SSL Storage Manager

Valid for versions 82 through the latest version



Last modified: June 13, 2024

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The SSL Storage Manager interface allows system administrators to view detailed information about their SSL resources. System administrators can also delete the listed SSL resources.

Apache’s Installed SSL Resources

This section displays the SSL resources that the system installed in the Apache configuration. These resources possess VirtualHost entries within the httpd.conf file, and users can implement the resources on their sites.

The table under the Apache’s Installed SSL Resources heading displays information about the website and account owners:

  • Website — The website attached to the key and certificate. To view the key, click the magnifying glass icon (GlassIcon). A new interface will appear that allows you to copy and paste the information into a safe location. The information includes resource information, raw text, and detailed information.

  • Owner — The account that created the key and certificate.

User Account SSL Resources

This section displays information about the available SSL resources. The table under the User SSL Resources heading displays information about available keys, certificates, and certificate signing requests:


A key, certificate, and certificate signing request on the same row indicate that these resources use the same public key components.

  • Key — Your account’s available keys.

  • Certificates — Your account’s available certificates.

  • Certificate Signing Requests — Your account’s available certificate signing requests.

Resource Actions

  • To view an item, click the magnifying glass icon (GlassIcon). A new interface will appear that allows you to copy and paste the information into a safe location. The information includes resource information, raw text, and detailed information.

  • To delete an item, click the delete icon (GlassIcon). A new window will appear. Click OK to delete, or click Cancel to stop the action.

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