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ICSE '04: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering
2004 Proceeding
  • IEEE Computer Society
  • 1730 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC
  • United States
ICSE04: 26th International Conference on Software EngineeringMay 23 - 28, 2004
23 May 2004
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Letter from the Chairs
Page .15
Conference Organization
Pages .16–xvii
Controlling the Complexity of Software Designs
Pages 2–11

Our research has focused on identifying techniquesto develop software that is amenable to refactoring andchange. The Law of Demeter (LoD) was one contributionin this effort. But it led to other problems. With thecurrent state of the art focused on ...

Software Engineering Challenges in Bioinformatics
Pages 12–15

Data from biological research is proliferating rapidlyand advanced data storage and analysis methods are requiredto manage it. We introduce the main sources of biologicaldata available and outline some of the domainspecific problems associated with ...

Adding High Availability and Autonomic Behavior to Web Services
Pages 17–26

Rapid acceptance of the Web Services architecturepromises to make it the most widely supported andpopular object-oriented architecture to date. Oneconsequence is that a wave of mission-critical WebServices applications will certainly be deployed ...

Grid Small and Large: Distributed Systems and Global Communities
Page 27
A Model Driven Approach for Software Systems Reliability
Pages 30–32

The main contribution of this research is to provideplatform-independent means to support reliability designfollowing the principles of a model driven approach. Thecontribution aims to systematically address dependabilityconcerns from the early to the ...

Component-Based Self-Adaptability in Peer-to-Peer Architectures
Pages 33–35

Current peer-to-peer architectures are hardly resistantagainst unanticipated exceptions such as the failure ofsingle peers. This can be justified by the absence of sophisticatedmodels for detecting and handling exceptionin peer-to-peer architectures. On ...

One More Step in the Direction of Modularized Integration Concerns
Pages 36–38

Component integration creates value by automatingthe costly and error-prone task of imposing desiredbehavioral relationships on components manually.Requirements for component integration, however,complicate software design and evolution in severalways: ...

Parametric Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems with Abstract Approximation Interpretation
Pages 39–41

My research area is fundamental of formal analysis ofreal-time embedded systems. The main objective of thisresearch is the theoretical and practical development of averification algorithm for the formal analysis of real-timeembedded systems based on the ...

Empirical Studies on Requirement Management Measures
Pages 42–44

The goal of this research is to demonstrate that a subsetof a set of 38 requirements management measures are goodpredictors of stability and volatility of requirements andchange requests. At the time of writing we have theoreticallyvalidated ten of ...

Agile Process Tailoring and probLem analYsis (APTLY)
Pages 45–47

Developing software using a well-defined, well-understoodprocess improves the likelihood of deliveringa product with the required quality. Enhancing thatprocess to meet recognised process standards, such asCMMI and ISO 9000, can further facilitate ...

Developing New Approaches for Software Design Quality Improvement Based on Subjective Evaluations
Pages 48–50

This research abstract presents two approaches forutilizing the developersý subjective design qualityevaluations during the software lifecycle. In process-basedapproach developers study and improve theirsystemýs structure at fixed intervals. Tool-based ...

Research Abstract: Semantic Concepts for the Specification of Non-Functional Properties of Component-Based Software
Pages 51–53

In my research I try to a framework which can beused to provide semantics for non-functional specificationsof component-based systems. Some of the key questionsdriving my work are:What is the fundamental difference between functionaland non-...

Fault Localization Using Visualization of Test Information
Pages 54–56

Attempts to reduce the number of delivered faults in softwareare estimated to consume 50% to 80% of the developmentand maintenance effort [3]. Among the tasks requiredto reduce the number of delivered faults, debugging is oneof the most time-consuming [...

A Flexible Software Process Model
Pages 57–59

The development of software products is a complex activitywith a large number of factors involved in definingsuccess. As real-world experimentation is difficult andcostly, researchers have used various techniques in an attemptto model the development ...

Toward a Software Testing and Reliability Early Warning Metric Suite
Pages 60–62

The field reliability is measured too late for affordablyguiding corrective action to improve the quality of thesoftware. Software developers can benefit from an earlywarning of their reliability while they can still affordablyreact. This early warning ...

Software Visualisation for Object-Oriented Program Comprehension
Pages 63–65

Software visualisation is the process of modellingsoftware systems for comprehension [6]. Thecomprehension of software systems both during and afterdevelopment is a crucial component of the softwareprocess [8]. The complex interactions inherent in ...

A Weakly Constrained Approach to Software Change Coordination
Pages 66–68

The development of a software system of any reasonable size from initial conception through ongoing maintenance and evolution accrues significant coordination overheads.Often the mechanisms used to manage change and coordination detract from the time ...

Calculating Architectural Reliability via Modeling and Analysis
Pages 69–71

We present a software architecture-based approach tocompositional estimation of systemýs reliability. Ourapproach is applicable to early stages of developmentwhen the implementation artifacts are not yet available,and exact execution profile is unknown. ...

χ-SCTL/MUS: A Formal Methodology to Evolve Multi-Perspective Software Requirements Specifications
Pages 72–74

The objective of this thesis is to extend the formal methodology of refinement of requirements specifications SCTL/MUS to a multi-perspective environment where coexist requirements specifications which belong to each stakeholder involved in the software ...

Improving UML Design Tools by Formal Games
Pages 75–77

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [7] is a standardlanguage for modelling the design of object oriented softwaresystems. The currently available UML design toolsmainly provide support for drawing the UML diagrams, i.e.for recording a chosen design, ...

Behavior Capture and Test for Verifying Evolving Component-Based Systems
Pages 78–80

Component-Based System (CBS) technology supportsrapid development of complex heterogeneous evolving systemsby enhancing reuse and adaptability. CBSs can be extendedand adapted by modifying one or more components.The same component can be used in several ...

A Constraint Architectural Description Approach to Self-Organising Component-Based Software Systems
Pages 81–83

We propose a constraint-based structural architecturaldescription language for specifying and reasoning aboutself-organising software architectures and for guidingtheir evolution. We also introduce a notion of tacticsadded into the new language so as to ...

Using Simulation to Empirically Investigate Test Coverage Criteria Based on Statechart
Pages 86–95

A number of testing strategies have been proposedusing state machines and statecharts as test models inorder to derive test sequences and validate classes orclass clusters. Though such criteria have the advantage ofbeing systematic, little is known on ...

Automated Generation of Test Programs from Closed Specifications of Classes and Test Cases
Pages 96–105

Most research on automated specification-based softwaretesting has focused on the automated generation oftest cases. Before a software system can be tested, it must beset up according to the input requirements of the test cases.This setup process is ...

Bi-Criteria Models for All-Uses Test Suite Reduction
Pages 106–115

Using bi-criteria decision making analysis, a new modelfor test suite minimization has been developed that pursuestwo objectives: minimizing a test suite with regard to a particularlevel of coverage while simultaneously maximizingerror detection rates. ...

The Dublo Architecture Pattern for Smooth Migration of Business Information Systems: An Experience Report
Pages 117–126

While the importance of multi-tier architectures for enterpriseinformation systems is widely accepted and theirbenefits are well published, the systematic migration frommonolithic legacy systems toward multi-tier architectures isknown to a much lesser ...

Comparison of Software Product Line Architecture Design Methods: COPA, FAST, FORM, KobrA and QADA
Pages 127–136

Product line architectures (PLAs) have been undercontinuous attention in the software research communityduring the past few years. Although several methods havebeen established to create PLAs there are not availablestudies comparing PLA methods. Five ...

Oil and Water? High Performance Garbage Collection in Java with MMTk
Pages 137–146

Increasingly popular languages such as Java and C# requireefficient garbage collection. This paper presents thedesign, implementation, and evaluation of MMTk, a MemoryManagement Toolkit for and in Java. MMTk is an efficient, composable, extensible, and ...

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Acceptance Rates

ICSE '04 Paper Acceptance Rate 58 of 436 submissions, 13%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 276 of 1,856 submissions, 15%
ICSE '083705615%
ICSE '044365813%
ICSE '033244213%
ICSE '023034515%
ICSE '012684718%
ICSE '951552818%