
Multi-Instance GPUs

Use RAPIDS with Multi-Instance GPUs

Dask Cluster XGBoost with Dask Cluster

Multi-Instance GPU (MIG)

Infiniband on Azure

How to setup InfiniBand on Azure.

Microsoft Azure

How to Setup InfiniBand on Azure

Does the Dask scheduler need a GPU?

Guidance on Dask scheduler software and hardware requirements.


Does the Dask scheduler need a GPU?

Optimizing the Dask Scheduler on Kubernetes

Use a T4 for the scheduler to optimize resource costs on Kubernetes

Dask Kubernetes dask-operator

GPU optimization for the Dask scheduler on Kubernetes

Colocate worker pods on Kubernetes

Use pod affinity for the workers to optimize communication overhead on Kubernetes

Dask Kubernetes dask-operator

Colocate Dask workers on Kubernetes while using nodes with multiple GPUs

L4 on Google Cloud Platform

How to setup a VM instance on GCP with an L4 GPU.

Google Cloud Platform

L4 GPUs on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP)