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Concurrency, Compositionality, and Correctness: essays in Honor of Willem-Paul de RoeverJanuary 2010
  • Editors:
  • Dennis Dams,
  • Ulrich Hannemann,
  • Martin Steffen
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Published:01 January 2010
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Playing savitch and cooking games
Pages 10–21

The complexity class PSPACE is one of the most robust concepts in contemporary computer science. Aside from the fact that space is invariant (for reasonable models at least) up to a constant factor, the class can be characterized in many alternative ...

Compositionality: ontology and mereology of domains
Pages 22–59

In this discursive paper we discuss compositionality of (i) simple entities, (ii) operations, (iii) events, and (iv) behaviours. These four concepts, (i)–(iv), together define a concept of entities. We view entities as “things” characterised by ...

Computer science and state machines
Pages 60–65

Computer science is largely about computation. Many kinds of computing devices have been described, some abstract and some very concrete. Among them are:

Automata, including Turing machines, Moore machines, Mealy machines, pushdown automata, and ...

A small step for mankind
Pages 66–73

For many programming languages, the only formal semantics published is an SOS big-step semantics. Such a semantics is not suited for investigations that observe intermediate states, such as invariant techniques. In this paper, a construction is proposed ...

On trojan horses of thompson-goerigk-type, their generation, intrusion, detection and prevention
Pages 74–95

Trojan horses of Thompson-Goerigk-type are intended software errors very hidden in machine level compiler implementations although the latter have successfully passed Wirth's strong compiler bootstrapping test and there have been done rigorous ...

Explicit fair scheduling for dynamic control
Pages 96–117

In explicit fair schedulers, auxiliary integer-valued scheduling variables with non-deterministic assignments and with decrements keep track of each processor's relative urgency. Every scheduled execution is fair and yet, the scheduler is sufficiently ...

Synchronous message passing: on the relation between bisimulation and refusal equivalence
Pages 118–126

To find congruence relations proved more difficult for synchronous message passing than for asynchronous message passing. As well-known, trace equivalence of state-machines, which represents to a congruence relation for asynchronous computations, is not ...

Reasoning about recursive processes in shared-variable concurrency
Pages 127–141

In this paper an assertional proof method is introduced which captures concurrent systems consisting of dynamically created recursive processes which interact via shared-variables. The main contribution is a generalization of the Owicki & Gries proof ...

Formal semantics of a VDM extension for distributed embedded systems
Pages 142–161

To support model-based development and analysis of embedded systems, the specification language VDM++ has been extended with asynchronous communication and improved timing primitives. In addition, we have defined an interface for the co-simulation of a ...

A proof system for a PGAS language
Pages 162–184

Due to advances in hardware architectures such as multi-core/multi-threaded architectures, various refinements of the parallel programming models such as distributed shared space, global address space and partitioned global address space (PGAS) etc., ...

Concurrent objects à la carte
Pages 185–206

Services are autonomous, self-describing, technology-neutral software units that can be described, published, discovered, and composed into software applications at run-time. Designing software services and composing services in order to form ...

On the power of play-out for scenario-based programs
Pages 207–220

We investigate the power of play-out, the execution mechanism associated with scenario-based programming, which was defined as the operational semantics of live sequence charts (LSC). We compare some of the play-out strategies and mechanisms suggested ...

Proving the refuted: symbolic model checkers as proof generators
Pages 221–236

The paper presents an automatic method to derive a deductive proof of response properties from symbolic model checking. The method is based on a new proof rule for response properties that deals directly with compassion (strong fairness). The method can ...

Meanings of model checking
Pages 237–249

Model checking was introduced in the early 1980's to provide a practical automated method for verifying concurrent systems. Model checking has had substantive impact on program verification. For the first time industrial strength systems are being ...

Smaller abstractions for ∀CTL* without next
Pages 250–259

The success of applying model-checking to large systems depends crucially on the choice of good abstractions. In this work we present an approach for constructing abstractions when checking Next-free universal CTL* properties. It is known that ...

Timing verification of gasp asynchronous circuits: predicted delay variations observed by experiment
Pages 260–276

This paper reports spreadsheet calculations intended to verify the timing of 6-4 GasP asynchronous Network on Chip (NoC) control circuits. The Logical Effort model used in the spreadsheet estimates the delays of each logic gate in the GasP control. The ...

Integrated and automated abstract interpretation, verification and testing of c/c++ modules
Pages 277–299

Starting from the perspective of safety-critical systems development in avionics, railways and the automotive domain, we advocate an integrated verification approach for C/C++ modules combining abstract interpretation, formal verification and ...

Automated proofs for asymmetric encryption
Pages 300–321

Chosen-ciphertext security is by now a standard security property for asymmetric encryption. Many generic constructions for building secure cryptosystems from primitives with lower level of security have been proposed. Providing security proofs has also ...

Counterexample guided path reduction for static program analysis
Pages 322–341

In this work we introduce counterexample guided path reduction based on interval constraint solving for static program analysis. The aim of this technique is to reduce the number of false positives by reducing the number of feasible paths in the ...

  • Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research - TNO
  • University of Bremen
  • University of Oslo
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