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Parsing '05: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Parsing Technology
2005 Proceeding
  • Association for Computational Linguistics
  • N. Eight Street, Stroudsburg, PA, 18360
  • United States
Vancouver British Columbia Canada October 9 - 10, 2005
09 October 2005

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The 9th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies continues the tradition that was started with the first workshop with that name, organized by Masaru Tomita in 1989 in Pittsburgh. IWPT'89 was followed by seven workshops in a biennial rhythm, only slightly disturbed by fear of millenium problems in 1999:

• IWPT'91 in Cancun, Mexico

• IWPT'93 in Tilburg, The Netherlands

• IWPT'95 in Prague, Czech Republic

• IWPT'97 in Cambridge (MA), USA

• IWPT 2000 in Trento, Italy

• IWPT 2001 in Beijing, China

• IWPT 2003 in Nancy, France

Over the years, the IWPT workshops have become the major forum for researchers in natural language parsing to meet and discuss advances in the field. Based on these workshops, four books on parsing technologies have been published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. The most recent one, based on IWPT 2000 and IWPT'01 was published last year (New Developments in Parsing Technology, Harry Bunt, John Carroll and Giorgio Satta, editors).

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Efficient and robust LFG parsing: SxLfg
Pages 1–10

In this paper, we introduce a new parser, called SxLfg, based on the Lexical-Functional Grammars formalism (LFG). We describe the underlying context-free parser and how functional structures are efficiently computed on top of the CFG shared forest ...

Parsing linear context-free rewriting systems
Pages 11–17

We describe four different parsing algorithms for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems (Vijay-Shanker et al., 1987). The algorithms are described as deduction systems, and possible optimizations are discussed.

Switch graphs for parsing type logical grammars
Pages 18–29

Parsing in type logical grammars amounts to theorem proving in a substructural logic. This paper takes the proof net presentation of Lambek's associative calculus as a case study. It introduces switch graphs for online maintenance of the Danos-Regnier ...

Parsing with soft and hard constraints on dependency length
Pages 30–41

In lexicalized phrase-structure or dependency parses, a word's modifiers tend to fall near it in the string. We show that a crude way to use dependency length as a parsing feature can substantially improve parsing speed and accuracy in English and ...

Corrective modeling for non-projective dependency parsing
Pages 42–52

We present a corrective model for recovering non-projective dependency structures from trees generated by state-of-the-art constituency-based parsers. The continuity constraint of these constituency-based parsers makes it impossible for them to posit ...

Better k-best parsing
Pages 53–64

We discuss the relevance of k-best parsing to recent applications in natural language processing, and develop efficient algorithms for k-best trees in the framework of hypergraph parsing. To demonstrate the efficiency, scalability and accuracy of these ...

Machine translation as lexicalized parsing with hooks
Pages 65–73

We adapt the "hook" trick for speeding up bilexical parsing to the decoding problem for machine translation models that are based on combining a synchronous context free grammar as the translation model with an n-gram language model. This dynamic ...

Treebank transfer
Pages 74–82

We introduce a method for transferring annotation from a syntactically annotated corpus in a source language to a target language. Our approach assumes only that an (unannotated) text corpus exists for the target language, and does not require that the ...

Lexical and structural biases for function parsing
Pages 83–92

In this paper, we explore two extensions to an existing statistical parsing model to produce richer parse trees, annotated with function labels. We achieve significant improvements in parsing by modelling directly the specific nature of function labels, ...

Probabilistic models for disambiguation of an HPSG-based chart generator
Pages 93–102

We describe probabilistic models for a chart generator based on HPSG. Within the research field of parsing with lexicalized grammars such as HPSG, recent developments have achieved efficient estimation of probabilistic models and high-speed parsing ...

Efficacy of beam thresholding, unification filtering and hybrid parsing in probabilistic HPSG parsing
Pages 103–114

We investigated the performance efficacy of beam search parsing and deep parsing techniques in probabilistic HPSG parsing using the Penn treebank. We first tested the beam thresholding and iterative parsing developed for PCFG parsing with an HPSG. Next, ...

Head-driven PCFGs with latent-head statistics
Pages 115–124

Although state-of-the-art parsers for natural language are lexicalized, it was recently shown that an accurate unlexicalized parser for the Penn tree-bank can be simply read off a manually refined tree-bank. While lexicalized parsers often suffer from ...

A classifier-based parser with linear run-time complexity
Pages 125–132

We present a classifier-based parser that produces constituent trees in linear time. The parser uses a basic bottom-up shift-reduce algorithm, but employs a classifier to determine parser actions instead of a grammar. This can be seen as an extension of ...

Chunk parsing revisited
Pages 133–140

Chunk parsing is conceptually appealing but its performance has not been satisfactory for practical use. In this paper we show that chunk parsing can perform significantly better than previously reported by using a simple sliding-window method and ...

Constituent parsing by classification
Pages 141–151

Ordinary classification techniques can drive a conceptually simple constituent parser that achieves near state-of-the-art accuracy on standard test sets. Here we present such a parser, which avoids some of the limitations of other discriminative ...

Strictly lexical dependency parsing
Pages 152–159

We present a strictly lexical parsing model where all the parameters are based on the words. This model does not rely on part-of-speech tags or grammatical categories. It maximizes the conditional probability of the parse tree given the sentence. This ...

Efficient extraction of grammatical relations
Pages 160–170

We present a novel approach for applying the Inside-Outside Algorithm to a packed parse forest produced by a unification-based parser. The approach allows a node in the forest to be assigned multiple inside and outside probabilities, enabling a set of '...

Improving parsing accuracy by combining diverse dependency parsers
Pages 171–178

This paper explores the possibilities of improving parsing results by combining outputs of several parsers. To some extent, we are porting the ideas of Henderson and Brill (1999) to the world of dependency structures. We differ from them in exploring ...

Exploring features for identifying edited regions in disfluent sentences
Pages 179–185

This paper describes our effort on the task of edited region identification for parsing disfluent sentences in the Switchboard corpus. We focus our attention on exploring feature spaces and selecting good features and start with analyzing the ...

Statistical shallow semantic parsing despite little training data
Pages 186–187

Natural language understanding is an essential module in any dialogue system. To obtain satisfactory performance levels, a dialogue system needs a semantic parser/natural language understanding system (NLU) that produces accurate and detailed dialogue ...

The quick check pre-unification filter for typed grammars: extensions
Pages 188–189

The so called quick check (henceforth QC) pre-unification filter for feature structure (FS) unification was introduced by (Kiefer et al., 1999). QC is considered the most important speed-up technique in the framework of non-compiled FS unification. We ...

From metagrammars to factorized TAG/TIG parsers
Pages 190–191

This document shows how the factorized syntactic descriptions provided by Meta-Grammars coupled with factorization operators may be used to derive compact large coverage tree adjoining grammars.

Parsing generalized ID/LP grammars
Pages 192–193

The Generalized ID/LP (GIDLP) grammar formalism (Daniels and Meurers 2004a, b; Daniels 2005) was developed to serve as a processing backbone for linearization-HPSG grammars, separating the declaration of the recursive constituent structure from the ...

TFlex: speeding up deep parsing with strategic pruning
Pages 194–195

This paper presents a method for speeding up a deep parser through backbone extraction and pruning based on CFG ambiguity packing. The TRIPS grammar is a wide-coverage grammar for deep natural language understanding in dialogue, utilized in 6 different ...

Generic parsing for multi-domain semantic interpretation
Pages 196–197

Producing detailed syntactic and semantic representations of natural language is essential for practical dialog systems such as plan-based assistants and tutorial systems. Development of such systems is time-consuming and costly as they are typically ...

Online statistics for a unification-based dialogue parser
Pages 198–199

We describe a method for augmenting unification-based deep parsing with statistical methods. We extend and adapt the Bikel parser, which uses head-driven lexical statistics, to dialogue. We show that our augmented parser produces significantly fewer ...

SUPPLE: a practical parser for natural language engineering applications
Pages 200–201

We describe SUPPLE, a freely-available, open source natural language parsing system, implemented in Prolog, and designed for practical use in language engineering (LE) applications. SUPPLE can be run as a stand-alone application, or as a component ...

k-NN for local probability estimation in generative parsing models
Pages 202–203

We describe a history-based generative parsing model which uses a k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) technique to estimate the model's parameters. Taking the output of a base n-best parser we use our model to re-estimate the log probability of each parse tree ...

Robust extraction of subcategorization data from spoken language
Pages 204–205

Subcategorization data has been crucial for various NLP tasks. Current method for automatic SCF acquisition usually proceeds in two steps: first, generate all SCF cues from a corpus using a parser, and then filter out spurious SCF cues with statistical ...

  • Tilburg Center for Cognition and Communication
  • San Diego State University
  • Carnegie Mellon University
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