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Detection of Additional Be+sdO Systems from IUE Spectroscopy

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Published 2018 February 1 © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Luqian Wang et al 2018 ApJ 853 156 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/aaa4b8

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There is growing evidence that some Be stars were spun up through mass transfer in a close binary system, leaving the former mass donor star as a hot, stripped-down object. There are five known cases of Be stars with hot subdwarf (sdO) companions that were discovered through International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) spectroscopy. Here we expand the search for Be+sdO candidates using archival FUV spectra from IUE. We collected IUE spectra for 264 stars and formed cross-correlation functions with a model spectrum for a hot subdwarf. Twelve new candidate Be+sdO systems were found, and eight of these display radial velocity variations associated with orbital motion. The new plus known Be+sdO systems have Be stars with spectral subtypes of B0–B3, and the lack of later-type systems is surprising given the large number of cooler B-stars in our sample. We discuss explanations for the observed number and spectral type distribution of the Be+sdO systems, and we argue that there are probably many Be systems with stripped companions that are too faint for detection through our analysis.

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1. Introduction

Be stars are rapidly rotating B-type, non-supergiant stars that show or have shown Hα emission in their spectra. Their rotational velocities may reach more than 75% of the critical velocity (Slettebak 1966; Rivinius et al. 2013). Pols et al. (1991) suggested that their rapid rotation results from past mass transfer in a close binary system. The initially more massive star expands away from the main-sequence stage after hydrogen core exhaustion and fills its Roche lobe. Mass transfer from the evolved massive star to the less massive gainer star causes the latter to spin up due to conservation of angular momentum. The orbit shrinks until the two stars reach comparable masses, and then subsequent mass transfer causes the orbit to expand. This continues until the donor star loses its outer envelope and the core obtains a size smaller than the Roche lobe. If the donor star is left with a mass above the Chandrasekhar limit, then the stars will evolve into an X-ray binary system, consisting of a Be star and a neutron star or black hole. Lower mass donor remnants become a faint, hot, subdwarf (sdO) or a white dwarf (WD).

Such sdO and WD stars are difficult to detect because they are usually lost in the glare of their massive companions and their small mass creates only a small orbital reflex motion in the Be star. The subdwarfs are hot, so it is best to search for this type of remnant in the far-ultraviolet because they contribute relatively more flux there and their spectra are rich in highly ionized metallic lines. Such FUV spectroscopy investigations have led to the detection of a subdwarf companion in five systems. Thaller et al. (1995) discovered the hot subdwarf companion of ϕ Per using a Doppler tomography algorithm, which uses the radial velocities of the components to reconstruct their individual spectra. The highly ionized lines of the sdO star were clearly visible in the reconstructed secondary spectrum based on 16 Short Wavelength Prime (SWP) camera, high dispersion (H) spectra obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer. This discovery was confirmed by Gies et al. (1998) through Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy, and their study suggested that the subdwarf companion has ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}=53\pm 3$ kK and $\mathrm{log}g\,=4.2\pm 0.1$. Peters et al. (2008) combined optical spectra and 96 IUE spectra to confirm the binarity of FY CMa, and they detected the hot companion through analysis of cross-correlation functions (CCFs) of the UV spectra with that for a hot stellar template. Their study indicated that the secondary has ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}=45\pm 5$ kK and $\mathrm{log}g=4.3\pm 0.6$. A similar analysis was done by Peters et al. (2013) for 59 Cyg, and they reported that the detected companion has ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}\,=52.1\pm 4.8$ kK and $\mathrm{log}g=5.0\pm 1.0$ based on a large set of 157 IUE spectra. Subsequently, Wang et al. (2017) analyzed 23 IUE spectra of 60 Cyg through CCFs with a hot stellar template, and they estimated that the hot subdwarf companion has ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}=42\pm 4$ kK. The fifth detection was made by Peters et al. (2016) using 88 IUE spectra to detect a faint signal of a hot companion in HR 2142, which indicated that the companion has ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}\geqslant 43\pm 5$ kK.

The detection of the subdwarf companions of the confirmed systems benefited from the large number of observations available in the IUE archive in order to take advantage of the $\sqrt{n}$ improvement in S/N by combining all the observations in the analysis. However, relatively bright subdwarf companions should be detected even in a single IUE observation through calculations of CCFs with a model spectrum for a hot star. The goal of this work is to detect other Be+sdO systems by searching for such relatively bright companions through the analysis of individual spectra for a large sample of Be stars.

Our survey will help identify binary systems with subdwarf companions for future follow-up studies to determine the orbital and stellar parameters that are needed for critical comparisons with models for the evolution of stripped cores (Althaus et al. 2013). This survey is important for studies of massive star evolution, since a large fraction of massive stars have nearby stellar companions (Sana et al. 2012) and binary interactions play a key role in their destinies (de Mink et al. 2014). Hot evolved companions may contribute significantly to the UV flux of stellar populations (Han et al. 2010) and constitute a missing contribution to spectral synthesis models (Bruzual & Charlot 2003). Massive helium star remnants probably explode as hydrogen deficient supernovae (SN Ib and SN Ic; Eldridge et al. 2013), so a determination of their numbers and properties is closely related to the numbers and kinds of core collapse SNe we observe. The rotational properties of SN progenitors dictate the spins of their neutron stars and black hole remnants, and fast rotation may be responsible for the long duration γ-ray bursters that form in the core collapse of massive stars (Cantiello et al. 2007).

Here we present the results of the survey for sdO companions among rapidly rotating hot stars from an analysis of IUE spectra. Section 2 presents our subdwarf flux search method that is based on a cross-correlation analysis of the UV spectra with a model spectral template. We discuss the 12 new candidate Be+sdO systems in Section 3. Our final results and their consequences are summarized in Section 4.

2. Search for sdO Companions

The main sample of Be stars was adopted from the list of Yudin (2001), who presented an analysis of intrinsic polarization, projected rotational velocity, and IR excess of 627 Be stars. We combed through the IUE archive to find these targets, and we collected 3092 SWP/H spectra of 226 stars from the archive. We further expanded the sample by adding 111 SWP/H spectra of 38 rapidly rotating, non-emission stars with projected rotational velocity $V\sin i\gt 300$ km s−1.

We downloaded the SWP/H spectra of these 264 stars from MAST.4 The spectra were reduced and rectified following the procedures reported in Wang et al. (2017), except that we left the interstellar medium lines in place. The estimated temperatures of the five known sdO companions all have ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}\gt 40$ kK. Thus, we adopted a synthetic spectrum with ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}=45$ kK from the grid of Lanz & Hubeny (2003) that we used earlier (Wang et al. 2017), and we cross-correlated it with all the observed spectra. We excluded the beginning and ending regions and very broad or blended line regions (including the Si iii $\lambda 1300$ complex, Si iv $\lambda \lambda 1394,1403$, Si ii $\lambda \lambda 1527,1533$, and C iv $\lambda 1550$) that were replaced by a linear interpolation across the adjacent continuum to avoid introduction of broad features into the CCFs.

We began our search for hot companions by forming the ratio of the CCF maximum height (peak signal S) within a velocity range of ±200 km s−1 (larger than the typical span of Doppler shift of the known binaries) to the standard deviation of the CCF in higher velocity portions (background noise N), and we then calculated the average peak-to-background ratio (S/N) from the individual ratios for all the available spectra for each star. The average S/N ratios of the known Be+sdO systems (ϕ Per, FY CMa, 59 Cyg, and 60 Cyg) all have ${\rm{S}}/{\rm{N}}\,\gt \,3.0$. Thus, we set this CCF peak-to-background ratio as the lower limit to select candidate sdO binaries. Null detections of companion stars with CCF S/N ratios below the selection criterion are listed in Table 1. If the stars in Table 1 host hot companions, then their sdO components must be too faint to detect in individual IUE spectra. Table 1 includes HR 2142 (=HD 41335), which only displays the weak signal of the companion in a subset of spectra (Peters et al. 2016). On the other hand, a strong signal appeared and met the selection criterion for 66 stars, forming a preliminary list of potential binary systems with relatively bright subdwarf companions. We collected the spectral classifications and projected rotational velocities of these targets from the literature. The HD number, star name, HIP number, spectral classification, projected rotational velocity, number of SWP/H spectra available in the IUE archive, average CCF S/N ratio, and references for the spectral types and $V\sin i$ are tabulated in Table 2.

Table 1.  Stars with CCF S/N < 3

Name Name Name Name Name
144 4180 6811 10144 11415
11946 13268 14434 15642 18552
20340 21362 21551 22192 22780
23016 23302 23383 23478 23480
23552 23630 23862 24479 25940
26356 26670 26793 28459 28867
29866 32343 32990 32991 33599
34863 34959 35407 35439 36012
36408 36665 36939 37115 37202
37397 37795 37967 38087 38831
41335a 42054 42545 44458 44506
45314 45542 45725 45910 45995
46056 46485 47054 47359 50123
50820 51480 52356 52721 56139
57150 58343 58715 60606 61355
63462 65875 69106 69404 70084
71216 72014 72067 75311 75416
76534 77366 79351 83953 86612
87543 87901 89080 89884 89890
91120 91465 92938 93563 100673
100889 102776 105382 107348 109387
109857 110335 110432 110863 112078
112091 118246 119921 121847 124367
127973 130109 134481 135734 137432
138749 138769 139431 141637 142184
142926 142983 149485 149671 149757
155896 156468 158427 158643 160202
162732 164284 164906 165063 166014
167128 168957 169033 171406 174639
175869 177724 178475 179343 181615
182180 183133 183362 183656 183914
185037 187235 187811 189687 191423
192044 192685 192954 193182 193911
195325 198183 198625 199218 202904
203064 203467 203699 204860 205637
206773 208057 208392 208682 208886
209014 209409 209522 210129 214748
216200 217050 217086 217543 217676
217891 218393 218674 219688 224686
BD+41 3731 BD+60 594 BD+34 1058

Note. Stars are listed by HD number, except for the last three.

aHR 2142 has a faint sdO companion (Peters et al. 2016).

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Table 2.  IUE Observations of Sample Stars

HD Star HIP Spectral $V\sin i$ Number of S/N Spectral Classification $V\sin i$ CCF
Number Name Number Classification (km s−1) Observations Ratio Reference Reference Codea
Candidate and Known Be+sdO Systems
10516 ϕ Per 8068 B1.5 V:e-shell 440 16 6.78 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) S
29441 V1150 Tau 21626 B2.5 Vne 311 1 3.77 Yudin (2001) Yudin (2001) C?
43544 29771 B3 V 256 1 5.51 Slettebak (1982) Bragança et al. (2012) C?
51354 QY Gem 33493 B3 Ve 306 2 5.39 Slettebak (1982) Yudin (2001) C?
58978 FY CMa 36168 B0.5 IVe 340 96 3.10 Slettebak (1982) Peters et al. (2008) S
60855 V378 Pup 36981 B3 IV 239 6 4.98 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) C
113120 LS Mus 63688 B2 IVne 307 3 4.35 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Yudin (2001) C
137387 ${\kappa }^{1}$ Aps 76013 B2 Vnpe 250 4 5.21 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Frémat et al. (2005) C
152478 V846 Ara 82868 B3 Vnpe 340 2 3.69 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Pogodin et al. (2012) C
157042 ι Ara 85079 B2.5 IVe 340 4 4.09 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) C
157832 V750 Ara 85467 B1.5 Ve 266 2 4.21 Lopes de Oliveira & Motch (2011) Lopes de Oliveira & Motch (2011) C?
191610 28 Cyg 99303 B3 IVe 300 46 3.02 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) C
194335 V2119 Cyg 100574 B2 IIIe 360 4 4.54 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) C
200120 59 Cyg 103632 B1 Ve 379 193 3.34 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) S
200310 60 Cyg 103732 B1 Ve 320 23 4.69 Koubský et al. (2000) Koubský et al. (2000) S
214168 8 Lac B 111544 B1 IVe 300 20 3.03 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) C
Other Stars
5394 γ Cas 4427 B0.5 IVe 432 227 3.81 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
20336 BK Cam 15520 B2 (IV:)e 328 2 3.31 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
24534 X Per 18350 O9.5 III 293 43 3.75 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
28497 DU Eri 20922 B1 Ve 300 28 3.01 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
30076 DX Eri 22024 B2 Ve 168 24 3.30 Slettebak (1982) Huang et al. (2010) P
33328 λ Eri 23972 B2 III(e)p 318 146 3.35 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
35411 η Ori 25281 B1 V 20 19 10.28 Slettebak (1982) De Mey et al. (1996) P
36576 V960 Tau 26064 B1.5 IVe 265 11 3.14 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
37490 ω Ori 26594 B3 Ve 171 190 3.43 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Yudin (2001) P
37674 26683 B5 V(n) 1 3.34 Houk & Swift (1999) P
48917 FT CMa 32292 B2 V 205 5 3.48 Houk (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
50013 κ CMa 32759 B2 IVe 243 3 4.55 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
50083 V742 Mon 32947 B2 Ve 170 2 3.90 Yudin (2001) Frémat et al. (2005) P
52918 19 Mon 33971 B2 Vn(e) 265 15 3.10 Houk & Swift (1999) Huang et al. (2010) P
53367 V750 Mon 34116 B0 IVe 86 4 11.05 Pogodin et al. (2006) Yudin (2001) P
54309 FV CMa 34360 B2 IVe 195 2 3.63 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
56014 EW CMa 34981 B3 III(e)p-shell 280 12 3.45 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
58050 OT Gem 35933 B2 Ve 130 4 3.65 Yudin (2001) Frémat et al. (2005) P
60848 BN Gem 37074 O8 Vpe 247 13 4.05 Yudin (2001) Frémat et al. (2005) P
66194 V374 Car 38994 B2.5 IVe 224 2 3.27 Slettebak (1982) Yudin (2001) P
67536 V375 Car 39530 B2 Vn 292 22 3.28 Houk & Cowley (1975) Uesugi & Fukuda (1970) P
68980 MX Pup 40274 B1.5 IVe 145 3 4.91 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
74455 HX Vel 42712 B2/3 IV/V 285 7 4.56 Houk (1978) Uesugi & Fukuda (1970) P
74753 D Vel 42834 B1/2 II/III(n) 288 1 3.47 Houk (1978) Uesugi & Fukuda (1970) P
78764 E Car 44626 B2 IVe 127 3 5.42 Slettebak (1982) Yudin (2001) P
88661 QY Car 49934 B2 IVe 237 14 3.71 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
93030 θ Car 52419 B0 Vp 145 33 8.68 Yudin (2001) Yudin (2001) P
96864 B1.5 IVnep 1 4.16 Yudin (2001) P
105435 δ Cen 59196 B2 IVe 260 19 3.35 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
116781 V967 Cen 65637 B0 IIIne 1 7.55 Yudin (2001) P
120324 μ Cen 67472 B2 Vnpe 159 36 4.62 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Frémat et al. (2005) P
120991 V767 Cen 67861 B2 IIIep 70 5 6.09 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
135160 74750 B0 V 155 3 7.00 Slettebak (1982) Yudin (2001) P
148184 χ Oph 80569 B1.5 Ve 144 10 4.87 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
153261 V828 Ara 83323 B2 IVe 184 1 3.92 Yudin (2001) Yudin (2001) P
155806 V1075 Sco 84401 O7.5 IIIe 116 6 9.96 Slettebak (1982) Yudin (2001) P
166596 V692 CrA 89290 B2.5 IIIp 207 2 3.20 Yudin (2001) Frémat et al. (2005) P
170235 V4031 Sgr 90610 B1 Vnne 163 2 4.39 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Yudin (2001) P
173219 V447 Sct 91946 B0 Iae 3 4.15 Houk & Swift (1999) P
173948 λ Pav 92609 B2 Ve 140 5 5.09 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Frémat et al. (2005) P
174237 CX Dra 92133 B4 IV(e) 163 64 3.16 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
178175 V4024 Sgr 93996 B2 V(e) 86 6 5.51 Slettebak (1982) Bragança et al. (2012) P
184279 V1294 Aql 96196 B0 V 212 11 3.39 Levenhagen & Leister (2006) Yudin (2001) P
184915 κ Aql 96483 B0.5 III 284 4 3.38 Slettebak (1982) Simón-Díaz & Herrero (2014) P
187567 V1339 Aql 97607 B2.5 IVe 140 3 3.26 Yudin (2001) Abt et al. (2002) P
188439 V819 Cyg 97845 B0.5 III(n) 299 1 3.75 Lesh (1968) Simón-Díaz & Herrero (2014) P
203374 105250 B0 IVpe 342 1 3.76 Yudin (2001) Frémat et al. (2005) P
212044 V357 Lac 110287 B0 Ve 162 1 4.33 Yudin (2001) Yudin (2001) P
212076 31 Peg 110386 B1.5 Ve 98 6 3.95 Slettebak (1982) Frémat et al. (2005) P
212571 π Aqr 110672 B1 Ve 230 21 3.18 Mayer et al. (2016) Frémat et al. (2005) P


aS = known Be+sdO binary; C = candidate binary; C? = potential candidate binary; P = CCF signal from primary star.

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We adopted detection criteria for Be+sdO binaries that are based upon the characteristics of the five known systems. The best known system (and the one with the highest CCF S/N ratio in our sample) is ϕ Per (HD 10516), and we show in Figure 1, top left panel, two CCFs for ϕ Per at different orbital velocity extrema. The CCF peaks are narrow (indicative of a small projected rotational velocity) and show large velocity excursions due to the large semiamplitude associated with the low-mass sdO star (Gies et al. 1998). All five known Be+sdO binaries share these properties, so we adopted two detection criteria based upon them.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Example CCFs for two cases of hot component detection (top row) with several other cases where the peak is associated with the Be component (second and third rows). The top panels show the CCFs for HD 10516, a confirmed system with a hot subdwarf companion (Gies et al. 1998), and HD 58978, a confirmed system with a fainter subdwarf companion (Peters et al. 2008). The middle panels show how the spectrum of the emission-line star contributes more to the CCF for a hot star (HD 155806; O7.5 IIIe) than a mid-range temperature star (HD 174237; B4 IV(e)). The lower row illustrates how the CCF from the rapidly rotating Be component is usually very broad (HD 5394; $V\sin i=432$ km s−1), but sometimes narrow (HD 120991; $V\sin i=70$ km s−1). Examples of the CCFs for blue and red Doppler-shifted spectra are plotted as dotted and solid lines, respectively. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the S/N = 3 limit for detection.

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The first criterion is that any CCF signal from the sdO component must be narrow with a half width at half maximum (HWHM) much smaller than the projected rotational broadening $V\sin i$ associated with the primary Be star target. Most Be stars are rapid rotators with large $V\sin i$, so their associated CCFs are very broad (see the case of γ Cas = HD 5394 in the lower left panel of Figure 1), although a few pole-on Be stars do show smaller projected rotational broadening (see the CCFs of HD 120991 in the lower, right panel of Figure 1). Note that this assumption biases the results against detection of rapidly rotating sdO components, but we doubt such exist, in general, because their progenitors probably became synchronous rotators in long-period orbits during the earlier mass transfer phase. Note that the CCF signal from correlation with the Be star spectral features will become larger for hotter Be stars, so that the CCF will be more dominated by the Be star signal in earlier-type targets. We show, for example, the cases of CCFs for a hot (HD 155806) and a mid-temperature (HD 174237) emission-line star in the middle left and right panels, respectively, of Figure 1. The sensitivity of the CCFs to the temperature of the Be star means that it will become progressively more difficult to distinguish the signal from an sdO component from that of the Be star at high temperature, so our methods may be biased against detection of sdO companions among the hotter Be stars. Nevertheless, it is possible to discern the narrow sdO component against the broader Be component in some cases of hotter Be stars (see the case of FY CMa = HD 53978 in the upper right panel of Figure 1, which shows the narrow peak of the sdO star atop the broader signal from the Be star).

The second criterion is based upon the expected orbital motion of the sdO component. Post-mass transfer binaries are expected to have extreme mass ratios, so that the orbital semiamplitudes of the sdO components will be large ($\approx 50\,\mbox{--}100$ km s−1) compared to those of the Be stars ($\lt 10$ km s−1) for binaries with periods of a few months or less. Thus, our second criterion for sdO candidates is that their CCF signals should show a velocity range greater than one-half of the HWHM of the CCF peak. This criterion tacitly assumes that enough spectra exist to sample the full range of orbital motion, but this cannot be fulfilled in cases where only a few spectra are available. Note that application of this criterion will impose a bias against detection of binaries in low-inclination and long-period orbits (with small orbital semiamplitude).

The results of applying these two detection criteria are summarized in a code in the last column of Table 2. We find that 50 of the 66 targets in the list of large S/N cases are best explained as the result of correlation with the Be star spectrum itself (indicated by a "P" for primary in Table 2). These are generally hotter Be stars in which the CCF signal has a half-width comparable to the published $V\sin i$, and their CCF peaks show little evidence of significant orbital Doppler shifts. Some of these cases are discussed in the Appendix. Next, the application of the two criteria led to the successful reidentification of four known Be+sdO binaries (ϕ Per, FY CMa, 59 Cyg, and 60 Cyg), and these are indicated by an "S" (for subdwarf) in Table 2. The criteria also led to the detection of eight additional candidate Be+sdO binaries that are labeled with a "C" in Table 2. Finally, we list four systems in which a strong and narrow CCF peak was found, but only one or two spectra are available in the IUE archive so that we could not apply the second criterion of velocity variability. These four potential candidates are indicated by a "C?" code in Table 2. Radial velocities from Gaussian fits of the upper 80% of the CCF peaks are listed in Table 3 for these eight candidate and four potential candidate systems, but measurements from noisy spectra with weak CCF signals were omitted. The number and time distribution of these measurements are insufficient to find orbital periods and other elements, but they are included here for future use once orbits are determined (perhaps by ground-based spectroscopy of the Be components). All these new detections are discussed further in the next section.

Table 3.  Radial Velocity Measurements of Candidate sdO Components

HD Date SWP ${V}_{\mathrm{peak}}$ σ
Number (HJD-2400000) Number (km s−1) (km s−1)
29441 49651.9145 52665 −60.7 2.5
43544 45698.7251 21911 −16.8 4.0
51354 45045.3074 16547 13.8 1.8
51354 45337.5616 18937 45.5 3.1
60855 45698.8371 21915 −10.4 3.1
60855 47654.3590 36216 2.1 3.8
60855 47808.0710 37280 −4.0 4.1
60855 47908.9317 38036 13.4 2.3
60855 48352.5316 41308 1.7 5.9
60855 49762.4824 53906 −4.2 5.8
113120 45602.3331 21155 63.8 3.2
113120 46710.9800 29397 −14.8 4.0
113120 46920.2862 30910 −64.1 4.7
137387 46225.1106 26120 −13.2 2.4
137387 46225.3690 26129 −12.1 2.0
137387 47717.4598 36649 73.1 3.3
137387 48346.7955 41240 −23.8 3.5
152478 47270.2997 33308 −42.6 5.5
152478 47652.3252 36197 48.3 4.7
157042 46527.3127 28114 19.7 5.4
157042 46711.9244 29404 25.3 4.5
157042 46920.4479 30914 36.2 8.0
157042 49442.3921 50427 −47.3 6.8
157832 49933.1996 55410 15.1 3.3
157832 49973.0096 55913 −97.6 8.9
191610 46245.3612 26301 −16.5 2.4
191610 46337.6586 26775 10.5 8.9
191610 46337.6830 26776 17.6 10.8
191610 46337.7275 26778 17.7 7.1
191610 46337.7501 26779 11.1 8.9
191610 46337.8480 26783 16.0 9.7
191610 46337.8987 26785 16.2 15.3
191610 46338.7622 26803 19.8 6.5
191610 46338.7881 26804 18.4 5.8
191610 46338.8322 26806 17.1 9.3
191610 46338.8545 26807 11.4 13.3
191610 46338.8767 26808 26.0 7.5
191610 46692.0815 29241 8.2 5.5
191610 47790.2654 37096 10.7 16.9
191610 47790.3374 37098 8.5 4.7
191610 47791.2331 37124 15.9 10.6
191610 47791.3635 37128 21.3 16.4
191610 47791.4270 37130 3.5 11.8
191610 47791.5566 37134 14.5 5.8
191610 47791.6179 37136 8.0 13.4
191610 47791.7448 37140 3.3 12.1
191610 47791.8080 37142 12.4 14.7
191610 47792.0716 37148 8.4 16.5
191610 47792.2865 37150 18.2 6.5
191610 47792.4370 37154 6.7 5.9
194335 45463.4591 19938 46.3 6.5
194335 49349.8095 49705 −79.4 4.0
194335 49470.4343 50637 −96.1 9.3
194335 49686.9274 52946 29.5 3.9
214168 47691.1849 36479 −118.4 5.6
214168 47769.1105 36901 −32.9 2.3
214168 49296.6583 49099 2.3 3.6
214168 49296.7311 49102 8.3 7.3
214168 49296.7780 49104 2.4 6.5
214168 49298.6622 49130 3.0 2.8
214168 49298.7078 49132 21.2 5.3
214168 49299.6744 49145 23.4 5.8
214168 49299.7211 49147 21.6 5.0

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3. Candidate Be+sdO Systems

We identified 12 subdwarf candidates from the CCF analysis that display a narrow peak as expected from correlation with the hot subdwarf spectrum template. We observe significant Doppler shift variations in the CCF signals of eight systems due to the orbital motion of the subdwarf companion. Figure 2 shows the apparent CCFs of the eight candidate systems for spectra observed near the velocity extrema (see Table 3). The remaining four potential subdwarf candidates in the sample display a narrow peak, but little or no information about their Doppler shifts is available due to the limited number of spectra available. The CCFs for these four cases are shown in Figure 3. The peak height of the CCF scales approximately with the subdwarf flux contribution if the model template is a reasonable match (Wang et al. 2017), so the new candidates contribute about 2%–5% of the FUV monochromatic flux (and probably less at optical wavelengths).

Figure 2.

Figure 2. CCF plots of eight Be+sdO binary candidates in the same format as Figure 1.

Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 3.

Figure 3. CCF plots of four potential Be+sdO binary candidates in the same format as Figure 1.

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None of the candidates are known close binaries, but all are worthy of follow-up investigation. We summarize a brief literature review for each candidate below. Many of the candidate Be+sdO systems have additional companions detected through speckle interferometry or optical imaging, but their orbital periods must be decades or longer. Consequently, these visually resolved companions are unrelated to the subdwarf companions that are the remnants of interactions in close binaries. The speckle interferometry observations reveal companions in the angular separation range of $0.035\lt \rho \lt 1\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 5$ and brighter than $\bigtriangleup m\lt 3.0$ mag (Mason et al. 1997).

HD 29441 (V1150 Tau; B2.5 Vne; S/N = 3.77). Based on measurements of six optical spectra, Chini et al. (2012) found that the star is radial velocity constant, perhaps indicating that the sdO is a low-mass object or that the orbit is very long.

HD 43544 (B3 V; S/N = 5.51). Huang et al. (2010) argued that the star had a significant radial velocity shift between measurements of two optical spectra, indicative of the orbital motion of the Be star. No other companions have been detected through speckle interferometry from Mason et al. (1997).

HD 51354 (QY Gem; B3 Ve; S/N = 5.39). Chojnowski et al. (2017) observed only a small scatter of 3.0 km s−1 in six radial velocity measurements from the APOGEE survey.

HD 60855 (V378 Pup; B3 IV; S/N = 4.98). The CCFs of the star display a narrow central peak that sits atop a broader signal from the Be star. The measured velocities from the CCFs of the six available spectra did not display large velocity shifts, perhaps indicating that the sdO is in a long-period, slow moving orbit. However, Huang & Gies (2006) found a significant velocity shift between their two spectra indicative of possible orbital motion of the Be star. Mason et al. (1997) found no evidence from speckle interferometry for another companion in the separation range of 0.04–1 arcsec. Mason et al. (2001) note that this star is a member of the NGC 2422 cluster, and the nearest companion has separation of 5.3 arcsec from the star.

HD 113120 (LS Mus; B2 IVne; S/N = 4.35). Based on spectroscopic measurements from five optical spectra, Chini et al. (2012) found that the star is radial velocity constant, which suggests a small orbital semiamplitude for the Be star. Nevertheless, we observe relatively large Doppler shifts for the sdO component. Hartkopf et al. (1996) detected a companion with angular separation of 0.557 arcsec from the star through speckle interferometry.

HD 137387 (κ1 Aps; B2 Vnpe; S/N = 5.21). Lindroos (1985) reported that the star belongs to a visual binary system with a companion of estimated spectral type of K7 IV and a projected separation of 1470 AU from the star.

HD 152478 (V846 Ara; B3 Vnpe; S/N = 3.69). Hoogerwerf et al. (2001) mention this object as a possible runaway star. de Bruijne & Eilers (2012) list a radial velocity of 19 km s−1.

HD 157042 (ι Ara; B2.5 IVe; S/N = 4.09). Based on optical studies, Lindroos (1985) reported that the star has a companion with estimated spectral type of G5 III-IV and a separation of 42.8 arcsec from the primary component.

HD 157832 (V750 Ara; B1.5 Ve; S/N = 4.21). Based on observations from XMM-Newton and optical spectroscopy, Lopes de Oliveira & Motch (2011) classified the star as the coolest γ Cas analog. Based on the presence of Fe xxi and Fe xxii recombination lines and fluorescence features, Giménez-García et al. (2015) confirmed the X-ray properties of the star and classified it as a component of a high-mass X-ray binary.

HD 191610 (28 Cyg; B3 IVe; S/N = 3.02). Abt & Levy (1978) reported that the star is radial velocity constant from spectroscopic studies based on 25 optical spectra. Based on an analysis of space photometry and Hα line profiles, Baade et al. (2017) concluded that the large-amplitude frequencies due to multiple non-radial pulsation modes are responsible for the observed short- and medium-term variability, and these pulsation modes are also related to the modulation of mass transfer events from the star to the disk of 28 Cyg. No other companions have been found by Mason et al. (1997) through speckle interferometry.

HD 194335 (V2119 Cyg; B2 IIIe; S/N = 4.54). The star is listed as a shell star by Hoffleit & Jaschek (1991). Plaskett et al. (1920) suggested that the object is a possible spectroscopic binary.

HD 214168 (8 Lac B; B1 IVe; S/N = 3.03). Hoffleit & Jaschek (1991) also identified this star as a shell star. It is a member of the Lac OB1 association. Mason et al. (1997) identified a companion with an angular separation of 0.042 arcsec using speckle interferometry. Shatskii (1998) and Mason et al. (2007) confirmed that the star forms a double system with HD 214167 (B1.5 Vs) with an angular separation of 22.24 arcsec.

4. Conclusions

We identified eight subdwarf candidates and four potential candidates, and by including the five Be+sdO systems known from previous studies, this leads to a total of 17 detections in the sample of 264 stars, for a detection rate of 6%. The CCF S/N ratios have a range between 3.0 and 5.5 with a mean of 4.3, and these ratios are generally less than or comparable to those of the known systems. The distributions with spectral type of the known plus candidate targets and of the full sample are shown in Figure 4. Most of the new candidates have spectral types of B2–B3, which are relatively cooler compared to the primaries of the known Be+sdO systems with spectral types of B0.5–B1.5. However, we found no companions among the cooler, later-type B-stars, despite the fact that such hot companions should be more readily detected as they dominate more of the FUV flux distribution relative to cooler, main-sequence companions. There are 109 targets with spectral types B4 and later in our sample (41%). If the Be+sdO systems had the same spectral type distribution as the whole sample, then we would expect to have found 7 of 17 systems among the B4–A0 group, yet none were detected.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Histograms of the spectral type distributions of the full sample (solid line), those with no detections (dotted line), and those with known or candidate Be+sdO systems (line filled).

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Binary star population models make different predictions about the numbers of expected Be+He star systems (which we may compare to the observed Be+sdO systems) as a function of Be star mass or spectral type. High-mass He star remnants have relatively shorter lives, so the numbers of such systems are predicted to decline with higher Be star mass. On the other hand, lower mass remnants above the He-burning limit ($\approx 0.3{M}_{\odot }$) will have He-burning lifetimes longer than those of the rejuvenated gainer stars, so many lower mass Be stars could have He star companions. However, the expected numbers depend critically on assumptions about the initial mass ratio distribution of the binaries and which systems merge during interaction. Pols et al. (1991) show in their Figure 10(b) the numbers of Be+He systems expected for a magnitude limited sample like the Bright Star Catalogue (Hoffleit & Jaschek 1991). If the initial mass ratio distribution is flat, then the numbers of Be+He systems peak in the B0–B5 range, because there are relatively fewer low-mass systems. However, for initial mass ratio distributions that favor lower mass companions, the relative numbers of low-mass Be+He systems increase. This is also seen in the simulations by Shao & Li (2014) who find the largest numbers of Be+He systems (in a volume limited sample) among the latest B-types when the assumed initial mass ratio distribution is highly skewed to low-mass companions (numbers proportional to ${({M}_{2}/{M}_{1})}^{-1};$ see their Figure 7). The observed lack of Be+sdO companions among the late-type B-stars in our sample would appear to favor progenitor systems with a flat initial mass ratio distribution.

The low-mass, rapid rotators that comprise the late-type Be stars may be the result of mergers that occur more frequently among lower mass systems (Shao & Li 2014) or they may result from extreme mass transfer that creates low-mass cores that quickly cool to become helium WDs (Chen et al. 2017). Such low-mass WDs are now known to orbit some late B-type, rapid rotators including Regulus ($0.3{M}_{\odot };$ Gies et al. 2008), KOI-81 ($0.2{M}_{\odot };$ Matson et al. 2015), and possibly β CMi ($0.4{M}_{\odot };$ Dulaney et al. 2017).

If binary mass transfer is a significant mechanism in the production of Be stars, then we need to consider why hot companions are not found for all the B0–B3 stars in our sample. We suspect that many such companions spend much of their lives with a luminosity that is too low for detection by our methods. For example, Schootemeijer et al. (2017) present a path in the H–R diagram for the stripped remnant of HD 10516 (ϕ Per) based on He star evolutionary models. They argue that the subdwarf companions in ϕ Per, FY CMa, and 59 Cyg are most likely experiencing a helium shell burning stage, in which the core has finished helium burning and the star swells to increased luminosity. This phase lasts about 10% of the total post-mass transfer lifetime. Thus, we expect that those stars that are bright enough to detect in our survey are representative of this advanced He-shell burning stage. The fraction of detected companions in the B0–B3 range ($17/140=12 \% $) is close to the typical fraction of time spent in the He-shell burning phase. On the other hand, 90% of the post-mass transfer lifetime is spent in the prior He-core burning stage, during which the subdwarfs have lower luminosity. These faint sdO companions are very difficult to detect unless a large set of spectra is available to reveal the orbital motion (for example, the case of HR 2142; Peters et al. 2016). Consequently, it is possible that many or most of the B0–B3 stars in our sample do have sdO companions that are undetected because they are faint, He-core burning objects. Long-term radial velocity and orbital-phase related emission-line monitoring (Koubský et al. 2012) may prove to be effective ways to discover their binary properties.

We thank Dr. Michael Crenshaw for helping us interpret the radial velocity shifts apparent in some of the IUE spectra, and we thank an anonymous referee for their insight about the spectral subtype distribution of the sample. The data presented in this paper were obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. Support for MAST for non-HST data is provided by the NASA Office of Space Science via grant NNX09AF08G and by other grants and contracts. Our work was supported in part by NASA grant NNX10AD60G (GJP) and by the National Science Foundation under grant AST-1411654 (DRG). Institutional support has been provided from the GSU College of Arts and Sciences, the Research Program Enhancement fund of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (administered through the GSU Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development), and by the USC Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) program (GJP).

Facility: IUE. - International Ultraviolet Explorer

Appendix: Notes on Individual Stars

HD 35411 (η Ori; B1 IV). Zizka & Beardsley (1981) measured the spectroscopic radial velocities of the inner binary system and concluded that the Aa1, Aa2 pair has an orbital period of 7.989 days. The first speckle measurements done by McAlister (1976) showed that there is a third star (B3 IV) that orbits around the inner eclipsing and spectroscopic binary system Aa1, Aa2 (B1 IV and B3 IV, respectively) in an orbit with an angular semimajor axis of 44 mas and a period of 9.2 years. The IUE spectra recorded the flux of all three components. The cross-correlation functions of the spectra show a sharp peak, and the peak half-width is comparable to the projected rotational velocity of Aa1. Furthermore, the measured CCF peak velocities appear to match the Aa1 radial velocity curve from De Mey et al. (1996) in their Figure 3. Thus, we conclude that the CCF peaks result from correlation with the spectral features of the primary Aa1 component of the inner binary system.

HD 53367 (V750 Mon; B0 IVe). Based on spectroscopic studies of the optical lines, Pogodin et al. (2006) proposed that the system consists of a primary main-sequence star ($\sim 20{M}_{\odot }$) and a pre-main-sequence secondary ($\sim 5{M}_{\odot }$). We compared the measured peak velocities with the primary radial velocity curve in Figure 6 of Pogodin et al. (2006), and the similarity of the velocities suggests that the CCF peak is mostly due to correlation with the spectral features of the primary component. However, we noticed that two spectra (SWP38685 and SWP38686) yielded a peak velocity variation of ∼50 km s−1 in less than 3 hr. We examined the spectra and found that the star drifted in position across the dispersion in the large aperture of the camera between exposures. Thus, this rapid velocity variation is instrumental in origin.

HD 135160 (B0 IV). The CCFs show both a sharp peak and an extended wing feature that varies in velocity. Chini et al. (2012) detected spectral lines of both components of this suspected spectroscopic binary. The Doppler shifts apparent in the CCFs tend to confirm the spectroscopic binary nature of the system.

HD 166596 (V692 CrA; B2.5 IIIp). IUE recorded two spectra of this star within ∼1 hr. The peak velocities of the CCFs indicate a significant shift of ∼37 km s−1 between the observations. Renson & Manfroid (2009) report that the target is a silicon star with a rotational period of ∼1.7 day. We suggest that the rapid velocity variation is probably related to rotational Doppler shifts of regions with chemical peculiarities.

HD 178175 (V4024 Sgr; B2 IV(e)). The CCFs show a sharp peak. Based on spectroscopic studies, Bragança et al. (2012) reported that the star has $V\sin i=86$ km s−1, similar to the half-width of the CCF peak. However, Bragança et al. (2012) estimate that the star's temperature is ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}=19.6$ kK, and we would usually expect little correlation with the features of such a relatively cooler object. However, the CCFs show no significant peak velocity variations. Thus, we conclude that the CCFs are most likely due to correlation with the features of the Be star that are narrow enough in this case to produce a detectable CCF peak.


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