
Sentry's Java SDK enables capturing sessions for Release health as well as reporting messages and errors.

Sentry for Java is a collection of modules provided by Sentry; it supports Java 1.8 and above. At its core, Sentry for Java provides a raw client for sending events to Sentry. To begin, we highly recommend you use one of the logging libraries or framework integrations.

The Sentry Java SDK can be used with Kotlin, Scala, and other JVM languages. Code examples are typically provided in both Java and Kotlin.

On this page, we get you up and running with Sentry's SDK.

Don't already have an account and Sentry project established? Head over to, then return to this page.

Sentry captures data by using an SDK within your application’s runtime.


For other dependency managers, see the central Maven repository.

sentry-servlet module comes with a ServletContainerInitializer that registers a ServletRequestListener which enhances each Sentry event triggered within the scope of HTTP request with a request information like HTTP method, query string, url and HTTP headers.

If you are using multiple Sentry dependencies, you can add a bill of materials to avoid specifying the version of each dependency.

This feature is available on Sentry Java SDK 6.0.0-alpha.6 and above. Features available in Beta are still in-progress and may have bugs. We recognize the irony.

We also provide a module called sentry-servlet-jakarta if you want to use jakarta.servlet-api instead of javax.servlet-api.

Configuration should happen as early as possible in your application's lifecycle.

The following example configures a SentryInitializer servlet container initializer that initializes Sentry on application startup.

package sentry.sample;

import io.sentry.Sentry;
import javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;

public final class SentryInitializer implements ServletContainerInitializer {

  public void onStartup(Set<Class<?>> c, ServletContext ctx) throws ServletException {
    Sentry.init(options -> {

Create a file in src/main/resources/META-INF/services named javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer, with a full name of your custom SentryInitializer class as a content:


This snippet includes an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working as soon as you set it up.

import io.sentry.Sentry;

try {
  throw new Exception("This is a test.");
} catch (Exception e) {

Learn more about manually capturing an error or message in our Usage documentation.

To view and resolve the recorded error, log into and select your project. Clicking on the error's title will open a page where you can see detailed information and mark it as resolved.

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