" }.

Defaults to "auto/asciinema" since player v3.8, and to "asciinema" in earlier versions.


Type: string

Poster (a preview frame) to display until the playback is started.

The following poster specifications are supported:

The easiest way of specifying a poster is to use NPT format. For example, npt:1:23 will preload the recording and display terminal contents at 1 min 23 sec.


AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo'), {
  poster: 'npt:1:23'


Using NPT-based poster preloads the recording on player's initialization regardless of preload option value.

Alternatively, a poster value of data:text/plain,This will be printed as poster\n\rThis in second line will display arbitrary text. All ANSI escape codes can be used to add color and move the cursor around to produce good looking poster.

Example of using custom text poster with control sequences (aka escape codes):

AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo'), {
  poster: "data:text/plain,I'm regular \x1b[1;32mI'm bold green\x1b[3BI'm 3 lines down"

Defaults to blank terminal or, when startAt is specified, to screen contents at time specified by startAt.


Type: string

Selects fitting (sizing) behaviour with regards to player's container element.

Possible values:

  • "width" - scale to full width of the container
  • "height" - scale to full height of the container (requires the container element to have fixed height)
  • "both" - scale to either full width or height, maximizing usage of available space (requires the container element to have fixed height)
  • false / "none" - don't scale, use fixed size font (also see fontSize option below)

Defaults to "width".


Version 2.x of the player supported only the behaviour of the false value. If you're [upgrading from v2 to v3]( and want to preserve the old sizing behaviour then include fit: false option.


Type: boolean or "auto"

Hide or show user controls, i.e. bottom control bar.

Valid values:

  • true - always show controls
  • false - never show controls
  • "auto" - show controls on mouse movement, hide on lack of mouse movement

Defaults to "auto".


Type: array

Defines a list of timeline markers.

Example of unlabeled markers:

AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo'), {
  markers: [5.0, 25.0, 66.6, 176.5]  // time in seconds

Example of labeled markers:

AsciinemaPlayer.create('/demo.cast', document.getElementById('demo'), {
  markers: [
    [5.0,   "Installation"],  // time in seconds + label
    [25.0,  "Configuration"],
    [66.6,  "Usage"],
    [176.5, "Tips & Tricks"]

Markers set with this option override all markers embedded in asciicast files. If this option is not set the player defaults to markers found in the recording file (if any).

Markers overview provides more information on using markers.


Type: boolean

If pauseOnMarkers is set to true, the playback automatically pauses on every marker encountered and it can be resumed by either pressing the space bar key or clicking on the play button. The resumed playback continues until the next marker is encountered.

This option can be useful in e.g. live demos: you can add markers to a recording, then play it back during presentation, and have the player stop wherever you want to explain terminal contents in more detail.

Defaults to false.


Type: string

Size of the terminal font.

Possible values:

  • any valid CSS font-size value, e.g. "15px"
  • "small"
  • "medium"
  • "big"

Defaults to "small".


This option is effective only when fit: false option is specified as well (see above).


Type: string

Terminal font-family override.

Use any valid CSS font-family value, e.g "'JetBrains Mono', Consolas, Menlo, 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', monospace".


If you want to use web fonts, see the Fonts section for information on the best way to load them to ensure the player initializes properly.


Type: number

Terminal line height override.

The value is relative to the font size (like em unit in CSS). For example a value of 1 makes the line height equal to the font size, leaving no space between lines. A value of 2 makes it double the font size, etc.

Defaults to 1.33333333.


Type: console-like object

Set this option to console, i.e. { logger: console }, or any object implementing console API (.log(), .debug(), .info(), .warn(), .error() methods) to enable logging. Useful during development or when debugging player issues.