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NSDI'09: Proceedings of the 6th USENIX symposium on Networked systems design and implementation
2009 Proceeding
  • USENIX Association
  • 2560 Ninth St. Suite 215 Berkeley, CA
  • United States
Boston Massachusetts April 22 - 24, 2009
22 April 2009

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No abstract available.

TrInc: small trusted hardware for large distributed systems
Pages 1–14

A simple yet remarkably powerful tool of selfish and malicious participants in a distributed system is "equivocation": making conflicting statements to others. We present TrInc, a small, trusted component that combats equivocation in large, distributed ...

Sybil-resilient online content voting
Pages 15–28

Obtaining user opinion (using votes) is essential to ranking user-generated online content. However, any content voting system is susceptible to the Sybil attack where adversaries can out-vote real users by creating many Sybil identities. In this paper, ...

Bunker: a privacy-oriented platform for network tracing
Pages 29–42

ISPs are increasingly reluctant to collect and store raw network traces because they can be used to compromise their customers' privacy. Anonymization techniques mitigate this concern by protecting sensitive information. Trace anonymization can be ...

Flexible, wide-area storage for distributed systems with WheelFS
Pages 43–58

WheelFS is a wide-area distributed storage system intended to help multi-site applications share data and gain fault tolerance. WheelFS takes the form of a distributed file system with a familiar POSIX interface. Its design allows applications to adjust ...

PADS: a policy architecture for distributed storage systems
Pages 59–73

This paper presents PADS, a policy architecture for building distributed storage systems. A policy architecture has two aspects. First, a common set of mechanisms that allow new systems to be implemented simply by defining new policies. Second, a ...

Sora: high performance software radio using general purpose multi-core processors
Pages 75–90

This paper presents Sora, a fully programmable software radio platform on commodity PC architectures. Sora combines the performance and fidelity of hardware SDR platforms with the programmability and flexibility of general-purpose processor (GPP) SDR ...

Enabling MAC protocol implementations on software-defined radios
Pages 91–105

Over the past few years a range of new Media Access Control (MAC) protocols have been proposed for wireless networks. This research has been driven by the observation that a single one-size-fits-all MAC protocol cannot meet the needs of diverse wireless ...

Antfarm: efficient content distribution with managed swarms
Pages 107–122

This paper describes Antfarm, a content distribution system based on managed swarms. A managed swarm couples peer-to-peer data exchange with a coordinator that directs bandwidth allocation at each peer. Antfarm achieves high throughput by viewing ...

HashCache: cache storage for the next billion
Pages 123–136

We present HashCache, a configurable cache storage engine designed to meet the needs of cache storage in the developing world. With the advent of cheap commodity laptops geared for mass deployments, developing regions are poised to become major users of ...

iPlane Nano: path prediction for peer-to-peer applications
Pages 137–152

Many peer-to-peer distributed applications can benefit from accurate predictions of Internet path performance. Existing approaches either 1) achieve high accuracy for sophisticated path properties, but adopt an unscalable centralized approach, or 2) are ...

Making Byzantine fault tolerant systems tolerate Byzantine faults
Pages 153–168

This paper argues for a new approach to building Byzantine fault tolerant replication systems. We observe that although recently developed BFT state machine replication protocols are quite fast, they don't tolerate Byzantine faults very well: a single ...

Zeno: eventually consistent Byzantine-fault tolerance
Pages 169–184

Many distributed services are hosted at large, shared, geographically diverse data centers, and they use replication to achieve high availability despite the unreachability of an entire data center. Recent events show that non-crash faults occur in ...

SPLAY: distributed systems evaluation made simple (or how to turn ideas into live systems in a breeze)
Pages 185–198

This paper presents SPLAY, an integrated system that facilitates the design, deployment and testing of large-scale distributed applications. Unlike existing systems, SPLAY covers all aspects of the development and evaluation chain. It allows developers ...

Modeling and emulation of internet paths
Pages 199–212

Network emulation subjects real applications and protocols to controlled network conditions. Most existing network emulators are fundamentally link emulators, not path emulators: they concentrate on faithful emulation of the transmission and queuing ...

MODIST: transparent model checking of unmodified distributed systems
Pages 213–228

MODIST is the first model checker designed for transparently checking unmodified distributed systems running on unmodified operating systems. It achieves this transparency via a novel architecture: a thin interposition layer exposes all actions in a ...

CrystalBall: predicting and preventing inconsistencies in deployed distributed systems
Pages 229–244

We propose a new approach for developing and deploying distributed systems, in which nodes predict distributed consequences of their actions, and use this information to detect and avoid errors. Each node continuously runs a state exploration algorithm ...

Tolerating latency in replicated state machines through client speculation
Pages 245–260

Replicated state machines are an important and widely-studied methodology for tolerating a wide range of faults. Unfortunately, while replicas should be distributed geographically for maximum fault tolerance, current replicated state machine protocols ...

Cimbiosys: a platform for content-based partial replication
Pages 261–276

Increasingly people manage and share information across a wide variety of computing devices from cell phones to Internet services. Selective replication of content is essential because devices, especially portable ones, have limited resources for ...

RPC chains: efficient client-server communication in geodistributed systems
Pages 277–290

We propose the RPC chain, a simple but powerful communication primitive that allows an application to reduce the performance effects of wide-area links on enterprise and data center applications that span multiple sites. This primitive chains together ...

Studying spamming botnets using Botlab
Pages 291–306

In this paper we present Botlab, a platform that continually monitors and analyzes the behavior of spam-oriented botnets. Botlab gathers multiple real-time streams of information about botnets taken from distinct perspectives. By combining and analyzing ...

Not-a-Bot: improving service availability in the face of botnet attacks
Pages 307–320

A large fraction of email spam, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and click-fraud on web advertisements are caused by traffic sent from compromised machines that form botnets. This paper posits that by identifying human-generated traffic as ...

BotGraph: large scale spamming botnet detection
Pages 321–334

Network security applications often require analyzing huge volumes of data to identify abnormal patterns or activities. The emergence of cloud-computing models opens up new opportunities to address this challenge by leveraging the power of parallel ...

Unraveling the complexity of network management
Pages 335–348

Operator interviews and anecdotal evidence suggest that an operator's ability to manage a network decreases as the network becomes more complex. However, there is currently no way to systematically quantify how complex a network's design is nor how ...

NetPrints: diagnosing home network misconfigurations using shared knowledge
Pages 349–364

Networks and networked applications depend on several pieces of configuration information to operate correctly. Such information resides in routers, firewalls, and end hosts, among other places. Incorrect information, or misconfiguration, could ...

Somniloquy: augmenting network interfaces to reduce PC energy usage
Pages 365–380

Reducing the energy consumption of PCs is becoming increasingly important with rising energy costs and environmental concerns. Sleep states such as S3 (suspend to RAM) save energy, but are often not appropriate because ongoing networking tasks, such as ...

Skilled in the art of being idle: reducing energy waste in networked systems
Pages 381–394

Networked end-systems such as desktops and set-top boxes are often left powered-on, but idle, leading to wasted energy consumption. An alternative would be for these idle systems to enter low-power sleep modes. Unfortunately, today, a sleeping system ...

Wishbone: profile-based partitioning for sensornet applications
Pages 395–408

The ability to partition sensor network application code across sensor nodes and backend servers is important for running complex, data-intensive applications on sensor platforms that have CPU, energy, and bandwidth limitations. This paper presents ...

Softspeak: making VoIP play well in existing 802.11 deployments
Pages 409–422

Voice over IP (VoIP) in 802.11 wireless networks (WiFi) is an attractive alternative to cellular wireless telephony. Unfortunately, VoIP traffic is well known to make inefficient use of such networks. Indeed, we demonstrate that increasing handset ...

Block-switched networks: a new paradigm for wireless transport
Pages 423–436

TCP has well-known problems over multi-hop wireless networks as it conflates congestion and loss, performs poorly over time-varying and lossy links, and is fragile in the presence of route changes and disconnections.

Our contribution is a clean-slate ...

NetReview: detecting when interdomain routing goes wrong
Pages 437–452

Despite many attempts to fix it, the Internet's interdomain routing system remains vulnerable to configuration errors, buggy software, flaky equipment, protocol oscillation, and intentional attacks. Unlike most existing solutions that prevent specific ...

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