Crate roslibrust

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A crate for interfacing to ROS (the Robot Operating System) via the rosbridge_suite


This crate is designed to provide a convenient API for interfacing between Rust and ROS. This crate prioritizes ergonomics and ease-of-use over performance, while leveraging Rust’s exceptional type system and memory guarantees to ensure correctness.

See the to learn about the future of this crate.

§Why Use This Crate?

Do you have a fleet of systems distributed around a factory, city, nation, or solar system? Do you want to write a system for managing that fleet? Problems this crate solves for you:

  • Rust is better than C++, Easier to test than Python, and well suited for cloud services
  • Native ROS communication is PITA for firewalls / VPNs, rosbridge is much easier to deal with when remote
  • Don’t write your own REST API or leave your comfortable ROS style abstractions. Listen to the same messages, and call the same services you would if you were local
  • Deal with multiple versions of a message definition by utilizing Rust enums, optional fields, and other serde directives
  • Run a single process on a single server that can slurp data from 100’s of your systems efficiently and without bottlenecks

§Why not use rosrust?

rosrust is a completely valid alternative to this crate! The reasons to use this crate are the same reasons why people use rosbridge in general:

  • rosbridge is served on a single port meaning it can more easily be exposed through docker or firewalls
  • rosbirdge’s JSON encoding makes it possible to work with multiple versions of a ROS message at the same time. A custom written message type that utilizes enums / optional fields allows a rust client to deal with version differences amongst a fleet of systems
  • async. rosrust was written before async/.await was standardized in rust an is fundamentally a synchronous paradigm. This makes it much more difficult to leverage Rust’s “fearless concurrency” than with roslibrust

§Is rosbridge slower?

Yes! Your mileage may vary. This crate is much more designed for low bandwidth communication with a large fleet of systems than writing high performance nodes designed to run locally.

§Message Generation

Message generation is provided in two APIs. The first, which is visible in roslibrust/examples, is a proc-macro which can be invoked to generate ROS message structs in place:

use roslibrust_codegen_macro::find_and_generate_ros_messages;

If you have ROS installed, this macro will search for message files under paths in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. If you do not have ROS installed in your environment, you can specify search paths explicitly:

use roslibrust_codegen_macro::find_and_generate_ros_messages;
find_and_generate_ros_messages!("/path/to/noetic/packages", "/path/to/my/packages");

It’s important to note that these macros have no way to know when the messages in the search paths change and changes to your msg and srv files won’t trigger a re-compile. These macros are most useful if they’re embedded directly in code that needs to use it (i.e. examples, one-off nodes that need to talk to an external ROS system). If you want to commit the generated code or create a crate that contains the generated messages, you should use the second mechanism; a library under the optional codegen feature of roslibrust. The proc-macro is a thin wrapper around this function so the results will be the same. An example of invoking it can be found in roslibrust_test/src/, but it’s very similar to the macro example:

use roslibrust_codegen::find_and_generate_ros_messages;
let output = find_and_generate_ros_messages(vec![]);
// OR
let output = find_and_generate_ros_messages(vec!["/path/to/noetic/packages".into()]);

An example of the output based on message and service files in this repo can be found under roslibrust_test/src/

A full example of incorporating code generation into a project with a file can be found in example_project. This is the recommended method of incorporating code generation, as this allows automatic detection and re-building when message files are edited which is not possible with the proc_macro approach.

§How Does It Work?

When you create a new client via ClientHandle::new() or ClientHandle::new_with_options() a new connection to rosbridge is created. This new connection is literally opening a new Websocket. A specific “stubborn spin” tokio task is created which handles reading from the websocket, and automatically connecting / reconnecting if communication is interrupted.

This central stubborn_spin task has the only access to the -read- half of the websocket and is constantly .await’ing any new messages on the websocket connection. When a new message is received from rosbridge it does its best to dispatch it to the relevant entities that are registered with the Client.

It is completely valid and recommended to clone() ClientHandle to pass access around your application, in fact many of the types returned by roslibrust include clones of the client handle within them to enable functionality like automatically de-registering when dropped. It is not recommended, although completely valid, to create multiple new clients to the same rosbridge server as the additional websockets created add overhead to both roslibrust and rosbridge.

§How Subscribers Work

Each time subscribe is called, a new queue for that subscriber is created. When a publish message is received from rosbridge, the message is duplicated and inserted into the queue for each subscriber. This means if you call subscribe multiple times on the same topic, each of the returned subscribers will receive a copy of every message. Currently, the size of the queue for every publisher is hardcoded to 1_000 messages control of this will be provided in a future version.

If the queue for a subscriber is full and a new message arrives the central spin task will not block but simply drop that message for that subscriber (warnings will be logged).

Internally roslibrust type-erases the type that subscribe is called with an stores a callback where the deserialization is embedded within the callback. Roslibrust does not check that the type that subscribe is called with matches the type of the topic. If an incorrect type is used, each time a message is received on the topic it will fail to de-serialize and an error will be emitted by the subscriber. This can be useful when building client designed to work with multiple different versions of a message definition.

When the subscriber returned from the subscribe call is dropped it removes is queue from the client. When the last subscriber on a given topic dropped the client will automatically unsubscribe from the topic with rosbridge.

§How Publishers Work

When advertise is called a publisher an advertise message is sent to rosbridge_server and a publisher returned. Dropping the publisher will automatically unadvertise the topic. roslibrust currently does not support multiple publishers / multiple advertises for a single topic.

§How Service Servers Work

When advertise service is called you must pass into it a callback conforming to the libraries requirements. Specifically, roslibrust attempts to follow “good” ros error handling convention and be as compatible as possible with various error types; however, due to the async nature of the crate Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync> is needed.



  • This module holds all content for directly working with ROS1 natively


  • The ClientHandle is the fundamental object through which users of this library are expected to interact with it.
  • Builder options for creating a client
  • A handle given to the caller when they advertise a topic
  • The handle returned to the caller of advertise_service this struct represents the lifetime of the service, and dropping this struct automatically unadvertises and removes the service. No interaction with this struct is expected beyond managing its lifetime.
  • Represents a single instance of listening to a topic, and provides the ability to extract messages


  • For now starting with a central error type, may break this up more in future


  • This trait describes a function which can validly act as a ROS service server with roslibrust. We’re really just using this as a trait alias as the full definition is overly verbose and trait aliases are unstable.

Type Aliases§

  • Generic result type used as standard throughout library. Note: many functions which currently return this will be updated to provide specific error types in the future instead of the generic error here.