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On the Heterophily of Program Graphs: A Case Study of Graph-based Type Inference

Published: 24 July 2024 Publication History


Treating programs as graphs and employing graph learning techniques to analyze them have been widely adopted in many software engineering tasks. A recent progress in this vein is to apply graph neural networks (GNNs) to model program graphs, which is built upon the homophily assumption, i.e., similar nodes tend to connect each other. However, this assumption is not always valid in program graphs, as various edges such as AST edges and token occurrence edges may connect dissimilar nodes with quite different properties. Such phenomenon is termed as the heterophily of program graphs. In this paper, we propose a new heterophily-aware graph convolutional network (HAGCN) to better handle the heterophilic program graphs. Specifically, we first introduce the subtraction operation into the message passing mechanism of GNNs, which allows HAGCN to push apart dissimilar nodes in the representation space. Then, HAGCN separately encodes each type of edges, and uses a global relation-aware attention mechanism to fuse messages from different edge types. Moreover, we also theoretically analyze the expressive power of HAGCN from the perspective of convolution filters and contrast the differences between HAGCN and other GNNs. Finally, we take type inference as an example to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Experimental results demonstrate that HAGCN significantly outperforms the existing non-heterophilic competitors, as well as the existing state-of-the-art graph-based type inference approaches.


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        Internetware '24: Proceedings of the 15th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware
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        1. Graph Neural Networks
        2. Heterophilic Graph Learning
        3. Program Analysis
        4. Type Inference


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