Uptime Monitoring

Learn how to help maintain uptime for your web services by monitoring relevant URLs with Sentry's Uptime Monitoring.

This feature is only available if your organization has enabled early adopter features. Early adopter features are still in-progress and may have bugs. We recognize the irony. If you’re interested in participating, enable early adopter features in organization settings.

Sentry's Uptime Monitoring lets you monitor the availability and reliability of your web services effortlessly. In the current version, uptime is automatically configured as a new alert for only the most relevant URL detected in your organization. In future updates, you'll have the flexibility to add and monitor additional URLs.

Our uptime monitoring system verifies the availability of your URLs by performing GET requests at regular 5-minute intervals. For a URL to be considered up and running, the response must meet the following criteria:

  1. Successful Response (2xx Status Codes): The URL must return an HTTP status code in the 200–299 range, indicating a successful request.
  2. Automatic Handling of Redirects (3xx Status Codes): Sentry will follow redirects for URLs returning an HTTP status code in the 300–399 range and verify that the final destination URL returns a successful response. This ensures that redirects won't falsely trigger downtime alerts.
  3. Timeout Setting: Each request has a timeout threshold of 10 seconds. If the server doesn't respond within this period, the check will be marked as a failure, indicating a potential downtime or performance issues.
  4. DNS Issue Detection: Our monitoring also includes the detection of DNS resolution issues. If a DNS issue is detected, the check will be marked as a failure, allowing you to address the underlying connectivity problems.

An uptime alert continuously monitors the configured URL with the criteria defined above. If a failure is detected, a new uptime issue with failed check and related errors details will be created.

To start getting notifications for a new downtime issue, configure an issue alert and choose the issue category "uptime". Then choose how you'd like to be notified (via email, Slack, and so on).

Uptime issue alert rule configuration

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