
Rollbar SDK for Apple platforms | Support Level: Supported

The Rollbar Apple SDK equips your applications with the ability to automatically detect crashes and exceptions, sending auto-diagnosed reports directly to Rollbar. This allows you to leverage the full power of the Rollbar platform for thorough analysis and swift resolution of your application issues.


Compatible with all Apple platforms including iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, and tvOS.

How does the Rollbar Apple SDK differ from the Rollbar iOS SDK?

The Rollbar Apple SDK represents the latest major release of our SDK for Apple platforms, replacing the now-deprecated Rollbar iOS SDK. This new SDK has been built from the ground up with a modern approach, expanded capabilities and features, and full support for all Apple platforms. We have renamed the SDK to Rollbar Apple to more accurately reflect the wide range of Apple platforms we now support.

While the Rollbar iOS SDK has been deprecated, we will continue to make it available for as long as necessary to facilitate a smooth transition to the Rollbar Apple SDK at a time that works best for our customers.

How can I obtain the SDK?

The Rollbar Apple SDK is available as an open-source project on GitHub. We also provide releases on GitHub and through Cocoapods and Carthage. The SDK can be integrated using any of the three prominent package distribution managers:

  • Swift Package Manager (SPM)
  • Cocoapods
  • Carthage


Use Swift Package Manager when possible!

Our recommended approach for integrating the Rollbar Apple SDK is through SPM. This is the official package manager for Apple platforms and offers a straightforward integration process with the Xcode IDE. We believe that SPM provides the best balance of convenience and compatibility for our users.

SDK Modules/Packages Overview

The RollbarNotifier package is the cornerstone of the Rollbar Apple SDK, encompassing a wide range of configurable options and capabilities. With it, you can effortlessly capture, package, and transmit exceptions, errors, log messages, telemetry, and custom data to your preconfigured Rollbar Project on

The RollbarAUL package facilitates seamless integration of the RollbarNotifier with Apple Unified Logging (AUL), enabling the capture of AUL entries as corresponding Rollbar Telemetry log events.

The RollbarDeploys package is essential for tracking and managing your application releases and deployments. Use it, for instance, with your CI Release pipeline to report your deployments to your Rollbar Project, allowing Rollbar to correlate incoming payloads with specific deployment instances.

The RollbarCommon package contains shared types used by all the other packages and potentially helpful public utility classes.


The Rollbar Apple SDK can be obtained through various package managers, such as Swift Package Manager (SPM), Cocoapods, and Carthage. Depending on the package manager, you can access the SDK either as a single package under the name RollbarApple or as separate packages, such as RollbarCommon, RollbarNotifier, RollbarDeploys, and more.

It's worth noting that some package distribution systems may also have packages associated with the previous version of this SDK, which was called Rollbar iOS and published under the Rollbar package name, its latest version being 1.12.14.

To avoid confusion, all releases of the Rollbar Apple SDK are versioned starting from 2.0.0, with 3.x.x being the latest major release. Please keep this in mind when selecting the appropriate package for your project.


This is the recommended way of integrating the Rollbar Apple SDK.

  1. With your Xcode project open, go to File -> Add Packages.
  2. Enter on the Search or Enter Package URL text field at the top right corner.
  3. Wait for the Rollbar Apple SDK rollbar-apple package to appear.
  4. Hit Add Package.
  5. Xcode will automatically verify and fetch the Rollbar Apple SDK package.
  6. Select RollbarNotifier.
  7. Hit Add Package, again.
  8. The Rollbar Apple SDK will be automatically added, and it'll be ready for usage in your application.

Configuration and Testing


Always initialize the Rollbar Apple SDK as soon as possible in your application lifecycle!


In your application's App conformer's initializer:

import RollbarNotifier

struct MyApp: App {
	init() {
		let config = RollbarConfig.mutableConfig(withAccessToken: "[ACCESSTOKEN]")
		Rollbar.infoMessage("Rollbar is up and running! Enjoy your remote error and log monitoring...")


Once you've confirmed that a test message was sent to your Rollbar project, remove the call to Rollbar.infoMessage.

Application Delegate

If your preferred method of initialization is through a UIApplicationDelegate:

import RollbarNotifier


struct MyApp: App {
  @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate

class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
  func application(
    _ application: UIApplication,
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil
  ) -> Bool {
		let config = RollbarConfig.mutableConfig(withAccessToken: "[ACCESSTOKEN]")
		Rollbar.infoMessage("Rollbar is up and running! Enjoy your remote error and log monitoring...")
    return true
#import "AppDelegate.h"

@import RollbarNotifier;

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    RollbarMutableConfig *config = [RollbarConfig mutableConfigWithAccessToken:@"[ACCESSTOKEN]"];
		[Rollbar initWithConfiguration:config];
    [Rollbar infoMessage:@"Rollbar is up and running! Enjoy your remote error and log monitoring..."];
    return YES;



Once you've confirmed that a test message was sent to your Rollbar project, remove the call to Rollbar.infoMessage.

Other Installation Methods

Straight from our GitHub repository

Here are a few options:

  • Download or clone the SDK source code directly from the GitHub repository.
  • Download a source code snapshot of a specific release from the Releases page.
  • Integrate the GitHub repository as a git submodule of your project's git repository.

Using Carthage

In your Cartfile, specify:

github "rollbar/rollbar-apple" ~> 3.0.0

Using Cocoapods

platform :ios, '14.0'

target 'YourApp' do
  pod 'RollbarNotifier', :git => '[email protected]:rollbar/rollbar-apple.git', :tag => '3.0.0'

You do not have to worry about explicitly including other internal dependencies of the modules, like theRollbarCommon pod. The SDK module podspecs already specify these as needed.